Chapter 25- Lost

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Jakes POV-
I woke up in the hospital. My head was pounding. I looked down and i had an IV in me and felt a couple of bumps and scratches on my head.
The nurse quickly came in. (N: Nurse/D: Doc)

N: Hello, Mr. Paul. How are you feeling?
J: Confused.. What happened?
N: Well.. What is the last thing you remember?
J: Well i was in the car with my girlfr.. Wife, and my son. Then i saw a car coming our way and that's the last thing i remember...
N: Okay, well you WERE in a car accident. You and your son suffered small concussions, and a couple of bumps and bruises.
J: And Erika???!?
N: Well... Since the car did hit her side, she did suffer more.
J: I want to see her and my son.. now.
N: Mr. Paul, i know this is hard for you, but you need to rest right now. It's best for your body.
J: No! I want to see my wife and son.

Just then a man walked in. I'm guessing he was the doctor.
D: Mr. Paul-
J: Please call me Jake..
D: Okay.. Jake, You and your son will be just fine. You show no serious damage and your memory is great. But you wife..
J: What about her..
D: She is in surgery. She had a broken arm and was bleeding, both internally and externally. But we are more worried about the baby she was carrying.
J: Was.
D: Mr. Pau- I mean Jake, she lost the baby.. I'm so sorry to tell you.

My kid. My child. My unborn baby... Gone.
When the doctor told me that Erika had lost the baby, i broke into tears.

J: When can.. when can i see her?
D: She should be getting out of surgery, in about 2 hours. But for now we can bring your son in. Next to you. Just so you know he's safe.

I look up for a second.
J: Please.
D: For sure.
J: Thank you.

The doctor tells the nurse to bring Joseph and she does.
When they come in Joseph is crying and sees me, and immediately screams.

J: Come here buddy.

He climbs on my hospital bed and snuggles into me.
I kiss his head and wrap my arm around him. After a while, I hear his soft snores. So quiet. So sweet. So innocent. I break into tears and cry.

Why? Why us? Why take my baby? My son? My wife? We did nothing wrong. It all seemed so unfair. I was upset, frustrated, confused.. but i knew i had to keep strong for Joseph and Erika and my baby.
I sat with Joseph and slept with him until the nurse came in.
I woke up and she told me i could see Erika now, if i'd like. I nod my head.
I pick up Joseph and carry him, his head sleeping on my shoulder. I walk to Erika's room and she was hooked up to all kinds of monitors. She had a cast on her arm and bruises everywhere.
I look down at her stomach and see that she doesn't have her baby bump anymore. I put my free hand over my mouth and cry.
Joseph wakes up and sees his mommy on the bed.
He starts to cry.

Jo: Daddy, whats wrong? Is she dead?
J: No no. She's not dead. She's just sleep-sleeping.
Jo: Okay, can i lay with her.

i take him over to Erika and lay him right next to her.
J: Stay still buddy, she needs rest.

Joseph just nods his head. I sit at Joseph's toes, which reached to Erika's mid-stomach. I place my hand on her stomach and cry. I cry so so much. I didn't want Joseph to hear me, but he did.
He didn't ask questions, he just cried too.
Jo: Mommy wake up please! I miss you mommy.

No response.
Jo: mommy please!
J: Joseph, mommy needs res-

Just then Erika's finger twitched. I looked down at it and back at her eyes. When i looked into her eyes, they were open.
Jo: Hi mommy! You hurt mommy!?
E: A little bit baby-

She looks at me.
E: -what happened?
J: Car accident. apperantly you had it worse than us. But Erika, i wish it was me. I hate seeing you like this.
E: You've been crying?
J: Yeah. Erika..

I run my hand across her stomach. She got the message without me having to say a word.
E: No.. Jake, that's not funny.. Tell me it isn't true.

Just then Team ten walks in and starts asking a million questions. Joseph cheers up but Erika and I are balling tears.
I take team ten outside and tell them what happened and how we lost the baby.

Tessa: No..
Chad: Dude, we didn't even get to see-

Chance wacked Chads arm telling him to shut up.
Chance: I'm sorry bro.
Kade: We should take Joseph, so that he won't be too sad.
Jake: You don't mind?
Kade/Chad/Chance: No of course not!
Tessa: I'm going to check on Erika.

I nod my head and just sit there, crying in front of the boys. My head in my hands and my face colored red.

J: It isn't fair man! The baby was so innocent. And was just taken from us.
Kade: I know bro, let it out.
Chad: Cause if not, it's gonna build up and eat you up.
Jake: I hate it so much.

Tessa comes out with Joseph in her arms. Tessa Too was crying. She tried to play it off but I noticed her red eyes and tears.
Tessa: Okay, we should go guys.
Chad/Chance/Kade: Okay, bye.

Tessa hugs me and tells me not to worry, everything happens for a reason. I nod my head and kiss Joseph goodbye.
Jo: Bye daddy
Jake: Bye bud. I'll see you at home.

I walk back into the room with Erika and watch her as she sleeps. Her eyes puffy and red, probably just like mine.
E: This baby didn't deserve to die Jake.
J: I know Erika.

I place my hand on hers and rub it with my thumb.
Erika and I are sobbing, a crying mess. The doctor comes in and starts questioning Erika.
D: Hello Erika. How are you feeling?
E: Dead.
D: Okay, well it is possible.. for you to get depressed thoughts. But I just came to check in. As you see you did break your arm. But it's not as bad as it could be. You'll only need the cast for a couple of weeks. The bumps and bruises weren't  severe.
E: so jut my broken arm really... and my child.
D: Well, you did have internal bleeding, around your rib cage area.
J: and how serious is that?
D: Internal bleeding can be different for everyone, it just depends on the accident. In Erika's case, she got hit pretty bad. The symptoms are going to be bad. Some more severe than others. They can be as small as temporary loss of eyesight, or as big as blood clogs. But we will put you in some medication and have weekly check ups just to be sure.
J: Thank you doctor.
E: when can I leave?
D: we do want to watch you over night, but if you feel like you're ready.. you can leave today.
E: okay, I think I'm ready.
D: alright, I'll bring the nurse in to check you guys out.
J: thank you.

The doctor flashes a smile and leaves. Soon the nurse comes in and we check out. On the way to the house Erika breaks down and starts to cry.

E: I really wanted another baby jake.
J: I did too baby.
E: Jake?
J: yes..
E: Do you think-

Guys don't hate meeee. But I promise I do have a reason for this!!! Comment what you think Erika's gonna ask Jake !!! Vote and comment!!!!!

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