Goodnight, Ethan-the pudding boy

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<What if you fell in love- Jake Miller>

I had a dream, I had a dream you got engaged
Fell to my knees, I couldn't breathe, I was stuck in place
And I don't know what it means now, means now
But I'm scared to go to sleep now, sleep now

<Dreams- Bazzi >

I had a dream about you last night
Your eyes were shining so bright
Those lips and that bittersweet smile
I need this forever
Beautiful dream, yeah, yeah
Don't know what it means, yeah

I STARED AT HER LIPS AS SHE SPOKE BUT HER WORDS WERE DISTANT like an echo in a tunnel. She was saying something, I just couldn't decipher what was being said. The longer I stared at her, the more my stomach started to churn.

I sat on the couch across from her, and words like a familiar song sang through my head. "You look at me, I stare at you," just then, Olivia's eyes meet mine. Her orbs seemed bigger, more deeper and the brown chocolate eyes swirled with different emotions that scared me. She didn't look the same- she's not the same person I knew.

"I see the doubt, I see the love, I have and it is all for you," My hands wrapped around the lace of my shoes, tying them then untying. I felt nervous as those pelting eyes didn't remove, but burned holes into my brain. Her head cocked to the side, and for a second, I wondered if Olivia was still in the same room and someone else took place of her.

"Let me wrap myself around you, baby," I stood up after tying my laces into a knot, looking down at her. The silence in the room was deafening, her out of all people knew that.

"Let me tell you are everything, you are," she made the silence, she conquered it and owned the room, glaring daggers in my direction. I dropped to my knees in front of her, my hands bracing each side of the couch.

"Losing my words, I don't know where to start," I couldn't speak, I just sat on my knees, watching those empty eyes smother my breath and without blinking, made me feel so useless under her gaze.

She shook her head, standing up and taking my hand in hers. In an instant, we stood in an ice cream parlor. She unclasped her hand from mine and sat by the window at a table by a hanging purple neon sign. She tapped her fingers on her crossed arms, her lips pursing as if she was waiting on something or anxious.

I glanced out the window to notice the sun was gone, leaving the night sky to replace the brightness in its wake. I frowned, something very familiar creeping up my skin as I stared at my Jeep parked outside.

I turned myself to look at the old woman behind the ice cream counter, her eyes flickering between me and something behind me. Standing up, I went to her. She handed me cups of ice cream while I fiddled with my fingers. I was nervous for some reason... I just didn't know why. Every time the reason was piecing together and somewhat making sense in the back of my mind, something tore it to shreds and pushed it farther away from consciousness.

I've been here before, I thought as I took the ice creams from the old woman and walked back to Olivia who stared blankly at the wall. I slid my ice cream onto the table in front of me, handing Olivia hers and a spoon.

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