Chapter 5- You fit on my bed.

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Erika's POV-
Everyone came into the living room, and all of their jaws drop.
Chance/Tony/Chad/Kade: RIK?!?!

They all charge at me and tackle me down for a hug.
Tony: We missed you tricky rik
Chance: yeah, wth.. You haven't changed!
Chad: Aint hit too.
Erika: Is that a good thing?
J: No one really understands that term. We just  use it a lot.

Kade walks over to Joseph.
Kade: Who is this little man? Looks a lot like...

There was a sudden realization in the room throughout everyone.

t10: JAKE?

I awkwardly smile.
E: Surprise. Say hi Joseph.
Chance: JOSEPH?
Chad: Like Jakes middle name??!?!?
Tessa&Mak: Awwwwwwwww

I smile and the boys start playing with Joseph.
I walk over to Makenzie and Tessa.
E: Hey girls.
M: Rik i missed you so so much.
E: I missed you too

With that she hugged me tight. I hugged back after a while. Then Kade calls Mak over to Joseph and them.
I was left with Tessa, who was part of the reason I left, but that was in the past.
E: Look T, I'm willing let go if you are. It was so long ago, and Im so over high school drama.
T: Oh my gosh, thank god. I really regretted turning on you. I'm sorry Erika.

She opens her arms asking for a hug, and she raises her brow.
I grin and hug her tight. I really did miss my bestfriend, deep down inside.

Jake comes over to me and Tessa.
J: Good, you guys made up.
T: Yup, i missed my pickle.
E: I missed you too pickle ❤️
J: You guys are something else.

Everyone gets to meet Joseph and i catch up with lots of them. I even met the martinez twins for the first time... officially.
By the end of the day Joseph and I were both tired.
Jo: Dada i tired
J: You tired buddy?

Joseph nodded his head and waved his hands up, signaling for Jake to pick him up.
E: Yeah it's getting late.. we should get going-
J: Why don't you just spend the night here? I have room for you both.
E: ...I don't know Jake..
J: Comon'

He grabs my hand and takes me upstairs to his room. It's huge.
J: See.. You'll fit on my bed.
E: What about Joseph?

Jake smiles and shows me to a smaller room (His closet from the new t10 mansion) It has a crib and some toys and a smaller bed.

My eyes lit up.
E: Jake.. Oh my gosh! When did you do this?
J: Well a couple days after i found out that i had a baby, I had some people build me a little room for him.. Just in case
E: Oh my god it's perfect. Wait why is there a crib and a bed?
J: I didn't know which one he preferred..
E: Aw.

I rise up to my toes and kiss his cheek.
J: I also have a little bit of clothes.

he went to the drawer and got some comfy clothes for joseph to sleep in.
Jake changed him and looked at me.
J: So bed or crib..
E: Put him in the crib. Just so he's not scared or anything.

Jake places him in the crib, and we walk out to turn off the lights.
E: I need a shower, also i need to borrow a-

Jake cut me off by picking me up by my waist.
He put me on his bed and kissed me all over.
E: Wow, someone's happy.
J: I just wanna... hang out.

I smile big when the words 'hang out' come out of his mouth.
I pull him down to me and start making out with him.

  ⚠️⚠️⚠️MATURE CONTENT⚠️⚠️⚠️

Jake started pulling off my shorts and i tugged in his pants too. With a matter of seconds we were fully naked.
Still making out Jake stuck two fingers into me.
E: Mm Jake
J: Do you want me to stop babe?
E: No please daddy continue.

Jake smirked he started pumping me faster and deeper.
I was a moaning mess.
He stopped and stretched to the side of his bed into the drawer. He pulled out a condom.

E: Jake no.
J: What babe? You don't wanna-
E: No i mean no condoms.
J: But what if you get preg-
E: Jake i don't want to use condoms. Plus i'm on the pill.
J: Whatever you say babe.

He throws the condom back on the top of his drawer and comes back to me.
I pull him down to me and kiss him He kisses back and he moves his boner to my entrance and starts rubbing it against me.
He quickly thrusted all of him and i let out the loudest moan of my life
He stopped at the end of the first thrust. He smirked.

J: You good baby?
E: It's been a while, but i'm fine. Keep going.

With that he kept a good pace.
E: fuck J-Jake
J: I'm sorry who?
E: d-daddy faster
He sped up the pace and towards the end he started getting sloppy.
I flip us over and finish off. He laid his hands on my hips and guided me up and down.
I threw my bead back and we both came at the same time.
My inside was warm. I fell right beside him and we both were panting.

J: Fuck that was great.
E: Very. I haven't done that since... well it's been a while.
J: I can tell. You're so tight

I punched his chest playfully.
After I got in the shower and laid next to Jake snuggled up with him.
He kissed my forehead.
J: I'm glad you're back baby.
E: Me too babe.

GUYS IM SAVING DRAMA FOR WHEN RIK AND JAKE GET MORE SERIOUS. I don't want her to be able to leave Jake as easy as she can right now, so drama will come within a few chapters .
Keep reading ❤️😝

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