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"OH MY GOD, I'M SO BORED" Mars yelled pulling her face walking in a circle in the livingroom

"i'm dying for an icee" i said looking at the commercial on the T.V

"lets go get one then. I'm don't want to be stuck here all day" she stomped her foot 

"it's only been 3 days here and your already complaining" Grayson said walking into the kitchen, he wore only blue swimming trunks showing his defined tanned abs and sharp v-line

Mars and I both looked at Grayson to check him out, we both looked back to the T.V

I think she likes him, it's weird fking him while she likes him. makes me feel bad, but i don't know for SURE if she likes him. But if she does...i don't know what i'll do. I'll probably stop my deal with Grayson then. i can't do that to her. but I just know she's horny for him, i don't know if she LIKES him

"lets go" Ethan sat down besides me 

i nodded my head 

"lets go then" Mars said as she grabbed the Jeep's keys and walked out

I stood up, following her


we got to a gas station, it's about 7 at night

Ethan and Mars were having a fight about how the Pringles inventor died

Why? I have no idea

They bickered as they walked in front of Grayson and I to the store

Grayson pushed me lightly in the shoulder. i pushed him back . "i'm going to fuc you so hard tonight" he whispered to me

"what-" i was caught off guard by what he said 

"mhm" he smirked as he walked in front of me, he put his hand on my back. Pushing me to walk as fast as him

"Grayson, not here" i said as kept pushing me. he moved his hand down slowly to my butt, he slowly squeezed it. "Grayson" i gritted my teeth  whispering yelling

Ethan and Mars walked into the store as Grayson and I were still outside

i turned to him "You can't do that, they were right in front of us" in the parking lot

"and" he whispered walking into the store

i followed behind him, walking in. I walked the other way from Grayson, i didn't want to be around him. 

i saw Ethan scan the isles of chips, i got behind him quietly. i patted his shoulder yelling 'boo' 

He turned behind me, "Olivia" he giggled grabbing my arms

He pulled me into him, making me hug him

i giggled laughing into his chest, being engulfed in his sweet smell and warm chest. Felt like home for a second. i pulled from his hug looking at the couple behind us

they were basically doing the same thing as us

i looked away from Ethan, as i looked over to Mars and Grayson

They both looked at us, then back to their Icee's 

i licked the inside of my mouth as i pushed myself away from Ethan. I walked over to Grayson and Mars awkwardly 

The Shattered// E.D  G.DWhere stories live. Discover now