Chapter 29- I'm free

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Erika's POV-
The test were all negative. I was sad but not too sad. Jake grabbed my hand and pulled me into a hug.
E: why did I puke this morning?
J: probably all that liquor baby. It's called a hang over.

I laugh softly and push away from his chest.
E: Asshole
J: love you.
E: mhm prove it to me.

I say sexually.
J: rik .. im not having sex with you again
E: oh yeah?
J: yea-

I move my hand down to his pants and rub him through his joggers.
He throws his head back and moans.
E: Whos not doing what?

Just then Tessa came through the door calling out for me.

Tess: RIK!?
J: *whispers* thank god.

I look up at jake and slap his boner and he crouched down in pain.
E: I'm in the bathroom! Come in.

She comes in and looks at Jake confused.
E: Dont worry about him. What's up?
T: Chance is at an audition.. can you come with me to my ultrasound thingy?
E: oh uh.. of course I'll go with you!! Wait.

I look down at Jake who was just now getting up.
E: we don't have anything planned.. right?
J: No, you should go. It'll keep you from trynna get in my pants all day.
E: Jake!
J: Yeah?
E: shut the hell up.

Tessa laughed and I look back at her.
E: I'm free.
J: please take her.

I roll my eyes and hit him again in the same spot. He gasps
J: fuck Erika.. you gotta stop doing.
E: fuck Jake.. you gotta stop being an asshole.

I leave with Tessa and we go to her appointment.
She seems really excited and I learned, from Jake, that I should be happy for her too. Not petty . We decide to have brunch first and then go to the appointment.
On the car ride there we bond a lot through karaoke and talking and just laughing.
E: I forgot how much I love you T!
T: awwwe pickle.
E: I miss this, us.

Tessa hugs me and I lay my head on her head because I was driving.
Once we get there we go straight to the room and we are looking at the ultra sound.
Doctor: Do you want to know the gender?
Tessa: Wait.. how far am I?
Doctor: about 3 and a half months.
Doc: is this news?
Tessa: I just found out last week.
Doc: oh wow.
T: but.... Erika, will you throw me a gender reveal?
T: Okay doc, can you just let her know.
Doc: of course.

The doctor tells me and I show absolutely no reaction so that Tessa wouldn't get a clue.

We soon leave. In the car, Tessa turns down the radio and looks at me.
T: hey, are you sure your okay about this.. you just lost a baby, and I don't want you to take on this gender reveal party if it's going to be too much.
E: Tessa, stop being silly. I WANT TO DO THIS FOR YOU
T: I love you pickle...
E: I love you too baby T.
T: so, are you and Jake trying again?
E: well, we're having... sex again. But we aren't planning on having a kid. If it happens, it happens.
T: I like that mindset.
E: Yup.. But T!!! YOURE GONNA BE A MOM!!! 
T: I know!!!!!!! I'm so scared. Nervous. But ready.
E: it's honestly the best thing in the world. You grow a relationship with this little human, and you're with them for their whole ass lives. Joseph is literally the best thing that's happened to me. I wouldn't change how things happened for anything.
T: Aww. I'm so excited!!

We smile and then karaoke the whole way home. When we get there and Joseph runs up to me and wrapped himself on my legs.
E: Hey baby.. why are you home early?

Just then Jake walks up to us.
J: Tell mommy what happened at school today Joseph.
Jo: I hit Alex in the face
E: you did what??
Jo: I hit Alex in the face!
E: Why would you- Who's Alex? Jake is this a prank?
J: no Erika what the fu-
E: baby, why'd you hit Alex?
Jo: he said my mommy is ugly.
E: oh..
Jo: then he said my daddy is a dip-shit
Jo: mommy what's 'dip-shit' ?
E: JOSEPH don't say that

Jake was silently laughing and I just shook my head for him to stop.
E: Baby, it's not nice to hit people. Especially when they're mean.
Jo: Daddy said I need to fight back if someone is mean to me.

I look up at Jake in annoyance.
J: what I don't want him to be a little bitch?
E: Jake! language!
J: would you rather him get bullied or stand up for himself?
E: Jake he can do that without saying bad words.
J: you got the parenting thing so wrong when it comes to this.
Jo: I'm sorry mommy. I won't hit Alex in the face anymore
E: you won't hit anyone, anywhere anymore. Got it?

He nods his head. I kiss his forehead.
E: also no bad words.
Jo: okay.
E: now go bother uncle toner

He runs off and screams out for Tony. I get up and walk over to Jake. I push him against the wall and pin him there.
J: ooou daddy.
E: dont play me paul. my son isn't a little bitch.
J: he will be if you keep babying him.
E: oh shut up.
J: make me

I kiss Jake and he pulls me close by my hips.
Chance: get a room you too.

We pull back and smile.
Erika: no way, so we can end up like you and Tessa-
Chance: haha so funny rik

We all laugh at Chance and I's sarcasm.

*few months later*
Jake and I have had a ton of sex these past few months. I just can't get pregnant for some reason.
This morning I woke up and my head was pounding. But i hadn't puked or anything. I was getting a bit worried that i was getting pregnant..

Second to last chapter my dudes🖤 Hope y'all enjoyyyyy.
I'll try to make the next/last one longer! I am writing my next story already, just waiting to publish my first chapter once we finish this book.

ALSO MY GIRL americanjerika JUST DROPPED A NEW BOOK! CALLED "Our last Goodbye" y'all should go and check it outttt!

Keep reading. ILY GUYS ! We're almost to the finish line for this book!

Part 2: Reconnected? Where stories live. Discover now