Chapter 27- Not my dad?

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Erika's POV-
T: we are together again!!!
Chad: honey that's not news.
Tessa: and-
Chance: WE'RE PREGNANT!! (I can't believe everyone guessed it in last chapter haha)
T10 (except Erika): YAY!!!!!

Tessa turns to Joseph. She looks at him and says..
T: You're gonna have a baby cousin!
Jo: oh baby are cute
T: you gonna play with the baby once it comes?
Jo: Yes! I will take him to the park and push him on the swing like daddy
T: awww you're too cute jo!

Joseph smiles.
I don't know what to think right now. I'm kinda hurt but I want to be happy for Chance and Tessa. I just fake smile and hug Tessa.

E: This is great T!
T: Really? You're not upset..  because I was most worried to tell you..
E: No! I'm happy you and Chance can go through this... but I thought y'all we just keeping it casual... I didn't know y'all were in a relationship?!
T: well we weren't. Until we found out.. he even proposed...

Tessa shows me the rock on her finger and my eyes widen at the size.
E: TESSA!!!! Oh my gosh!!!!
T: right!
E: What did you- .. we have to talk more later.. I think Joseph is throwing a fit..
T: for sure rik!

I walk over to Joseph who was crying and Jake who was trying to calm him down.
Jo: NO!
J: Joseph.. stop yelling. What's wron-
E: what is going on here..
J: you me and him need to talk.. like now

He looks down at Joseph who is asking for me to pick him up. I do and we walk up to our room

E: we'll be right back.
T10: okay!

Once we got there I sat Joseph down on our bed and sit next to him. Jake sits on the opposite side of Joseph.
E: now.. explain to mommy and daddy what's wrong.
Jo: daddy lied!
J: whe-
E: Joseph, don't scream at daddy

Joseph hits Jake in the arm and goes to his room. Jake sits in annoyance.
J: we seriously need to show him discipline.
E: we do.. I can't believe he hit you.

I start to laugh and Jake looks over at me with a death stare.
E: oh lighten up 'daddy'
J: oouuu daddy. *smirks*
E: oouuu daddy

I lean in for a kiss and Jake backs away, making my face plant on his lap.
J: jeez rik, if you wanted me that bad.. you could've just asked.

He smiles and as I get up, I hit him right in his dick.
He wince in pain and I kiss his cheek.
E: so.. how do you wanna go about this?
J: well first you can get on your knees-

I punch him in the arm this time.
J: fuck Erika.. I'm not a punching back.
E: I was talking about Joseph.
J: oh you mean how are we gonna discipline him?

I nod my head.
J: I'm in too much pain right now to think.

He said as he was holding himself. I sigh and go to sit on his lap. I face him and cup my hands around his face and pull him in. I kiss his face all over and trail down to his neck. He let's go of himself and pulls me in closer to him by my ass.
I giggle and kiss his lips once more.
E: are you done?
J: No.

He pulls my head in and makes out with me. I kiss back and he throws me on the bed not breaking the kiss, as he climbs in between my legs.
We make out until Joseph comes in and yells for Jake to stop.


Jake gets off of me and pulls me up.
We both walk to Joseph and I pick him up.

E: Joseph.. you can't yell at daddy. He's your dad and you need to respect him.
Jo: I don't want him to be my daddy! I want Anthony to be my daddy!
J: Ooooookay, no. Look Joseph.. You can't act out like this anymore. I'm your dad and that's final.
Jo: no you not!
E: Joseph Jax! You better stop right now!
Jo: He not my dad!!
E: Thats it! I'm done!

I got up and grabbed Joseph. Jake just follows me, playing along. I walk Joseph all the way to his room and sit him in the corner.

E: You're in time out. Now, face the wall and think about your actions.
Jo: he still not my daddy.
J: if you say that one more time...
E: you're not going to be able to play with team 10 for a week.
E: you want to make it two?

He stays quiet.
E: I didn't think so. Now daddy and I will come and get you when it's time.
Jo: Mommy I don't like time out.
J: I hope you learn your lesson this time bud

Jake and I walk out and close Joseph's door. We went back downstairs and explained why he was upset.
Tessa: aww poor thing.
Chad: he has been acting out lately.
Jake: I've noticed that Too
Erika: Hes getting to that age I guess.
Anthony: I bet.

We all finish eating writhing 10-15 minutes and Anthony and Chad offer to clean.
I accepted and grabbed Jakes hand so we could go check on Joseph.
When we did he had fallen asleep on the chair. But woke up when we walked in.
Jo: daddy, I sorry.

He runs up to Jake and hugs his leg. Jake kneels down and hugs back.
We put Joseph to sleep and went back to our room.

J: wanna get a quick shower with me?
E: more than anything.

Here's a chapter! Next one out later today!!! and FYI i loved that i got to talk to so many of you!!!! Hope we can all become close friends! Ily all ❤️

Part 2: Reconnected? Where stories live. Discover now