Chapter 7- Vlogger now

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Jakes POV-
Today Erika is moving i with me, well with us.. Team 10. I can't be more excited.
I wake her up as the movers get here with all of her stuff.
J: Babe, your stuff is here.

She opens her eyes and gets up.
She didn't even kiss me like she usually does... I brush it off and go to help.

A couple hours later we finish up unpacking and getting everything situated.
Erika had been acting really weird today, i noticed small things like eye rolling and mumbles.
I go to find Erika to talk and she's on the couch with Joseph and Tony.
J: Hey Rik, can we talk?
E: Yeah i have to put Joseph to sleep anyways.

She picks up Joseph.
E: Bye tony!
T: bye rik.

We walk upstairs and Erika puts joseph in his crib. We walk out his room and go to the bed.
E: What's up?
J: You tell me..
E: What are you talking about?
J: You're mad.
E: About?
J: I don't know...

Erika rolls her eyes again and looks away.
J: See..
E: Well maybe Tessa will know. Go ask her.
J: What are you talking about?
E: I saw you in her room yesterday Jake.
J: When?

She lets out a sigh and stars to mimic Tessa.

E: "oh i love you jake" "we should be together" "Forget Erika"

I start to laugh at how annoyed she was.
J: You mean the prank she pulled on me last night?
E: Duh.
J: It was just a prank Erika, for her chann-.
E: Yeah sure.

I go over to her and pick her chin up with my index finger.
J: Erika, I love you. And only yo-
E: Then why'd you kiss her, if it was a prank.
J: I didn't kiss her Rik, She kisses m-
E: JAKE, look i don't have time for high school drama okay? I'm a mom.
J: I understand that Erika but i'm trying to talk to you like an adult but you keep cutting me off. That's childish. Now let me talk and we can figure this out. Together.
E: I don't wanna deal with this right now. I just want to sleep.
J: Fine whatever.

I roll my eyes and walk back to the other side of the bed. I got in and so did Erika, but not next to me. Soon she scooted close to me and cuddled my arm.
I got a text from Tessa.
I sigh loudly and open it.

T: Thanks for being a good sport on my prank video yesterday. Making the final edits rn and is so good. Definitely getting hella views.
J: Yeah no problem T. Anything to help.

Erika threw my phone across the room and climbed over on top of me.
She started kissing my neck and i moan.

J: I thought-
E: I am mad, but I really really want you in me right now.
J: Rik, you can't just fuck with my head and expect me to-

Erika leans towards my ear and whispers.
E: Fuck me daddy.

It was just like back in high school. My little friend shot right up and was being pushed up against Erika's heat.
She had not shorts on. Just a crop top and a thong.
I put my hands on her bare ass and scooted it up. She leaned in and started kissing my lips. Her soft, plump, juicy lips tasted so damn good.
I felt two hands wrap around my friend so I pull back from the kiss.
Erika winks and bites her lip as she starts stroking me. She goes faster and faster as she's leaving hickeys on my chest and I feel tingly.
J: Erika i'm so close.

She stops. She gets off of me and lays back down. I was so confused.
J: Erika, we didn't finish.
E: Payback is a bitch babe.

I get up and walk to the bathroom to clean myself up. When i walk back out Erika was on my side. Ugh i hated that she was so cute and annoying at the same time.
I scooted her over and laid on my side of the bed.

When we woke up next morning, i decided i was going to get Erika back. I sat up and looked for Erika. Couldn't find her. She just then started to walk out of baby joseph's room with him in her hands.
J: Good morning you two.
E: How'd you sleep?

She said with a smirk on her face.
J: I slept fine.
E: Jake?
J: Erika?
E: I want to start vlogging.
J: Really?

My heart was filled with joy. I couldn't believe my girl wanted to start vlogging.
J: I totally approve. I'll even help you set up a channel.
E: Great. I ordered a camera and a laptop last night. Should be here sometime today.
J: This is gonna be great.
Joseph: great dada.

We all laugh and we get ready for the day.

Erika's POV-
Last night i decided that i wanted to start vlogging. So i ordered some stuff.

I was waiting all day for my things to get here and around 2:00 they did. I was so excited.
I open my stuff and ran over to Jake, who was currently vlogging.

J: Hey bab-
J: Really?

He pointed his camera at me. (Yes the JP'ers know about Erika and Joseph at this point)

J: This fine little one here is going to start vlogging guys. So by the time you see this she should have her channel set up, i'll put the link in my description.

I smile and he turns off his camera.
J: So lets make you a youtube account.

We go to his room and we pass Tessa is the hall way. I glare at her, and she smiles at me.

J: Okay lets start...


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