Vampires inc.

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< A.M- One direction->

Feels like this could be forever right now
Don't wanna sleep cause we're dreaming out loud
Trying to behave but you know that we never learn, ha

<In the dark- Camila Cabello>

I can see you're scared of your emotions
I can see you're hoping not hopeless
So why can't you show me? Why can't you show me?
I can see you're looking for distractions
I can see you're tired of the acting
Who are you when it's 3 AM and you're all alone


"Yes, they own all the ice cream shops, Olivia, don't be so naive. It's like-" he tapped his chin, as if giving it a thought, but then I cut in.

"An incorporation of vampires." I murmured and he somehow heard it, throwing back his head and laughing. It really wasn't that funny of a joke, I think he was just humoring the injured girl.

I slowly indulged in my ice cream, the coldness soothing my throat by every taste. I glanced at Ethan, noticing he practically swallowed the whole sweet in one bite. The sides of his lips had whip cream and red stained skin.

I would've laughed if my attention hadn't been on the constant question if Issac was dead. Just thinking of killing someone made me queasy. In the movies, when they kill someone, it seems so easy; they shoot and move onto the next bad guy. But the guilt, where's the guilt? Why do I feel so heavy, like the weight is on my chest, slowly suffocating me? Why-

"How did you find out about this place?" I asked quietly, trying to stop the invading thoughts.

"Gray and I were bored and were driving around a few nights ago." He shrugged with a slight frown, digging his spoon deeper into his ice cream. "Found this place," It was like he was thinking of something, but refused to reminisce.

Why is he being so nice to me? I mean, yeah, I probably would've been nice to him if our roles were reversed, but he went out of his way to make me feel better.

I stared at him, trying to figure him out. But suddenly, my brain started to admire his jawline and curls that slowly drooped and hung to his forehead. His face was glowing with the florescent neon purple light sign shining above us on the wall. He looked up, meeting my gaze, probably feeling my eyes boring into his skull. He gave me a small smile, "does your leg feel better?" He asked, most likely to rid of the silent tension between us.

It was awkward to say the least.

I blinked, coming back to terms that staring at someone wasn't normal. I shook my head, then nodded, then shook again. "L-leg?" I was caught off guard with the question, "uh, yeah, the bleeding thing." I looked beneath the table, only now realizing the stinging and burning has slowly dimmed but was still obviously present.

"Yeah, that." Ethan chuckled lightly as I - for some reason - started to blush. "Yeah, does it feel better?"

"Than before, yes."

He furrowed his brows, staring at the metal purple table beneath us. "Why don't I take you to the hospital?" He asked after a couple beats of silence, softly.

I looked away, chewing on my lips. "Because then they'll contact my mom." And, if Issac is dead, they'll know I did it. I can't handle that right now.

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