Chapter 9- Complete Anger

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Erika's POV-
I woke up and Jake was laying by my side. I had remembered we gotten into an argument last night. He was jealous of Tony or something. I brought up Tessa and we just haven't spoken since. I kissed his forehead and got up from bed to get Joseph. He was still sleep, since we all went to sleep a little late last night. I put him down next to Jake and tucked him in. I had to shower so i went to the bathroom.

Jakes POV-
It was early about 7 am when i felt someone kiss me. I don't open my eyes, but with her scent i could tell it was Erika. I was still mad at her but, the kiss was reassuring. Then she walked off and came back to put Joseph next to me in bed. Then i heard the shower turn on.
I felt bad about last night, but Tony was sending some bad vibes. And i know he, back in high school, liked her but i'm not sure. Plus Erika is completely oblivious to it.
Joseph shoots up from bed

Jo: Where mama?
J: She's in the shower buddy.
Jo: Oh?
J: Wanna go get ready?
Jo: Yea!

I picked him up from the bed and took him to get dressed. When i was done we went back to the room and Erika was in a towel.

E: By the way, my mom wants to see Joseph. She came to spend the weekend with him. So i'm gonna go drop him off this morning.
J: Do you want me to come with yo-
E: Nope! Anthony's coming. I think that'll be enough company.

With that she got ready, she started packing a backpack for Joseph.

J: Wait, are you serious?
E: About what?
J: You'd rather spend time with Tony than me?
E: I mean, we are fighting right now. So yeah, i'd rather sit in a car with someone who i can talk to.
J: Instead of taking the time so that we can talk it over?
E: Yes.
J: Whatever Erika.

I left the room and soon hear Joseph and Erika come downstairs.

E: Go say bye to daddy, while i'll put your stuff in the car.

Joseph runs to me. I bend down and open my arms. He hugs me tight.
Joseph: Love you dad!
J: I love you too buddy. Have fun and be good! Remember no bad words.

He nods and smiles. I kiss his cheek and then Erika came up to me.
Weird, around people she acted fine, but when we together alone she was mad.

E: Okay, i'll be back.

She side hugged me and pecked my lips.

E: Bye.
J: Bye
A: Coming Rik!

Erika's POV-
I grabbed Joseph and put him in his car seat. Tony got shotgun and we left.
It was quiet until Joseph spoke up.

Jo: Mama why you and daddy fight?
E: We aren't fighting baby.
Jo: Daddy say you mad today, and you yelling yesterday.
E: We just got into an argument. But we still love each other, and i love you even more!
Jo: mama?!
E: Yes baby?
Jo: I have candy?
E: Yes, you can have candy.. but just a little bit.
A: What are you going to do with grandma buddy?
Jo: I'm disney land.
A: DISNEYLAND? How fun!!!
Jo: Yea!

I smiled at how well they got together. Finally we got to my moms hotel.

E: Okay will you help me with Joseph's things?
A: For sure!

We get off and I grab Joseph and Tony gets his stuff. I meet my mom and give her Joseph and his things.

E: Have fun baby! Be good! No bad words Joseph! I mean it.
EM: Hes saying bad words now?
E: Yup. He had been for a little. He's stopped though. Okay we should go mom bye!

We leave and I start to get excited.
E: Okay, first things first. I need to give myself hickeys.

I pull out the suction cup and tony records a little.

E: Okay costellars, i'm here with Toner and today i'm doing a hickey prank on Jake. There's been a lot of tension between us lately, hopefully he doesn't take this TOO bad.

After a little bit of vlogging, Tony stops the camera.

A: Hey rik, what are you and Jake fighting about?
E: Okay, if i tell you.. I stays between us.
A: For sure.
E: Okay it started when i first moved in..

I explain the Tessa situation and how he tried to blame Joseph's cussing on the boys, and him always sticking up for her.

A: Rik.. Thats not good. I've notice that Tessa has been very hands-on with him. But i didn't wanna start drama.

He shakes his head no. We get home and Tony goes to set up cameras in Jakes & I's room.
He texted me saying everything's ready and I take Jake upstairs.
The hickeys looked so real.

E: Jake!
J: Yeah?
E: Wanna cuddle?

Everyone says "ooooooh jerika"
I smile and Jake blushes. I grab his hands and pull him upstairs.

J: Someone's excited.
E: Well, Joseph's fine and I just can't wait!
J: I think we should talk firs-

I cut him off with a kiss. He pulls away.

J: First. We should talk.
E: fine.

He slides his hands down my arms and then holds my hands. He looks me up and down, and that's when he saw.
His eyes were glued on the hickeys on my boobs.

E: What?
J: Erika.. What are tho- Are those hickeys?

I try to cover my boob with my cardigan.

E: Those are from you.

He lets go of my hands and I see complete anger in his eyes.

J: Did they come from him?
E: What who?
J: Are they from tony?

WOW JAKE WENT THERE ?! NEXT CHAPTER TOMORROW! Fist fight (; But between who??? Don't forget to vote guys!! ILY❤️

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