Chapter 24- Million Pieces

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Erika's POV-
I had just woken up and Jake was laying still on my chest.
It was a dream. All of that was a dream. I look at the clock and it's 2:30 pm.
Joseph was still at school, his first day.
I shook Jake so that he could wake up. He didn't budge.
I started drawing on his back with my finger, giving him kisses every now and then.
E: Jakey, get up. We have to-
J: 5 more minutes. I was sleeping so good. With you.

I just smiled and waited. My phone rang. Just like in my dream. Only this time it wasn't an unknown number. It was Tony.
J: Who is it?
E: It's Anthony.

He grips the covers around us.
J: Are you gonna answer?
E: No. I don't want to talk to him right now.

He smiles and pecks my lips. He gets up and throws a shirt on.
He reaches his hand out and i grab it. He pulls me out of bed, close to him and kisses me. Which soon turned out to a makeout sesh. Things were going great.. Too great.
E: Mm okay-okay. We have to go for Joseph.

I turned around trying to put my shirt on.
J: Hang out? Tonight.

He said as he dug his boner into my ass. I smirk.
E: Maybe-

He chuckles and rubs my thigh as i pull my shorts up.
E: Okay, lets go.
J: Wanna drive?
E: Sure!

He tosses me the keys and we get in. I pull out of the garage and head to Joseph's school.
J: So are you feeling any better?
E: What do you mean?
J: You were crying like a little bitch this morning.

We both laugh.
E: Shut up, he's my baby. It's emotional.
J: Yeah but you aren't, it's your pregnancy hormones that make you act like this.
E: Yeah, because i usually don't cry.

Jake puts his hand on my thigh and drags it slowly higher and higher. I smack his hand and tried to focus on driving.
E: If you distract me, we won't make it on time.
J: Oh yeah?

Jake quickly unbuttoned my shorts and unzipped my zipper.
E: Jake no.

He didn't stop, and quite frankly, i didn't want him too either. But this wasn't the right time.
J: you know you want it.
E: Yes, but-

He shoved two of his fingers in me before i could finish my thought.
He's pumping me and just looking forward as if he's isn't doing anything to me. He usually admires my face and kisses me all over. But i guess this time was different, after all we were in a car.
I moan. I put the Tesla on autopilot and close my eyes. I let out all the moans and Jake somehow pumps me faster. I couldn't take it much longer.
I came on his fingers. I open my eyes and look at him. He leans in and kisses me. I kiss back.

E: That was great.
J: Just a preview baby.

I turn back to the road, turn off the autopilot  and drive.
He rest his hand on my thigh again but not moving it. He closed his eyes and rested his head up.
Kinda like the dream.. We have sex, but then i say something wrong.. I didn't mean to say what i did next but i wanted him to know.
E: Jake..
J: Erika.
E: I have to tell you something.

He opened his eyes and looked at me.
J: What?
E: I had this dream last night.
J: Ooh was it a sexy dream?
E: Kinda, but it was weird.
J: Tell me about it.
E: Well... See it started off with you and i fighting all day, which then lead to makeup sex. And during the sex part, i screamed out...
J: Daddy?

He smirks.
J: That's hot. You'll be doing a lot of that tonig-
E: No-no.. Not that.
J: Then?
E: I screamed out for Anthony.

He moves his hand off from my thigh.
E: But it was you. I was having sex with you.
J: Then what do you mean you screamed out for Anthony?
E: I don't know.
J: What was the point of you telling me this Erika?

I could hear him getting pissed.
J: To piss me off?
E: NO JAKE. I just.. I don't know. I'm so confused. Maybe it was just a meaningless dream.
J: Well- Do you have feelings for him?
E: No, but this dream made me realize something..
J: That you have the hots for Anthony-

I slap his arm.
E: Shut up, no. Does it hurt you? That i hang out with Anthony?
J: What? No i don't care..

I could tell he didn't want to talk about it. And he was getting uncomfortable. But i didn't care.

E: I know Jake.
J: Drop it please, Erika.
E: It hurts you that i surround myself with people who hurt you.

He's silent looking down, with tears rolling down his face.
E: Jake..

I put my hand on top of his. And he just stays still.
We get to Joseph's school before we can discuss it any further.
Joseph and his teacher walk up to the car and Joseph plops himself in the car seat.
E: Hey baby. How was your first day?
Jo: Boring. We just made friends.
E: That's fun. How many friends did you make?
Jo: No one wants to be my friend because my mommy and daddy are famous.

Jake is still sitting crying, silently. Trying hard to not make a sound, for Joseph's sake.
I look back at Joseph for a split second and see him crying too.
My heart breaks into a million pieces.
- -

Narrators POV-
Before Erika could comprehend what was going on, there was a big loud crash. The Tesla was stopped in the middle of the intersection. Jake, Erika and Joseph were unconscious. And soon sirens are heard and everything else was a blur.  

Double update!! GUYS DONT HATE MEEEEE!!! Car crash just happened, in case you were confused, haha. Will upload asap! I'm back in mexico for two weeks, so idk when i'll be free to write! Love yall!!!! Keep reading.

Part 2: Reconnected? Where stories live. Discover now