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Olivia's POV


New hope- love again-

<I.F.L.Y- Bazzi>


"I AM SO HAPPY!" i yelled running into Ethan's arms

"woah, whats going on?" he chuckled holding me

"you don't remember?" i gasped laughing as he put his arms around my neck

after our fight, we got closer and i like it. He makes my heart so warm. Whenever he hugs me, or even smiles at me. He makes me feel better, he makes my day better.

"remember what?" he chuckled

"Ethan Freaking Dolan, You don't remember?" i took his arms off of me as i smiled at him

He gave me a confused face as he furrowed his eyebrows

"you did, didn't you" i pushed him lightly, making him stumbled back a little

"we're going to the Lake house tomorrow" i put my hands on my hips as i scolded him. I tried to be mad, but i was so happy about tomorrow i started smiling

"OH THE LAKE HOUSE!" he yelled "i need to pack" he ran to his closet across the room

"you didn't pack" i yelled sitting on his bed

"of course i packed" he turned back around to me "i would never forget about something like this" he smiled

"thank the lord, i was about to actually about to start hitting you" i sighed laying on his bed

"like you hitting me would actually hurt" he smiled sitting on his bean bag chair

"please, i would hurt you Dolan" i sat up smiling at him

"The worst you would do would to give me a bite on my arm"

"right here, right now. Fight me" i stood up from his bed, crossing my arms

"you couldn't handle me" He said in a slow raspy voice. The way he said it sent chills down my back

I grabbed his pillow from off his bed and threw it at him

"try me" i laughed, i turned back to Ethan

he wasn't sitting in the bean bag chair anymore

"Ethan?" i said turning around

He picked me off of my feet, throwing me to his bed

"Ethan!" i giggled

he jumped onto the bed as he began tickling the sides of me


play song


i got a weird feeling in my stomach again

i've been getting that weird feeling a lot lately

"E-Ethan" i said in between my laughs

he stopped tickling me as he said "You can't handle me"

he laid down next to me on the bed as we both looked up at the ceiling

"YEAH THOUGHT" i screamed as i got up getting on top of him

i cradled him as i tickled him on the side of his neck

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