Chapter 15: My Boys

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Erika's POV-
I was in the room with Joseph and Jake, and Jake was editing the vlog I made for him.


E: I'm pregnant.. Again!
J: ...
E: Jake?
J: ...

He then let go of my hands and walked out the room. I heard the front door slam and that was that. I breath out heavily go up to one of the cameras and grab it. I point it at myself and start the outro.

E: Well Jake Paulers, looks like that went way wrong. Hope you guys enjoyed.. I have to try and make light of this to him. Make sure to smash the subscribe button and like this video. Jake will see you tomorrow because it's every-

Before I finished Jake rushed in the room and tackled me to the ground. I almost dropped his camera but manage to grip it further in my hand.
I pointed the Camera at us and Jake was kissing my cheeks a million times.
I was just laughing. I was confused but i didn't have enough breath to talk.
Finally I get a couple words out.

E: W-Wait. I thought- thought you left?
J: Oh yeah, Rik, i didn't immediately see the three cameras you set up. You can't prank me babe.
E: SERIOUSLY? omg jake paulers! i tried. but i will one day.
J: Thanks for letting me know.

He goes and attacks me with kisses. He pauses and turns towards the camera.

J: Alright Jake paulers, that's is the vlog. Make sure you smash that subscribe button, i will see y'all tomorrow because..


Then Jake pointed the camera at me and zoomed in.

E: Peace.
I smile big and he turns off the camera.
J: You're so cute

I blush at his comment.
E: So are you gonna use it?
J: Use what?
E: the prank? i cant believe you saw the freaking cameras.
J: Of corse im using it.

end of flashback.

Joseph was watching tv, Jake was editing, and i  was hanging out with my two favorite boys.

J: What's today's date?
E: June 1st.

There was a slight moment of silence and then i realized..


He jumped.
J: What? What Erika?!?!
E: It's almost Joseph's birthday!
J: Oh my god we have 17 days.
Jo: Mama i'm gonna be 3!
E: Yes baby! You're gonna be three!!
J: What kind of party do you want to have?
Jo: a big one with candy and cake!
E: Do you want a theme?
Jo: I want Chance Tessa Chad and Anthony to come

I looked at Jake.
J: Yeah, they're going to come buddy. But do you want a carnival party, Pool party...
E: Or maybe a trampoline park?
Jo: I no know daddy. Where anthony?

Jakes eyes widen and he held in a big breath.
Jo: He not here no more for days
E: He went to our old house baby.
Jo: Oh.

Jake looked like he zoned out, and like he was a little annoyed. I grab his hand and rub my thumb on the back side of his palm. He looked at me then down at our hands then away again.
He was annoyed that we were talking about Tony. I tried to change the subject but he was already in a funk.

E: Okay Joseph, lets go.
Jo: Where to mommy?
J: Yeah, where to?
E: We are gonna go see uncle anthony.
J: No i don't think that's a good idea.
E: I mean, i didn't ask. Plus..

I looked down at Joseph and open my arms.

E: My baby wants to see him. Right Joseph?
Jo: Yeah i wanna see anthony!
J: Erika..

I grabbed Joseph and put him down on the floor.
E: Go get some shoes Joseph!

He ran to his room and i sat on the bed next to Jake.
J: You can't go rik.
E: Do you not trust me?

Jake was resting against the headboard, kinda in a L position, so i just sat on his lap facing him.

E: I'm doing this for Joseph.

I cup his face with my two hands and pull him closer to me.
I kiss his soft lips and pull back to see him roll his eyes. I sigh and put my hands on my thighs.
E: Jake, please.
J: ..
E: fine, i won't go if you really don't want me to go.
J: ..
E: Baby, please talk to me.

He looked me up and down and grinned. He intertwined my finger with his and smiled.
J: No, you should go. And i'll go with you two.
E: Really?
J: Yeah, but we are gonna hang out tonight.
E: Mm.. Fine.

I smirk and kiss his forehead. I go to meet Joseph in his room but Jake gets up with me and pulls me by my waist, closer to him. He was pressing his rock hard boner up against me. I bit my lip and he puts his hand under my shirt going up to my boobs. I lay my head back on his chest, and he kisses my neck. We stood there like this for a second.
I moaned a little but then Joseph came running out of his room.

Jo: Mommy!! What happened?

He looked and pointed at Jakes hand that was currently up my shirt. Jake moved his hand fast, and stepped away from behind me.
E: Uh.. Mommy had a tummy ache and daddy was rubbing my belly, trying to relive my pain.
Jo: It hurt mommy??
E: My stomach?

He nods his head.
E: Not anymore.

I bend down to his level and grab his hands.
E: Daddy made me feel way better.

I smiled and kissed his cheek.
Joseph looked up at Jake and smiled. He went over to Jake and asked to be picked up. He put his hands up in the air and crunched his fingers in his palms a couple of times.
Jake picked him up and Joseph hugged Jake.

Jo: I love you daddy
J: I love you too joseph.
Jo: Daddy?
J: Yes?
Jo: You love mommy?

Jake looks at me and I smiled.
J: Of corse i love mommy. Do you love her?
Jo: Mhm! So Much!

I open my arms so that all three of us could hug and that's exactly what we did.
Once we all pulled away, I had to text tony, get joseph in a bath, get him ready, then get ready myself.
I pulled away and kissed Joseph and Jake on the cheek.
E: I love both my boys.

I smile and go to ask tony if we could stop by. He responded quickly and agreed. I told him we'd be there in an hour.

E: Joseph!
Jo: Yeah mommy?
E: Common, we have to take a bath before we go to see Anthony.
Jo: Okay mommy

He comes running to the bath tub, which i had already filled with bubbles and warm water. I bathed him and put him in a cute outfit and then got ready myself.
Once we were all done, we had 15 minutes to spare.
E: Are we ready?
J: I am.
Jo: Me too mama!

We all get into the Tesla, and head to Tony's..


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