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i knocked on the door

the door opened, the same guy from earlier opened it up

"Hey, it's you" he smiled

"Hey, it's you" i smirked

"come in, the party just got started. I'm happy you came" he smiled, letting me into the house. "I never got your name" he said

"it's....Lia" i turned my eyes back to the people behind the guy. I don't know why i lied, i guess i just wanted to be someone different for a while.

"My name is Dan" he smiled showing his teeth


play song


"Well Dan, i'm ready to forget" i looked to the people. They were all drinking while talking, there were a group of people inside and outside of the house. It wasn't that much people, it was like a group of friends hanging out.

"meet my friends" he grabbed my wrist lightly, taking me to a group of people "this is my new friend i just met, her name is Lia" he said to his friends

"this is Kathy" he pointed at a red head, she smiled at me "hey, i'm Lia" i smiled back

All his friends told me their names, they seem like they are old enough for college

"Lets get a drink" Dan passed me a beer, i grabbed it. It was already open so i took a sip. We walked away from his friends over to the couches

"this party is pretty cool, it's not dead but yet it's not a rave" i smiled to him, feeling the leather couch

"thanks, it's spring break for college so we all decided to hang out here. what college do you go to?" he smiled to me

The first thing i thought of was "Ucla" i smiled to him

"wow, thats far from here. Why are you in this town?" he softly chuckled taking a sip from his beer

"family. My friends came with me to the lake house next door so we can relax" everything i was saying were lies, but yet i didn't care. i was having fun kind of

"thats cool" he grinned. "are you better now, from earlier?" he rubbed the condensation off his beer can

"From earlier...yeah a little" i looked down at my shoes. I thought of the video again, it replayed in my head. Erica moans in the video surrounded me

"hey, don't cry" he said softly, grabbing my chin softly picking it up so i looked to him

"I'm not crying" i tried to giggled my pain away, i realized that my eyes were glossy

"Do you want to talk about it more?" he questioned

I shook my head as Kathy walked over to us "are you already making her cry, dan?" she smacked Dan's shoulder

"no" he gritted his teeth looking at her

"why are you sad for honey?" she put her beer down next to her as she looked to me

"i'm not sad" i looked at my beer

all of his friends walked over to us

"come on, what happened?" She picked her beer up again, looking into my eyes

The Shattered// E.D  G.DWhere stories live. Discover now