Chapter 23- Anthony.

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Jakes POV-
Erika just said the lowest thing she could have ever said to me. I didn't know what to do or how to react.
E: That she broke your heart...

I sat there in silence Fighting back all my tears. I couldn't hold it in anymore. She hit my weak spot. I was mad that she brought up my ex girlfriend, more so that she brought her up to hurt me. She did stop. So i knew she knew she was in the wrong.

J: Erika leave. Leave this room. Leave this house. I DONT CARE WHERE YOU GO JUST LEAVE.

She stood there shocked. Then she looked hurt. But i knew her ego was gonna get ahead of her true self.
E: If i leave, i'm taking Joseph. And your never gonna see him again. Or this baby that i'm carrying.
J: you're not take Joseph and it's just for the night.
E: No Jake, if i leave now, i'm gone forever. Do you really want to kick me out over some petty ex girlfriend drama?
J: It's not because of that Erika.
E: Then what Jake?
J: You constantly surround yourself with people who hurt me. And i'm just supposed to just sit here and be okay with it? Erika. I'm not okay with you hanging out with people who hurt me in the past.
E: People? You mean alissa-
J: What about Anthony? You still hang out with him. And he kissed you. How are you okay with that?
E: I-I... I'm not. But Tessa kissed you while we were dating! You signed her to team ten and you're still her friend.
J: Erika that was in highschool.

Just then Joseph walks out of his room and into ours.
Jo: Mommy are you and daddy fighting?

I get off the bed and go to pick him up.
J: No mommy and i are just discussing. Were we being too loud?

Joseph nods his head and pouts. I kiss his cheek and walk him over to Erika and sit him on the bed next to her. I kneel down and grab one of his hands.
J: I'm.. We're sorry buddy.
E: Sometimes mommy and daddy have to talk about problems that we are having and we can get loud.
Jo: You having problems?
E: That's not important. But mommy and daddy still love each other.
J: That's right. And we love you.
Jo: So are you going to make up and kiss now?
E: Ooooh, i don't kn-

I shrug my shoulders and go in for a kiss. I stop inches in front of her lips and just stare at her big luscious juicy lips.
E: Oh god, come here.

She pulls my head in and kisses me. It was a bit sloppy at first because she caught me off guard, but bettered as we went on.
There was something about that kiss.. It made me love her more and more. More than i had been loving her the past couple of days.

Jo: YAY mommy and daddy are not fighting anymore!

Erika pulls back and we stare at each other for a little bit.
J: Okay.. I think you...

I look down at Joseph
J: Need to get back to be little man! It's waaaaay last bed time and you have school tomorrow.
E: I agree. Common' I'll take you to your room.

Erika walks out the room with Joseph and returns. en
J: So... Makeup sex or?

Erika looks at me in annoyance. But soon she turns her face into a grin.
E: We aren't done talking, but i really need it.
I climb over Erika and start to kiss over her whole body. She started moaning rubbing her hands on me. When i get to her neck i start sucking, finding her sweet spot. She yelled out my name and started panting. I suck on her harder and roam my fingers down to her entrance. She was so wet. I rubbed her and that made her moan even louder.
As i was fingering her she yelled out for god. 'oh my god' and she even called me daddy, like the old times. I took my pants off and pulled out my dick. I teased her a bit trying to get myself hard.
E: Sto-Stop teasing and fuck me now

With that i felt the hairs on my arm rise and i shoved my full length in her.

Erika's POV-
Jake was thrusting in me so fast. He had one of his hands pinning me down and the other above our heads. His chin was resting on my shoulder and his thrust were so hard. I was a moaning mess.
But i loved this. I could stay like this for ages.

Jakes POV-
I start whispering things in Erika's ear, to make things more hot. She just sits there and listens and moans and takes me in all at the same time.
J: You're so fucking hot erika.
E: *moans*
J: We're doing this all night
E: y-yes daddy

I start nibbling on her ear thrusting even harder than i was before
E: J-Jake oh my go-
J: I'm so close baby
E: I am too.. Anthony.

I immediately stop.
J: What did you call me?

She didn't answer. She just stayed there quiet as a mouse.
I get up and put my boxers and sweatpants on.

J: I'm sleeping on the couch. And don't follow me.

As i get to the couch, my heart breaks with every step i take. (cheesy af i know lmao)
All that was running through my mind was 'is she cheating on me?' 'did she do this to make me mad?' 'Was it a simple mistake?'
I was too upset to even talk to her about it so i laid on the couch and drifted to a horrible sleep.

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