Finishing what you started

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<do not wait- Wallows>
Ethan's POV

<end-Jeremy zucker>

under construction- ignore for now


The front door opened up, the lights turned on. I closed my eyes, because of the bright lights. i opened my eyes again, taking a deep breath out.

"Olivia" someone said, i turned towards the voice to see Liam standing at the front door. I still laid on the ground, not saying anything. "are you okay?" he asked walking towards me

He looked down on me as i laid on the ground

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He looked down on me as i laid on the ground.  "what happened?" he asked, sitting down on the ground besides me

"I'm too numb" i sat up, he gave me a confused face as another tear ran down my face. "I can't feel. I can't feel happy, i feel empty. I feel s-so lonely" i broke down in tears as he scooted besides me. He laid my head on his chest as i sobbed on the ground. "I'm starting to feel, but i can only feel the sadness" i sobbed as his warm arms wrapped around me.

"it's all going to be okay" he whispered to me. I pushed him away from me, wanting to be alone. I laid on the ground again, looking up at the ceiling.

"i just want to be alone" i sniffled as he shook his head

"i'm not going to let you be alone, not now when your like this" he said, laying besides me on the ground. My chest puffed in and out, i was about to yell but instead i broke down in more tears. He laid besides me as i cried harder. I laid onto my side, facing him as tears ran down my face.  He turned to me, laying on the ground facing me. He ran his hands up and down my waist, trying to calm me down.

It got harder to breathe as i cried harder, he pulled me into him. I turned my body the other way, my back now faced him. He pulled my body into him, to where he was now spooning me on the ground. I could hear his breathing over my loud tears

he cooed into my ear, trying to calm me down. I turned around to him as i sat up. He sat up with me as i stared at his lips. i need something to help me not feel numb. I put my hands on the back of his head, pulling his lips into my lips. He kissed back as i didn't feel completely empty in the inside anymore

i cradled over him, kissing his lips while he laid on the ground. His hands rubbed up and down my waist. I pulled from the kiss as i stood up as he watched me. I unzipped my dress slowly as his eyes gazed upon my body, he bit his lips as my dress slipped off, revealing me only in a black laced bra and black panties. I licked my lips as i slowly walked back over to him. His eyes just watched me as i walked towards him, i cradle over him as my lips were barely touching his.

Making him want me more, I left a tiny gap between our lips as i could hear his breathing. i looked into his eyes as his lips trembled

He pulled my back , putting pressure onto my back, making me kiss him. Our lips collided, as we passionately moved our lips together perfectly 

The Shattered// E.D  G.DWhere stories live. Discover now