Chapter 12- Taco Bell

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Erikas POV-

We all went upstairs. Jake Joseph and I, to watch Monsters Inc. I laid on one side of Joseph, and Jake laid on the other side. Joseph leaned on Jake so that he could see the movie better.
Half way through the movie Joseph fell asleep.

E: Okay I'm going downstairs..
J: Wait, Erika..
E: Yes?
J: We need to talk.
E: I don't want to talk.. I want to go downstairs.

He sighed.
J: That's your problem rik.. You never want to talk so everything inside you, builds up and makes matters worse. You're so "grown up" now, but you still act like a high school-er.

I rolled my eyes and sat back on the bed.
E: Fine Jake, lets talk.
J: Thank you.
E: I think you over reacted. It was just a fun prank that you took to far. You kicked out your.. MY bestfriend.
J: Erika... I kicked him out because I don't trust him.
E: what about me???? You don't trust me?
J: I do its just-
E: Its just you were trying to be Mr. Tough Guy and felt jealous. So you kicked him out, because you wanted to act on your current emotions instead of listening. Nothing happened.. It was a fucking prank.
J: Well... I guess you're right about that..
E: Yeah I am..

Jake was looking down and not saying anything. He was stroking Josephs head as he was still asleep.
E: So are you gonna kick out Tessa too?
J: I-Ill call Tony.... He can come back..
E: Really?????

I smile and grab his hand. He smiles back at me.
J: Yes, but only if you talk to Tessa..
E: About what..
J: I want you two to be bestfriends again. Terika.
E: That's not going to happen..
J: Fine, then i won't call Tony.
E: FINE. I'll talk to her.
J: Good.

I looked away and mumbled.
E: Next year...

Jake raised his eyebrow.
J: What was that?
E: Nothing.

He climbed on top of me and started tickling my stomach. I tried not to laugh loud because Joseph was still sleeping next to us.
E: Jake!!!
J: Shhhhhhhhhh.. My kid is sleeping

I look over at Joseph who was so cute, asleep. He looked exactly like Jake when he was sleeping.
E: He looks like you.

Jake smiles and blushes a little.
J: You think?
E: For sure babe.

Jake pecked my lips and started climbing off of me. I pull him back on me. I start to kiss him and he smiled through the kiss. I kept licking his bottom lip asking for permission to explore his mouth with my tongue. He didn't let me, smiling as if he were teasing  me.
I ran my fingers down his body getting to his friend and grabbed him. Jake moaned and with that my tongue and his met each other.
I brought my hand back up to his abs and he pinned his hand down on my hip, pushing me further into the bed. It started to get really hot.
Jake pulled back and smiled.

J: You're mine tonight.

I just bit my lip and nodded. He pressed his soft lips against mine one more time and headed downstairs to work on his vlog.
I stayed in bed for another twenty minutes before Joseph woke up.

Jo: Mommy where daddy?
E: He's working. Are you hungry baby?

Joseph nodded his head. I smiled at him and ran my fingers through his hair.

E: Okay, what do you want to eat?
E: oh god, you are your dads son.

i ordered for me Joseph and Jake. I grabbed Joseph and changed him into his pjs since it was 8 pm. We both went downstairs to find Jake Or one of the boys. We looked around the house and no one was home.

E: Looks like daddy went bye-bye.
Jo: Daddy not here?
E: No, but he will be back soon.

Joseph started crying and crying loud. He always did this when Jake wasn't home. That's usually why Jake always had to sneak out of the house.
He cried for 10 minutes before the food got here. I got a message that my food was here so i quickly stepped outside to grab it. When i walk back inside I didn't hear Joseph's crying.
I fast walk back to the couch where i left Joseph and see Joseph in Jakes arms.

E: oh my god, i got sca-
J: He was crying again.
E: Yeah, i told him you weren't here.
J: I went to- uh.. to you're apartment to talk to Anthony

I walk back to the couch and sat down with Jake and Joseph. I open the food and give them each their own food. Jake smiled at the food.

E: So what happened.
J: well we did argue a little. Said some things we didn't mean. But we worked it out. And he's not sure if he wants to come back.

I raised my eyebrow, and Jake avoided eye contact with me.
Jo: Daddy i pick taco bell
J: You did buddy? That's my favorite
Jo: Me too.

He opened his arms so Jake could hug him. Jake hugged him and sat him down on his lap.
J: Did you talk to Tessa?
E: Not yet. I haven't seen her today.
J: Rik..
E: What? I can't help wether or not she's home.

Just then Tessa walks through the door and calls out for Joseph.
Jake looks at me and signals for me to talk to her now.
I roll my eyes and call out for her.

E: Hey T..
T: Yeah?
E: Are you busy? Can we talk??

WOOOP TERIKA FIGHT COMING UP? But will they make up is the big question!!! Guys i already have 10k reads. That's insane. Thank you guys so much. ❤️

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