Chapter 20- Weren't going to tell me?

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Jakes POV-
I walked everyone out and closed/locked the door. I went up to my room and heard Erika in the shower. I popped my head into Joseph's room and he was sound asleep.
When i walked into the closet i saw a couple of Erika's bras on the floor. I smirk and go to pick them up and place them in her drawer. When i opened it up i saw something strange.. I grabbed it and sat on the bed waiting for Erika to come in..
Five minutes pass and finally the shower stops. By the time she got into bed, I had already had time to think. And everything that came to my head was negative.
She walks up to the bed and lays eyes on what I had found.

E: W-Where'd you get those?
J: You weren't going to tell me?
J: You said you thought, not that you knew? There's a big difference there.
E: That shouldn't matter Jake..

Her voice started to raise.
J: Okay one, stop yelling because you're going to wake up Joseph and Team 10 and two... Did you not just 'prank' me saying you were pregnant? Of course I'm going to have my doubts.. But you knew Erika. And you're just now telling me?
E: Jake, I just found out.

I look down at the Ultrasounds i found and checked the date. It read June 7th 2018.
J: Really? 11 days is barley finding out?
E: Jake i-i was scared. I didn't know if I wanted another kid right now-

I cut her off.
J: So what? If you didn't want the child, you were going to abort it and just not tell me?
E: I don't want to talk about this right now.
J: You don't? Because your mind may be at ease but Erika i have so many questions and concerns. This is my child too.

She stayed silent and climb into bed turning her back to me.
J: I-It is my child.. right?
E: Jesus. Yes Jake. It is your baby. Who's else would it be? My 'little boyfriend'
J: You're mad about that? Is that why you don't want to talk? Because your mad.

She gets up and sits up looking at me.
E: Fine. Let's talk about it. What 'questions' do you have?
J: Well... Why did you go and take these without me?

I say waving the ultrasound up in the air
E: Because I didn't want you to know until I was sure what I wanted to do. I just got signed to a great modeling agency and now I'm pregnant? How do you think i feel Jake? You and Joseph were my perfect little family. We were finally settling in. And now we have this huge problem.
J: You're scared to lose you contract?
E: It's much more than that. I-I just.. I've been through this before with Joseph and I was alone. Scared. And-

I could feel myself getting super mad. I stormed out of bed and into the restroom. I had to cool down because I lost my temper. I didn't want Erika to see me when I was mad. I rarely get this mad, but hearing her talk about my unborn child being a "problem" just ticked me off too much. I know I didn't help much with Joseph the first two years, but not by choice. I was there for Erika before she left me.

Erikas POV-
Jake just stormed out of bed and I was on the verge of crying. I could feel myself saying the wrong things but it just came out like vomit. I couldn't stop. And it is how i felt, i didn't lie. But I don't think that Jake liked the idea of me keeping this secret from him.
I didn't know whether or not to go after Jake, or let him cool down. So i just waited. I cried a little, knowing that I have again hurt this precious little soul. Jake is nothing but good to Joseph and I, from the time he knew about Joseph until now.

After about three minutes he comes out and climbs into bed. He scoots as close to me as possible and wraps his arms around my waist. He was balling his eyes out.
J: I'm sorry Rik, for everything. I know I'm not the easiest to talk to. But i love you, and ill be right here for you. Always.

My arms fall in line with his and i lay right beside him and he snuggles his head into my neck. There was a long time of silence.

E: Are you ready to be a dad.. again?
J: More than ready baby.

I smiled and just laid there with him. He started to kiss my neck and the moved his way down to my boobs. I giggled as he lightly sucked on them.
J: Are we allowed to fu-
E: I don't see why not.

I cut him off.

⚠️⚠️⚠️ SEXUAL CONTENT ⚠️⚠️⚠️
He climbed on top of me pulled my shirt off. I had no pants or bra on, so i laid in only my underwear. He only had his jogger and boxers on. I pulled on his joggers and he slid them right off. We both smile and he starts to kiss me all over.

I flip us and grind my hips on him, causing him to instantly grow a boner. I was officially turned on. I pulled my panties to the side and sat on jakes abs. I waited for him to take his boxers off, and soon enough he did. He the pushed me back on my back and climbed on me.
I felt his hand sneak up to my heat. Not breaking our kiss he slid his fingers in me, making me moan. He was teasing me so i pushed him off of me and smiled. As i sat on his hard rock boner i bend down and whispered in his ear.
E: Please fuck me hard tonight daddy..

When i came back up to kiss him i smirked. He pulled me up and adjust his dick to slip in me. I was soon riding him and he was moaning. I heard him mutter the words "fuck" and "yes" even my name. I giggled and moaned as i heard all this. Then right before he was about to cum he got up and laid me on the edge of the bed. He held onto my legs for support and he slammed right into me. I moaned out loud. Jake came down to kiss me as he still thrusted.
We both came at the same time.

I fell right beside Jake and he put on his joggers and i put on my thong. We cuddled all night.

ALRIGHT GUYSSSSSS!!!!!! Here's another chapter because I have been slacking a little lately. Thank you all for all the support. Every single time i think that my chapter sucks, you guys literally make me feel better about it with all the cute comments. I honestly love you all.

Part 2: Reconnected? Where stories live. Discover now