Ice cream hero

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< I found- Amber Run- >

I'll use you as a warning sign
That if you talk enough sense then you'll lose your mind

HAVE YOU EVER SAT ON YOUR BED at night, in the dark, in silence, thinking about how your life got where it's at now?

That's where I'm at- kinda. I sat on the floor, at night, in silence ( not including the faint noise of the music and laughter downstairs ), in the dark, thinking about how life got where it's at now, trying to ignore the blood around my body and the stinging going up my legs every time I moved just an inch.

I was still crying for god knows how long, but knowing that someone was saving me felt better. I never liked to be saved and being the damsel in distress- but I saved my own ass from Issac, now I needed someone to save the heroine from dying.

But I cried more every time I closed my eyes. Every time my lids shut, I could see the whole scene over again. Issac grabbing me, slamming me against the wall, me stabbing him, his eyes going wide as saucers. Then him falling to the floor.

"Open the door, Olivia," His voice called as I froze, glancing behind my back to notice the door knob rattling.

I groaned, twisting myself so I opened the door and moved from my seat. Ethan slowly walked in, his eyes not meeting mine as they stay focused on the floor- the floor filled with puddles of blood. "What happened?" His voice was low, his eyes slowly moving to mine.

"I-" and then I cried harder, my whole body trembled, leaning my back against the wall. I didn't notice he crouched in front of me until I felt his big calloused hands fit onto my cheeks, wiping away the tears with his thumbs.

And like another mantra, he repeated, "Take a deep breath in and out," and I did so as his hazel greenish eyes stared deep into my brown orbs.

Watching his eyes calmed me down, the way his pupils kept moving to side to side every time I sniffled and hiccuped was interesting. I never wanted him to stop looking at me; his eyes were so soft and delicate that I wanted their attention forever.

I usually hated eye contact, but his was something I loved.

He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, whispering his words over and over again. I nodded along, breathing  with him and closing my eyes.

Breathe in, breathe out.

I don't know how long we were like that, but I opened my eyes and he was gazing right back at me. He then shifted himself so he sat beside me on the wall, his eyes left me and moved to the window across from us.

I pressed my legs to my chest, resting my chin on my knee in hope to escape this nightmare. Tears still trickled down my cheeks but they were slower; calmer like I felt.

He didn't say anything more, he just placed his hand on top of my knee besides my face. Maybe he did it to show he's here or for comfort, but I didn't mind.

We sat in silence but it was comfortable for the first time. We stared out the window across, it gave us a view of the starry night.

Ding, I looked down at my phone to see it besides my thigh. Ethan grabbed it for me, reading the message, then typed something. He handed me the phone afterwards, which I read the messages.


Mom: coming home now

Me: I was feeling better and Ethan took me out to eat.
Me: I'm at restaurant now

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