Surprises and footballs

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<electric love- BORNS>

All I need is to be struck
By your electric love
Baby, you're electric love
Electric love
Rushing through me
I feel your energy rushing through me


I SAT ON MY BED OPENING UP MY PHONE, sighing to myself whilst reading the notifications.

2 new messages from daisy
1 missed phone call from Daisy

I grabbed the Dorito bag from besides me, digging into the bag and chewing on a broken triangle.


Daisy: hey, guess what

Daisy: ur probably not awake right now, so I'll call u to wake u up.

Daisy: Ur lucky I'm such a good friend

The taste of cheese and calories almost consumed me-until I choked on the sharp end of the chip, poking and slicing the back of my throat. I coughed until I felt the food slide down my throat.

After...that, I stood up and padded to my vanity that stood tall at the back of my room. Grabbing my computer, I swiped the half empty water bottle besides it, chugging it down then swiftly tossing it to the tiny trash can besides my bed.

Jumping onto my bed with a loud crack, I cringed and slowly crawled to my many pillows and sat down with my computer on my lap.

As soon as I opened the computer, the show the Office theme's song startled me, causing me to fumble with buttons to turn down the blaring music.

With a sigh of relief, I unlocked the screen and began to stream the show...until I remembered my duties as a best friend.

Scrolling through my phone to find her contact, I pressed it with an over dramatic sigh.

two rings and she answered.

"What's so important you had to call me for?" was the first thing I said when she picked up.

"So, apparently there's really hot twins going to our school next week," She gleefully replied, causing an eyebrow raise from me.

"How would you know? How do you even get this gossip? We're on Spring break and you're still getting the tea," I cringed saying 'tea', but if Daisy used it, I might as well.

She giggled and said "Lexie snapchatted that she saw hot twins at Walgreens yesterday night. She asked them what school they go to..." she paused to add dramatic effect "And they said they're going to our school!" Daisy giggled even louder, forcing me to pull the phone from my ear for a second.

Is she talking about Ethan and Grayson?

"Yea, I already know," I mumbled, popping another chip into my mouth.

"" I could just imagine her ears perking up with excitement and curiosity.

"Well, I would have told you last night. But I was so tired from the night I passed out onto my bed." I scratched the back of my neck with the hand that had red cheese on the tips, then wincing once I felt the dust on the crease of my skin.

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