Chapter 26- Tessas Announcement

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Erika's POV-
The car ride home was depressing. I wanted to cry cry cry. All day. I cried all the way until we got up to the house. I stopped.
We walked in and no one was home. Jake led me to the room and we laid on the bed. I cried into his chest. He wrapped his arm around me and soon I heard him cry.
We stayed like this until I broke silence.
E: I really wanted another baby jake.
J: I did too baby.
E: Jake?
J: yes..
E: Do you think.. Do you think we can try for another?

He stayed quiet.
I know I'd just lost my baby, but I was vulnerable and so lost. I think I was just craving his touch more than anything.

J: Erika... i- We just lost a baby. I don't think I'm ready right now to try and start-
E: So you weren't ready for this one?
J: That's the thing. I was. And when the baby died, it crushed me Erika. It still crushes me to even talk about it.
E: So let's try for another to fill that empty space
J: No, rik. It's not the right time.

I climb off of Jake because I was annoyed. We fell asleep next to each other, but didn't cuddle or anything that night.

Few weeks later

Jakes POV-
Today I have a couple of business meeting for Team Ten in the morning, but this afternoon I'm taking Erika to get her cast removed.
She's still upset that I don't want another baby right now, but losing this one made me too sad.
Besides that Joseph returned to school and he's making more and more friends everyday. Which is great because it distracts him.
I've been focusing a lot of expanding Team Ten and all the business to distract myself from the baby's death and Erika's attitude.
I've found more talent members, which means I get more percentages. Sounds selfish but it's whatever. I've also started a bank account for Joseph. I put 1k in there every week. He's gonna be able to open it when he's 21. I'm excited about it. I haven't told Erika because she's been annoyed with me lately. But it's whatever. I think I'm finally excepting my child's death and letting go.

Erika's POV-
It's been a couple of weeks since the car accident. I'm doing A LOT better. I've been focusing on myself and going to the spa a lot more. Just relaxing my mind. Joseph is going to school and enjoying it. He's made a lot of new friends.
I don't speak to Jake much. He's too busy working on Team Ten and not focusing on me.
I asked him to take me to get my cast removed today and he agreed. Said he had some meetings but after he'd take me.
I keep asking about having another baby, but his mind won't budge.
He says it's not the right time and we need to heel from this trauma. I just roll my eyes and leave.
Finally I get ready for my appointment and walk downstairs to see Jake sitting with Kade, Tessa and Chanthony. Tony moved back in, after he found out what happened. Joseph absolutely loves him the most. Joseph and Tony are inseparable.

E: you ready?
J: yeah.. let me go change real quick.

He walks upstairs and I pick at Anthony's food a little.
A: Rikkkkkkkkk
E: Sorry.
T: So I was thinking of having a family dinner tonight.. I have news.
E: great idea T.
K: yeah we haven't had one in forever.
Chance: Since.. Joseph started school.

I just look down because it reminded me of happier times.
Jake comes downstairs and grands my hand.

J: are you alright?
E: yup. Let's go! I can't wait to get this stupid thing off.
J: okay. I'll see you guys tonight.
T: be back in time for dinner
E: will do!

Jake and I climb into the Tesla.
E: So it's 1, and my appointments at 1:30. Joseph gets out at three.
J: So we'll go to your cast removed, eat lunch and then go for Joseph.

I smile and blush a little. Jake pecks my lips and starts to drive to the doctors office.
Once we get there we wait in the waiting room for about 15 minutes until we're called back.
I get the cast removed and it's about 2 pm.
J: ready for lunch?
E: yesssss.
J: where do you want to go?
E: Umm... anywhere... WAIT Tbell?
J: this is why *kisses her hand* I love you.

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