Pills can suck my little dick

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< Sad forever - Lauv >

Life feels like a daydream
And I just wish that I could wake up
I just wish that I could wake up
My mind
Whispers in the nighttime
Voices always keeping me up

<changes - XXXTentacion>

My heart can't take this damage
And the way I feel, can't stand it
Mmm, baby, I don't understand this


AH YES, THE TIME SKIP every movie or book has at some point. We all ether hate them or love them, no in-between. And for you, it's a good thing.

What happened after the hospital? What happened with Ethan? Oohhh, did Olivia really get arrested? #RR 👀

Let's start off with what's happening in dear ol' Olivia's life now. And before you ask 'who da fuck is narrating right now?' That's for me to know and you to find out. I know, another cliche, but that's what a book is about.

Cringe 💅

That's right, folks. The motherfricking fourth wall is down- for now. Anyways, back to the story...

Don't go, incredibly hot narrator! 🤤🤤

Yeah, I know, I'm amazing but the story has to keep going. Also, stop it with the emojis, you're kinda freaking me out. Officially, going back to the story, now!

"Ethan, come over here!" I shouted across the crashing waves. The faint ocean spray smell was intoxicating, almost like a glade candle.

I felt his large hands grip my hips from behind, lifting me up into the air and turning me to face him. I threw my head back and giggled, looking into his deep chocolate covered eyes.

His lips met mine, devouring me with his tongue and touch. He softly let my feet touch the sand again as my hands roamed down his toned torso and down to his black swim trunks. "You're so beautiful, you know that?" He whispered between kisses because I constantly pulled away from his lips but came back for more.

"I love you," I softly whispered as I grabbed onto his shoulders, forcing him to look at me.

"And I love you." he wrapped his arms around my waist, tugging me into his large frame. We just stood there as the beach waves every now and then watered our feet then retreated back to the ocean.

"Okay," I mumbled, unraveling myself from his arms. "First one to the boat over there is the winner!" I dashed into the ocean and I could him hot on my tail.

I only got so far before he grabbed me by the waist pulling me in to kiss him. We both splashed into the water, falling together into the cold liquid.

I surfaced first, wiping at my eyes and pulling my hair away from my face. Ethan came up second, his smile broad and boyish. He circled me in the water like a shark, his eyes glinting with mirth. "You need to wake up," he sing-sang. I frowned, about to ask what he meant but he splashed me with so much water that I collapsed back underwater.

My eyes snapped open, looking at my bedroom ceiling in confusion. It took me a second to register what had just happened, like every morning. I sighed, laying on my side and pulling the bed covers to my cheeks and trying to fall back into a world that wasn't as fucked.

The Shattered// E.D  G.DWhere stories live. Discover now