Chapter 30- Joseph, Ava & Bella

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Erika's POV-
Today my head was pounding all day. But I had no time to think about the pounding.
I was getting things ready for the gender reveal party I'm throwing for Tessa. I went to go get table cloths, white plates, knifes, spoons and forks.. I bought a present, picked up the cake and a couple of cute cupcakes. Then finally I picked up the big black balloon with the colored confetti and powder inside.
Once I was done I had the boys help me set up and had Chance keep Tessa inside.
Around 1pm we finished setting up and I told Chance and Tessa to get ready and wear all white.
On the invitations I sent out, it stated that you must be wearing white to get in, since that was the theme.. That way the only people in color could be Tessa and Chance when they pop the balloon. The colored powder will stain their white outfits. haha.
I take Joseph upstairs to get him in the bath and so that I could dress him.
I draw a bath and put bubbles in so he would enjoy his bath a little more. I placed Joseph in the tub and started washing his body.

Jo: mommy?
E: yes baby?
Jo: are you gonna have another baby?
E: i don't know, daddy and I are just waiting for the right time to come around. But right now we just want to focus on you!

Jake walks in and comes over to us.
J: what are you two talking about?
Jo: mommy having another baby
J: you are?!

He looks at me in shock. I chuckle and continue to bathe Joseph.
E: No. not right now at least.
J: thank god
E: what's that supposed to me-

Jake interrupted me with a kiss. After the kiss he quickly got up and started walking to the closet.
I finish Joseph's bath and change him. Then I get ready while I let Jake and Joseph watch tv. I finished and walked out of the bathroom/closet.
(Outfits below)

 (Outfits below)

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J: we look too good

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J: we look too good.
Jo: yeah! we look too good

I giggle and roll my eyes. I walk over to the bed and lay beside Jake. Joseph was in between Jakes legs and we had an hour to kill before everyone showed up.
We were watching one of Joseph's shows and he was paying close attention to it. As was Jake.
I just watched my two loves and smiled at how happy they made me.
Then again my head started to pound. I go to the bathroom and take aspirin to kill the pain and lay back down.
After a bit I went downstairs with Joseph and Jake to await guest. Tessa was wearing a white fitted dress that showed her tiny baby bump and Chance was wearing a suit.

E: T !! You look so cute!!!
T: thank you pickle!

A lot of people showed up. Most of Chances family and almost all of Tessa's. Not to mention some friends and other youtubers. But of all people Joseph chose to spend time with Anthony. I didn't mind.
It came time for Tessa and Chance to pop the balloon. I grab Jake and take him with me upstairs to get the balloon.
J: woah woah tiger. We can't do it right now- you're in the middle of hosting a party.
E: What? Do wha- .. Jake that's not what I'm doing.. I need your help
J: like a quickie?

I slap his arm.
J: rik, we talked about no hitting
E: Jake, we talked about keeping stupid comments to yourself
J: no we didn't?
E: Shut up and help me get the balloon.
J: then will you blow me?

He smirks and I hit him again. He groans and helps me get the balloon downstairs. Jake and Logan set it up and I bring Chance and Tessa under it and make the announcement.
E: Okay, everyone! This is the big moment! We are going to find out if Chessa is going to have a baby girl or boy! They will pop the balloon, and if blue confetti comes out it's a boy. If pink confetti falls out then it's a girl.
Chance: Did you have to explain the colors...

I look over at chad and Kade.
E: apparently some people think otherwise..
Erika: we had to order a different balloon since chad picked yellow or green, instead of pink or blue.
Tessa: Haha, that's cute.
Erika: Okay everyone ready? Nathan you're recording right?
Nathan: yup!
Erika: let's count down!

I step away from Chessa and everyone counts down.
Everyone: 3...2...1...

Once they pop it, blue confetti and blue powder falls all over them. Tessa jumps on Chance in excitement and everyone cheers.
We all celebrate together and it becomes late. Everyone starts to go home and I decided to put Joseph to sleep.
I walk back downstairs and all of team ten  is sitting on the couch talking. Jake signals for me to sit on his lap and I do.
Chad: so when is the Chessa wedding?
Chance: we were thinking in three months.
Tessa: I can't wait to be Mrs Sutton.
Anthony: ewwwwww that's not cute.
Erika: shut up toner
Jake&Chance: TONER THE BONER (at the same time)

Anthony rolls his eyes and everyone laughs.
Chance: Well it's getting pretty late..
Tessa: yeah and I'm getting tired. Thanks rik. For the party it was the best!

She gets up and hugs me. We all say goodnight to
each other and I lead Jake upstairs.
J: I need a shower. Joseph got my hands all sticky with the cotton candy..
E: okay
J: care to join me-

Before he could finish I ran to the restroom and threw up a lot.
Jake came up behind me and held my hair.
E: I didn't even drink..
J: we did it baby

We smirked at each other.
E: you think!?

He nods his head and helps me up off the ground. I brush my teeth and follow him in the shower. I asked him to wash my back and he did.. then he threw the bar of soap and pinned me against the wall.. we made out and one thing lead to another. Basically we celebrated some 'not to sure' news.. all night.

1 year later.
Erika's POV-
Jake and I moved out of the Team Ten house. As did Chance and Tessa. Their wedding was so beautiful. She gave birth to Noah Sutton.. He has big brown eyes, perfect lips and great eyebrows.
Anthony, Chad, Kade, Nathan, Nick, and Justin still live at the Team Ten mansion.
Jake and I found a 2 story house, close by, to move our family into.. Jake, Joseph, Ava, Bella and I live happy together..
That's right.. we had baby twin girls. Jake was more excited about having twins, when he found out they were girls. Ava Nicole Paul and Bella Marie Paul.

J: Erika..
E: yes?
J: I love you.
E: I love you too Jake.

End of Book.
Wow guys. I can't believe it. I finished my second book! I wouldn't be able to finish this if you guys wouldn't have been supporting me all the way. I love each and every one of you.
I will be starting a new book within this week! Thank you guys again!!!
I will update this book when i tell you about my new book!
- cass

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