Operation piggy

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<Billie Eilish- When I was older->

Yes I've been taught, got a little of it
In my blood, in my blood
Memories burn like a forest fire
Heavy rain turns any funeral pyre to mud
In the flood

AT FIRST I REFUSED TO GET DRUNK, I said to myself and the others: "I'm not getting drunk, it's dumb to do so. I'll just have a couple of sips from beer- or whatever the hell is in this cup! Okay! Just a few sips!"

Just a few sips my ass.

Twenty minutes, more than a few sips later, a dance or two- and here I am.

Totally not drunk. Completely sober. Completely utterly sober to the bone. But now that I think about it, I don't remember Daisy being a triplet...

How come she never told me about her two other identical sisters? That's so unfair of her to keep that huge secret! She didn't even bother to name them, and every time I asked their names, she giggled and rolled her eyes.

I named the sister on the left of Daisy, Aria.
The one on the right, Suckmi Bollas - the third.

"You're so totally drunk!" Someone said, or something- can the floor talk?

"Me? Moi? Can't possibly be me you're talking to, Wood!" I threw a finger at the floor as it jiggled with laughter- or was that the bouncing of vibrations from the people dancing besides me?

The floor chuckled, sounding awfully a lot like Daisy.

Then suddenly, the song that was blasting changed to one everyone knew instantly. Even me- the girl who thought singing 'hey there Delilah' was still cool in 2018.

"Babygirl, What you doing? Where's your mans?" everyone in the house seemed to sing the lyrics like they knew it to heart.

I bet even Bethany Salas knew this song better than the Bible she carries around at school. I glanced in her direction, noticing the cross hanging from her chest was now bouncing in the air to her jumps. I bet my new friends, Suckmi, Aria, and Mr.Wall that she will be praying for forgiveness about this on Sunday.

I felt as thought I was at a rave- even though I had no actual idea what happened there- I had a pretty sketchy idea that people danced on each other and took drugs, sweat a lot, did some cult shit, then went home.

And the scene in front of me looked a lot like I would've thought. Grinding, kissing, sweat, drugs, alcohol, hormones flying in the air, dancing. Lots and lots of dancing- if you consider jumping on the beat continually, dancing.

Maybe the constant bumping into others while they stomped and squished my toes jumping to the beat might've aggravated me, but weirdly- I felt more giggly than anything.

I laughed. Harder than I had in a long time. The empty void I usually felt, I suddenly couldn't remember it. Its constant reminder in my head was gone. The alcohol was screaming at my blood now, chanting 'Fuck yeah! Fuck yeah! Do something fun! Now!'

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