Chapter 17- My girl

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Erikas Pov-
It has been a couple of days since Jake saw me and Anthony kiss. We haven't spoken much to each other. Really we haven't talked at all..
Its killing me. I miss his touch, his voice and him. I know that kissing Anthony back was wrong, but in my defense he came at me first.
I also have't seen my child. I miss him. I know what he saw could effect our relationship. Like Jake said he's gonna see me as a cheater. And I'm going to have to explain this to him, because it was my mistake.

I sat in bed until like 9 a.m. and then I got up to take a shower.
When I opened the restroom door, Jake was in there changing. I couldn't help but stare at his perfect abs. I guess he saw me staring because he chuckled a bit, cutting my focus. I shake my  head and start the shower. I take my shirt off  and walked over to the closet looking for my outfit for today, as i waited for the shower to get hot.

J: We have to talk today.. Before we go and pick up Joseph.
E: Okay. What about?

He looked me in my eyes and sighed.
J: You know what about Rik..
E: Fine, just let me get ready.
J: Okay, i'll be downstairs, when you're ready.

I nodded my head in agreement and smile. I find a cute outfit then hop in the shower. I quickly bathed and washed my hair and got out to change and do my hair. I wand my hair and find some sunglasses that match the color of my shirt so i throw them on.
(Erikas outfit below)

I walk out the room to go and find Jake so that we could talk

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I walk out the room to go and find Jake so that we could talk. When I walk downstairs everyone was in the living room. Except Jake.
E: Have you guys seen Jake?..
T10: Office.
E: Thanks guys.
Tessa: Hey, are you alright?

E: Yeah.. Why?
Chance: Jake's been acting weird, and so have you

Kade: We are just a little worried

I chuckle at their observations, but I didn't want to worry them so I lied..
E: We are fine guys, just working through some stuff.
Chad: Where's Joseph at?
E: He went to see Pam for a little.. We are about to go and pick him up.. See yall later. Maybe we can film a vlog together? All of us.
T10: Down!!

I smile at all of them and wave bye.
Once i make it to the office, I knocked on the door and opened the door slightly so that half my body was in the room.
E: Jake?
J: Yeah, come in.
E: I'm ready to talk, if you are.

Jake puts down all his stuff and walks up to me. He grabs both my hands and looks into my eyes.

J: Lets go get a bite to eat and talk there. I'm starving.
E: Okay.

I smile at him and he kisses my cheek. He goes to grab the keys to the Tesla and we walk to the car.
Once we got in the car, Jake started to pull out the driveway, and another car was coming in. I notice Tony was in the car. I looked away trying not to make eye contact with him.
I notice Jake's body tensing up and his jaw was clenched.
I put my hand on his thigh to try and calm him down.
He calmed down and he grabbed my hand. He was being nicer than he had been the past few days.. Which kinda freaked me out giving the fact that he saw me basically cheating on him.

E: Jake, I'm sorry.

He puckered his lips and focused his eyes on the rode. He was speechless. I guess it was long overdue, my apology.

E: I'm sorry for kissing Anthony back. I'm sorry for Joseph seeing that. I'm sorry for letting you down. I'm sorry for always provoking you. And I'm sorry for always putting you down, even when I'm in the wrong. I know it doesn't justify my actions, but I feel like this is the first step. So I'm sorry babe.

I manage to say with only a couple of voice-cracks.
I rub his thigh with my hand (non-sexually haha) and try to make eye contact with him. He put the Tesla in auto-pilot and turned towards me.

J: Me too Erika. I'm sorry.
E: For what?
J: For not listening to you and kissing Tessa out of spite. I just shut down after what I saw.
E: I don't blame you Jake. If i walked in on my boyfriend and best-friend kissing I probably would never talk to both of them ever again.
J: So he kissed you?
E: Yeah.. I pulled back, but then he pulled me back in and I did kiss him back. I-I don't know why, I just did. And as soon as I did, I instantly regretted it.

Jake just stayed quiet. He moved his eyes back to the rode. He placed on hand on the stirring wheel and the other on my thigh.
J: I love you still Erika. And I want us to work through this, for team ten, for Joseph, but most importantly for us.
E: You do?
J: Of corse I do.

I smiled. He grabbed my hand and kissed it not taking braking his hard concentration with the street.

J: You're my girl. You'll always be my girl. Even when you aren't my girl.

I chuckle, partially because he confused me at the end. But he was being cute. I knew if we could work through this, we could overcome anything.

I grabbed on to Jake's hand and smiled because finally we were back to the way things used to be.
After eating we went to pick up Joseph from Pam's house. He was excited to see us. We talked as a family all the way home.
I put Joseph to sleep, when we arrived at then felt something at the pit of my stomach.
It was vomit...

GUYS THEY MADE UP BUT THAT DOESN'T GO FOR JANTHONY OR ANERIKA!!!! HOW WILL T10 REACT WHEN THEY HEAR THAT TONY KISSED ERIKA??????? Thanks for all the support that I'm getting for this book! Yallseriously rock !!!!! ILY ALL

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