"Sneaky" is my middle name

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< 5sos- Valentine - >

So deep, your DNA's being messed with my touch
Can't beat us
So real, fueling the fire until we combust
Can't touch us

I STARED BLANKLY AT CAMERON while she grinned back to me, oblivious to the tension between me and the Dolan boys. "What do you mean, you're going to take us?" Grayson asked as him, I, and his brother stood on the school steps, staring at Cameron while she sat in her Jeep, all windows rolled down and a smile on her face.

"I mean, I'm going to take you guys to go shopping with me for the party tonight." She turned down her blasting radio, then her attention moved to me. "Oh, and Olivia, I already talked to your mom and she said it's alright with her."

"No, it's fine. E and I will just drive hom-" Grayson's words died on his lips, searching the parking lot behind Cameron.

"I knew you would try to get out of it!"

"Cam, where's my car?"

"We haven't talked in a while, the both of you." She pointed two fingers at the twins. "When we go shopping, we can bond or shit like that." Then she said quieter, "Also, it'll help me buy the stuff faster."

"What about Olivia? You don't need to bond with her." Ethan spoke for the first time in the conversation. He didn't even glance at me, he spoke as if I wasn't there. I glared in his direction, not forgetting the anger I felt towards him.

I didn't even want to stand besides him, but as soon as I left the school to go home, Cameron called my name and I turned to see Grayson and Ethan staring at her as well. Somehow I shifted to stand between the twins to watch Cameron bicker with her brothers.

"See, that's where you're wrong. I want to get to know her too." Cameron said, lifting her sunglasses into her hair. Her eyes met mine and she gave me a small smile.

"You mean, you want to get to know her strength to carry grocery bags." Grayson grumbled, kicking at a pebble beneath his shoes.

"Yes, and that too." Cameron giggled then shook her head. "I'm messing around. C'mon guys, just get in the car."

"You're not going to at least offer us candy first?" I thought, then started forward towards the car. Everyone's eyes snapped in my direction, I froze in my steps.

What did I d-

Cameron bursted out laughing while my cheeks burned a bright red. Grayson gave me a small smile and I decided he wasn't angry with me anymore- for now. I glanced at Ethan to see him glaring holes into Cameron.

"I'm not going. Where's the car." That should've been a question, but coming from Ethan it was somehow a demand.

"I got one of my friends to pick it up." Her eyes flickered away. Ethan mumbled some unpleasant words then strode to the Jeep, getting into the front seat and slamming the door shut.

"Okay then," Cameron said, her eyes narrowing on Grayson and I. I got into the backseat, watching Grayson drag his feet to the vehicle, begrudgingly getting in and sitting besides me.

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