Xoxo gossip whore

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< Bellyache- Billie Eilish >

Sittin' all alone
Mouth full of gum
In the driveway
My friends aren't far
In the back of my car

LUNCH FELT LIKE SOMETHING ONLY IN MY DREAMS at this point, the whole school day just led to lunch. The only thing I strive for in my education: food.

I walked to my locker, pushing all my crap into the small metal container. With loud clunks and bangs, I shut the locker and practically skipped to the cafeteria.

As soon as I stepped into the body filled cafeteria room, my eyes scanned for Daisy. A small smile danced on my lips, smelling the tater tots and the (probably) weeks old trash they call food.

I found Daisy sitting at our usual circle table, eating and talking to Lexie, whom sat besides her.

I didn't know why, but I had a bright smile. Maybe it was the contagious tater tot smell or the toxic-maybe-deathly meatloaf making me high, but I felt like I was on the top of the world.  "Hey Lexie" I smiled to Lexie, meeting Daisy's confused stare.

I sat across from them at the table, pulling my bag off and placing it besides me. "Whats up," I grinned, leaning forward to meet the wary eyes from the both of them.

There was a small silence, the two of them trying to figure me out. Lexie cleared her throat, being the first to break the silence. "Other than Danny Shimpninsky's underwear on the flag pole this morning, the hot new twins." She mirrored my smile, playing with the charm on her bracelet.

Just the mention of them made my smile drop, clearing me from my hazy happy daze. I looked away, not meeting their judging eyes. I still don't trust the twins fully, they haven't proven they're not snitches yet and it's putting me on edge, knowing they could be watching this second.

"I heard they're going to Justin's party on Sunday," She smirked, running her small ring-filled fingers through her chocolate curls.

Without missing a beat, Daisy replied, "So that means me and Olivia are going now." My jaw dropped, glaring at the girl I call my best friend.

"Um, I never agreed to that."'I shook my head, keeping my eyes glued to the girl I was going to murder soon if she didn't shut her trap. "How do you know the twins are going to the party?"

"Because Chloe said that they agreed to go in fourth period." Lexie grinned like a kid who just stole candy from a store.

"I don't know..." my voice faltered, playing with the loose thread on the end of my sweater. I leaned back, glancing at the girls then back to staring at the dirty white tiles beneath us.

"Please!" Daisy clasped her hands together, swooning back and forth with a pouting look. I sighed, for a second thinking about actually going.

Glimpses of drunk teenagers and horny kids flashed through my head, causing me to recoil and shake my head again. "No," I huffed, meeting Lexie's scrutinizing glare. I slightly shrank farther into my seat, placing my forearms onto the table and bowing my head into my chest.

Lexie was always just...there. We were never friends, but just people who talk every now and then. I can tell she doesn't like me, but simply tolerates me. Maybe that's all I can ask for from her, maybe it's all I want.

From our conversations, she talks a lot of shit. And by a lot, I mean a lot. About her friends, about geeks, about popular, teachers- pretty much anyone who speaks.

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