Chapter 18- Yet again..

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*few weeks later*

Erika's POV-
I had a modeling meeting today. It was with IMG's Modeling Agency. (i think that's who's she's with i'm not quite sure)
I was feeling very sick last week and this week i'm starting to feel better, but not all the way better.
I had so much to do in so little time. My meeting with IMG, I had to look for an early school for Joseph to attend this fall, plan his third birthday party for this saturday, and I had told Jake I would help him out with emails since he's been stressing out a lot.

I woke up today around 9 am. I decided to let Joseph sleep in as much as possible since I had much to do.
I started with Jakes emails. I went over to the counter and grabbed his laptop. I walked back into bed, snuggling myself back into the blankets.. Then I opened his emails as he was out for an early audition.  He had over 50 emails unread from the past few days until today. A lot of people just trying to collaborate and some business. I took notes and names down. I finally finished replying to the ones that needed a reply. Then I started looking at early schools for Joseph.
He was about to turn three this Saturday and that means hes going to have to start school in the fall. (yes i know the normal age is 5 but he's gonna start a little early)
I start to look up private schools because I feel like public could be too much for Joseph, especially since a lot of the team 10 fan-base is younger kids. I wouldn't want my child to be picked on or teased or even overwhelmed that his parents are well known. I found an early-school that was near our house and had a bus route that stopped at the corner of our street.
I started to get excited. My baby was going to start school. Well baby school, but still!!
As i searched further into the school the more happy i got. I couldn't wait for Jake to come home and we talk about it. I searched for a couple of more schools, just in case, but i had a really good feeling about this one.

Finally, i had scratched off two things from my to do list. It was 10:50 am and Joseph still hadn't woken up. But i used it to my advantage. I started looking at party ideas on Pinterest. There were a lot of cute ideas, but only one stuck out to me, and I'm pretty sure Jake mentioned it the other day.. A carnival themed party. I had to make a list of things i needed to buy, things i needed to order, and a list of people who would come. Then i paused.
Who am i going to invite? Team ten of course, Jake's family, my family... but who else?
I jotted down a note, reminding myself to ask Jake about the invitation list.
I started ordering a lot of stuff. A cotton Candy Machine, Popcorn Machine, small games that are seen at carnivals, and so much more. I might've been doing the most but It was Josephs third birthday party.
I was cut off mid thought by Jake busting through the door.

E: wha-what is it?
J: I got the part!!!

I got up putting Jake's laptop on the counter and walking over to him to congratulate him with a hug. I open my arms and laugh
E: That's so good!!!

He hugs back and spins us around. He falls on top of me, on the bed and attacks me with kisses. I laugh for a while until finally he stops.
J: what were you doing before i got here? And wheres Joseph??
E: Well i actually got a lot done.. I looked at your emails that mostly consisted of people wanting to collaborate, and a couple of people looking to invest into Team 10. List stuck to your computer screen..

He slightly cut me off
J: You honestly rock.
E: I know, then i found a potential early school for Joseph to attend, but i found others just encase you didn't like the one i chose. And I also started planning and getting things for Josephs party on saturday.
J: Wow, all that and its only 11 am. But wheres my baby?
E: He is still asleep.
J: Should I wake him?
E: Yeah,I was just about to get up and grab him. I just enjoyed not having to worry about what hes doing while I completed all this..

Jake smiles and kisses me one more time. He gets up and starts to go after Joseph, I get up walking to the closet.
J: Dont you have a meeting today, with that modeling agency?!

He screams from Josephs room. I smile at how he remembers the small things about me.
E: Yes.. It starts in a bit..
J: when are you leaving?
E: Like in 10 minutes..
J: Well...

He walks over to me with Joseph in his hands, still sleeping.
He kisses my cheek as I brush my hair and put a little bit of makeup on.
J: You got this. You're too gorgeous not to get signed immediately.
E: You really think so?

I look over at him and he looks into my eyes.
J: I know so.

I smile and he goes to lay Joseph on the bed and he goes in bed, laying right next to him. He was so exhausted. I could tell by how he was snuggled up next to Joseph.
I finish up and take one last look in the mirror. I smile.
I walk out of our bathroom and go to kiss my boys goodbye.
Joseph doesn't respond to the kiss but Jake did. He pulled me to kiss his lips
When we pulled apart i could feel both our smiles without even opening my eyes.

After meeting:

The meeting went great.
Jake was right they signed me right then! They said they would call me to schedule my first shoot.
I was so excited, as I pull up to the house, I run up to Jake and I's room. When i get there i see both babes on the bed. Watching Tv. Eating post-mates.

I put my hand on my heart and almost shed a tear, they  look over at me and both smile at the same time. Then my hand moved from my heart to my stomach.
I ran to the restroom and threw up.. yet again.

HEY GUYS IM SORRY FOR NOT POSTING I WILL START POSTING MORE MY SCHEDULE HAS BE HEPTIC !!! Love you all! Don't forget to vote and leave comments ❤️

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