Olivia Danes

939 24 36


I swallowed the last shot as Eddie ran his hands around my body. He moved my hair from my neck as he kissed up and down my neck. He moved his hands up my dress as i just danced up harder on him

For the last 9 months all i've done is drink, party, get high, and repeat. I do everything i can do so i won't be sober. 

Sober i can be numb, but it's lonely. I would rather be numb and wasted with someone. 


I slurred my words as everything around me danced around the room. "fuc" i mumbled as the room shifted colors, it felt like i was flying. I grabbed the bubbles in the air as Someone grabbed my waist


I didn't feel the burning sensation in the back of my throat anymore as i chugged down the rest of the bottle. I threw the empty bottle across me, making it shatter into tiny different little pieces. I watched the pieces fly into my face, creating little cuts onto my face. I didn't feel the pain like i thought, i just felt the blood falling down my face. 

"bbrrroooo" Wynona giggled as i took the pieces out of my skin 

I picked the pieces out as i threw them onto the ground


I grabbed onto his lips, pulling them into mine as his hands traveled around my butt. He squished it as i threw his shirt over his head. I moved my lips back to his as he pushed me down onto the couch, i arched my back as he placed his cold finger tips onto my bare back 


"OLLLIVVVIIAAA" they all yelled laughing, passing me the shots. everyone knows me for drinking, they know me for this sht. I'm known for this because i do it all the time. I drank each shot, listening to the bass to the song playing through the house, it shook my feet as i finished the shots. Everyone jumped up and down as i sang the lyrics to the song, even though i didn't know the song


"Give me the fuccing LIGHTER" Natalia yelled grabbing the lighter from Emi's hands

"fuc off idiot" Emi said running her hands through her blonde hair, she sat onto the carpet staring up at the ceiling

 "Shh" i giggled as the room moved around more, everything felt furry and flurry. I felt the soft ground, making me fall asleep a little

My new  friends are Natalia, Emi,  and Wynona. These people i used to hate so much, but they're the only ones who get me. They get high and sleep around too, they understand me. So we only get drunk and party together. 


He moved his hands onto my thighs as i gripped onto his back, i jumped up and down feeling him enter me. I threw my head back moaning as he slammed me back into his dick. "you make me so Hard babygi-" he said as i cut him off

"no." i hate it when anyone calls me babygirl, it reminds me of E-. I can't say his name without thinking about him. So i never say his name. 

i stood up from Duke as he stood up too. "where are you going?" he asked as i slipped on my shirt

"Your dick is small and i'm bored of this." i said putting on my pants

"but we were just having sex"

"i don't fuccing care" i said walking towards the door


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