Chapter 6- Together.

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Erika's POV-
Joseph and I have spent the whole week at the team 10 house and I've become real close to everyone here.
Joseph loves Chance and Kade the most. It's so cute. He's learned almost everyone's name. He doesn't say them right but we know.
I woke up today in Jakes bed and he wasn't beside me, as he usually is.
E: Jake?
J: Yeah, hold on!

I hear him scream from Joseph's little room. I smile. Then Jake comes out of baby joseph's room with joseph in his hands. The baby is half asleep and has his head resting on Jakes shoulder.
Jake puts him on the bed beside me, and lays on the other side.

J: My perfect little family.
I smile. I put my arm around joseph, and Jake looks at me.

J: Hey Erika..
E: Yes Jake?
J: What do you think about the idea of you and Joseph moving in with me.. here..

I sit up and look at him in the eyes.
J: Or maybe not.

He moves his head down and i lift up his chin and smile.
E: Of course Jake. I just want us to be together.
J: Really?

I smile, bite my lip and nod.
E: I love you Jake. I want us to work. And if that means moving in, then so be it.
J: Me too rik.

He text some people and looks at me.
J: Okay so i just hired movers. for tomorrow.
E: Great.

Then Chanthony barges in.
Anthony: We need him for a video.

I smiled at them. But as soon as Joseph heard Chance's voice he shot up.

Chance: Ah! Come here bud.

Joseph opens his arms and so does Chance.
Tony: We will bring him back in a few
Erika: Wait should I change him first? He just woke up.
Chance: Nah, my buddy looks fine, right baby jo?

Joseph smiles and nods. He wraps his arms around chances neck.
E: Alrighty then. Be good Joseph.
Jo: mama i good

Chance and Anthony leave with Joseph and Jake looks at me. He smiles. I smile back.
E: What?
J: Oh nothing..

He places his hand on my upper thigh, and kisses me
J: We're just alone.
E: Yup and we are in a house full of people.
J: That's never stopped us before.
J: Am i lying?

I cupped his face with both hands and peck his lips.
E: No, but we should get up.
J: Ugh fine.

I get up and get ready for the day. When i go downstairs I see Chance and Anthony outside with Joseph.
They're so cute together.
I go over to the kitchen and see Tessa in there.

E: Morning baby T.
T: Hey E! Where my baby joseph at?
E: He's outside with 'ance and ony'
T: Aw that's so cute.
E: Yup!

Then Jake comes into the kitchen and grabs me by the waist.

J: Hey T, guess what!
T: What??
J: Heres a hint... It involves Erika...

Jake and I look at each other  at the same time and laugh.

E: No. Not at all.
J: Not close either.
T: You guys are having another kid?

Just then The martinez twins, chad and Kade come into the kitchen.

MT, Chad, Kade: YOURE WHAT??????
Kade: Another onE???? YES!!!

Erika&Jake: NO GUYs NO
T: Then what is it?
J: Erika's moving in.

E: What? No we don't need to celeb-
J: Party?
E: Guys really it's fin-
Kade: Yes I'll plan!!
Tess: I'LL HELP!

Everyone goes about their ways and Jake walks over to me.
J: What's wrong?
E: Nothing...
J: Erika!

Just then Joseph comes running to us.
Jo- dada!!!

He runs into Jakes arms and is laughing. Behind him are Chance and Anthony, chasing him with their vlog cameras. ( i forgot to mention that everyone except rik are vloggers)

Jo: Dada! Ance Ony chase me!
J: Chance and Tony where chasing you??
Jo: Yeah funny
J: It was funny?
Jo: Yeah!

He giggles and then sees me.
Jo: oh mama pretty mama
J: Mommy is pretty, isnt she?
Jo: my mommy
E: I love you baby.

I kiss Joseph in the forehead and walk to the living room.
Chad, Nick and the Martinez twins are there watching some old vlogs.
E: Hey guys, whatcha watching?
MT: Old vlogs!
N: Yeah, Chad is such a dummy
Chad: Oh common i'm fucking hilarious

I laugh.
I sit and watch the vlogs and see one by Jake, titled "Insane Spin Wheel Game" and his thumbnail was him about to kiss Tessa.
I want to be mad, but can't be. It was a long time ago. So i brush it off.
The rest of the day was a lazy day.

It was about 8 pm and i had to put Joseph to sleep and I walk up to Jake and I's room. I passed Tessa's room and I heard her talking. I didn't stop until i heard her say Jakes name....

OOOOH WHAT DID SHE SAY????!? IS JAKE IN THERE WITH HER?? WHATS GONNA HAPPEN? Sorry guys for not posting. I got really sick two nights ago. But i'm feeling a little better now. Will upload again later today to make up for missing yesterday.

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