Chapter 21- Three girlfriends?

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*skip to a few months when Joseph starts school*

Erikas Pov-
Today is Josephs first day of school. It's a bitter sweet kinda thing. I can't wait to see him go but i hate that he's growing up so fast.
I am four months pregnant right now and i'm starting to grow a belly. Joseph loves to rub it and talk to his "baby brother".
We don't know the sex yet, but he really wants a baby brother.
Jake wants a girl.
I'm happy with either one. I just cant wait to have another baby in my arms. Joseph is growing old and he just doesn't cling to me as much anymore. Especially since we live with team 10.

I go to wake up Joseph so that he can get ready. His school day is so long it starts at 9 am and ends at 3. I don't know if i can stay away from my baby this long. But we have to start now so he could be ready for kindergarten in a couple of years.
E: Joseph baby, Its time to go to school

He just groaned and turned the other way. I sighed. He was going to be difficult this morning. I already know. I walk back to the bed to get Jake to wake Joseph up. He manages every time, even when Joseph is grumpy.
He looked so peaceful sleeping. I didn't want to wake him, but i know it was the only way Joseph was going to get ready. I sit right next to Jake and kiss his lips softly trying to wake him up in a cute way. After a few kisses he starts to kiss back, and rolls over to face me.
J: I like being woken up like this..

He smirks and slides his hand up my thighs. We begin to make out and i try to pull away but he starts down my neck making me moan. 
E: I-I need you-
J: I need you too baby
E: n-no Jake.. i-i need...

I break away from the him and grab his hand.
E: I need you to help me wake Joseph up. He's not in a good mood. And it's his first day of school.
J: Oh yeah! I'll get him
E: Can you bring him in the bath?

I say and he nods and smirks. I run to the bath getting the water warm enough for Joseph to bath in. When Jake walks in with Joseph, he is laughing and smiling. I don't know how Jake does it but it is a blessing.

I bathe Joseph and put him in some black jeans and a black tee. He had some all cream white yeezy's that Jake bought him and then i did his hair.  He looked too cute. Jake also got ready so that we could take him together.
After, the boys were just waiting for me to get ready. I throw on some ripped light-skinny jeans and a white crop top. I waved my hair and put on a bit of makeup.
When i finished it was 8:30. I went downstairs and both Jake and Joseph were eating and they saved me a plate.
Jo: Mommy there food for you.
E: Thank you baby.

I go over and kiss his cheek and then I peck Jake on the lips. I sit with them and look over at Joseph.
E: Are you ready to go to school and meet new people? Make friends.
Jo: Yeah! But i have friend lie Tony Chance and Tessa and Kade!
J: But you can  make new friends buddy. Friends that are your age.
Jo: Oh! What about a girlfriend?

Jake and I look at each other and our eyes grew at the same time.
J: well.. you see, if you really want-

I cut him off because I knew Jake was going to encourage him. But my baby is too young. He barley knows what a girlfriend is... I think.
E: Girls have cooties. You don't want a girlfriend!
Jo: But daddy have a girlfriend
J: Mommy is my wife! Not girlfriend

He says playing along with me. I smile.
Jo: Well I want one girlfriend or three.. I kiss them everyday

I almost chocked hearing him say that. I picked him up as I seen that we were just killing time here, and i didn't want him to say anything else that could potentially mean he was growing up.
E: Okay lets go to school now.

I saw Jake smirking trying to hold in his laugh. I pick up Joseph and walk with Jake to the Tesla. I straddle him in his car-seat and put his backpack at his feet. I know that the school bus was an option but Jake insisted that we carpool instead. For now at least.
I got into the passenger seat and Jake climbed into the driver seat and then we were off to Josephs new school.
When we pull up Jake finds a parking spot and we get down. Joseph didn't want to be held, but he wanted to hold Jake's hand. We walked all the way to his class and we stood in front of the door, along with the rest of the parents and their kids.
Both Jake and I bend down to Josephs level to talk to him.
E: You ready baby?
J: Don't worry bud, you'll be fine. Just remember to be nice to everyone.
Jo: Okay! I'm ready mommy and daddy.

We let go of his hands and he runs into the room. I turn to Jake almost crying. He hugs me and kisses the top of my head. I do tear up a little. Jake and I walk back to the Tesla and in there i start to get very emotional. Jake grabs my hand, starting the car at the same time.
J: Babe! He's going to be fine. I promise.
E: He- he wants three girlfriends Jake. My baby boy wants to have girlfriends and he wants to kiss them.

He giggles. I calm down a bit and we arrive to the house. Jake grabs my hand and leads me to the bed, where he pulls me in and cuddles my waist. I just lay there with his head resting on  my chest.
J: I'm off today, no meetings or anything. Let's take a day for ourselves.

I kiss his head so he knows I was in agreeance. As i lay there with Jake asleep on me, all i can   think about is how my little Joseph is growing up so fast. And the baby I'm about to have. I start to get overwhelmed and cry again.
I do hate being moody, because it's not how I am. It's the baby. Ugh.
Jake and I lay like this for a few hours until my phone rings and it's from an unknown number... When i answer, I knew exactly who it was. Jake starts to tense up as he too recognizes the voice.

GUYSSSSS!!!! Here's another chapter! I need more ideas on how to shift the story! Should I add more drama? Or keep the story focused on the new Jerika family? Comment! Also dont forget to voteeeeeee!!!!!!!! Luvvvvvv yall!

Part 2: Reconnected? Where stories live. Discover now