Chapter 11- Upgrade.

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Erika's POV-
The next morning, I woke up in Jakes arms. I was still upset but we kinda made up last night so i let it go.
I go to get up and get ready. I decided that i was gonna make breakfast for everyone.
I go downstairs in short soft shorts and a crop
I look in the fridge and decide to make eggs, bacon, toast and cut some fresh fruit.
As i'm making the eggs, Chance, Kade and Chad come downstairs.

E: Morning. I'm making brea-
Chad: Yo were you here last night?
E: Yeah..
Kade: So you know what happened with Tony and Jake?
E: essentially
Chance: Tell us!! Tony won't spill. He's just upstairs packing.
E; Uhh... Kade watch the food please.
K: But you have to tell us what happ-

Before he finishes I run upstairs. I grab Jake and wake him up by slapping his chest.

J: Wtf Erika??? If you wanna play rough, all you gotta do is ask.

He does his stupid little smirk. I roll my eyes.

E: I need you to stop Anthony from leaving.
J: What? No.. He has to go.
E: What about Tessa? Is she leaving?
J: Why would she lea-
E: Why would tony?
J: Because he's in love with you!
E: And tessa you..

He sighs and sits up. He runs his hands through his hair and clears his throat.

J: I think it's best if he goes..
E: Are you serious? And i think it's best if Tessa follows him.
J: It's not your decision to make Rik
E: But who i chose to date is..
J: What are you saying?

He puts his hand on top of mine and I quickly pull away. I get up and walk to Anthony's room.
I get to his door and knock on it. He answers.

E: Hey.. I just came to-

He cut me off with a hug. I hug him back and we walk into his room. I close the door behind me and suddenly he starts crying.

E: Tony?
T: ....
E: Tony, you can tell me what's wrong. I'm here to listen.

I walk over to him on his bed and wrap my arm around his shoulder as he cried into his hands.

T: Erika... I just lost everything. Everyone i ever cared for. I lost my job. My spot on the team. and most importantly I lost my bestfriend. He brought me up. And i lost him.

My heart sunk.
E: You still have me. I'll always be here for you.
T: Thanks rik.

There was a little bit of a silence in the room. Then he started laughing

E: what?
A: I just realized that i have no place to live.
E: You can stay at my apartment.. If you want?
A: No way! That's way to much to ask for rik..
E: Why? I'm offering. Plus no one is there.. Please go for me?

I look at him and flash a big cheesy grin. He chuckles and shakes his head at the same time.

A: Fine. But only for your sake
E: Awwwee

I open my arms and he falls into them. I do love this kid as if he were my brother. That's what he is to me really. He's always been here for me.
We let go of the hug and I help tony load his car and then give him the key to my apartment.

E: Don't get to crazy kid.
A: Oh trust me, i will. I'll call you later so we can link up. with joseph.

We both smile and  hug again. I go back inside and Jake was waiting for me at the door.

J: Erika..
E: Yes?
J: What are you doing..
E: I'm not doing anythi-
J: You left me this morning so that you can go fuck around with him.
E: Oh please. I would be glowing right now if that happened. It would've be an upgrade from you.
J: Oh he's an upgrade from me? So what are you two dating?
E: Why do you care?
J: I am the father of your child. And your boyfr-

All of a sudden there were crazy amounts of knocks at the door. I go to open it and it was my stepmom and Joseph.

Jo: MOMMY!!!!!

He ran up to me and i carried him. I gave his cheek a thousand little kisses and he giggled the  whole time.

E: I missed you baby.
Jo: No i miss you mama
E: Aww
Jo: Mama where daddy?

I put him down and crouch down to his level.

E: You go find him he's in the kitchen.
Jo: Okay!
E: but first mommy wants a big hug!

He hugs my neck tight and then goes to find Jake.
I turned to my stepmom and she was holding her hand over her heart.

E: How was he?
EM: Oh he was so good! So cute! I love him!
E: That's good!
EM: I have to go your dads waiting in the car! We have a flight to catch in about 30 minutes!
E: Tell him i said i love him and bye!!! Have a good flight!

I hugged my stepmom and she left. I closed the door behind her and turned around to walk back in the kitchen.
Jake was holding Joseph and everyone else was eating.

Jo: Dada what happen on you lip?

He pointed at Jakes lip which was busted from his fight with tony.

J: Oh, uh.. Me and mommy were jumping on the bed.. and i fell off. See that's why we say that it's dangerous.
Jo: Oh it hurts dada?
J: A little bit bud.

Joseph wraps his arms around Jake and puts his head on Jakes shoulder.

Jo: It gonna be okay daddy. You feel better.

Jake hugs back and smiles. Everyone else mom aw.

K: Sorry Rik, I might've burned the eggs.

i laugh and throw my napkin at him playfully.
We finish eating and Joseph come up to me.

Jo: Mama?
E: Yes baby?
Jo: We watch a movie today?
E: You wanna watch a movie love?
Jo: Yeah! You me daddy watch a movie together.
E: Okay! What movie?
Jo: I w-watch monster inc
E: Monsters Inc!? You're not scared baby?
Jo: I not mommy i'm big boy. daddy say i'm a big boy
E: Okay lets go watch the movie.
Jo: Wait where daddy? We watch movie in him room

Jake comes up behind Joseph and picks him up.

J: Hey buddy. What are you doing?
Jo: I watch movie wif you and mommy in him room
J: Who's room?
Jo: Mommy and daddy's room
J: okay lets go!

Jake pulls out his hand. I grab it and we all go upstairs for the movie.

SORRY I DIDNT POST YESTERDAY GUYS!!! Moms birthday was yesterday and we celebrated all night. But i have 8k reads already in this book!! That is insane!!!! ILY GUYS ALL!

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