fourteen ; bloodshed and tears

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chapter fourteenbloodshed and tears

chapter fourteen ━ bloodshed and tears

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❝ her safe haven ❞


NO MATTER HOW many times she attempted in doing so, Skylar always landed in the wrong place on the ground. The homeless people kept staring with emotionless expressions like this was the only source of entertainment they had, and yet they looked like an elderly person who saw no point to life anymore. When she made the comment, Selina had snickered in agreement, casting glances at them. By the fifth time she fell, one of them chuckled and Skylar turned to give them the finger with a sarcastic smile.

She hadn't a clue why she agreed to it. Perhaps it was just her trying to grow stronger and tougher in order to live in Gotham and survive. Selina had been teaching her how to get from the top of a building to the ground with ease. The next lesson was how to do that without making any noise. And lesson after that was how to get into people's homes without them hearing or noticing you. The only thing she actually looked forward to was tracking people and how to find someone if you needed to find them. Skylar didn't even though why the thought of being able to find people intrigued her.

Jerome had been on her mind nearly every second of every day she didn't visit him. That was just the thing. She couldn't visit him. Jim had instructed the director to not allow her to see him anymore because he didn't want her to become what her brother was. Apparently being mentally insane was contagious and he assumed she'd catch it. Unbeknownst to Skylar, Jerome had been told that he wasn't allowed to see his sister and lost it, killing one of the guards with a plastic fork which added more years to his sentence. At this point, he might as well just be committed for life.

Skylar was upset with the news of never seeing her brother again that she up and left Barbara's loft (she was hardly home anyway) and went to live on the streets with Selina. The brunette had adopted a new sense of style which was black clothing, much like her new friend had. Together they spent all day training and Selina was happy to call it an improvement. Skylar had finally begun to get out of her shell she stayed in for most of her life.

Another fail, landing on her smack on her butt. However, she had made it to the staircase which was the farthest she had gotten without falling or tripping. There was a soft laugh and Skylar stood, spinning to the person. "Shut your━Bruce?"

The billionaire boy stood in front of her with a smile, not at all affected by her yelling at him. Skylar blushed slightly, realizing she was about to snap at him, thinking it was one of the homeless people. Selina slid off the roof, to the staircase, and next to her, smiling as well. "Better than the last hundred times. You're getting better."

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