twenty-three ; this is who you are

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chapter twenty-threethis is who you are

chapter twenty-three ━ this is who you are

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❝ i'm glad it was with you ❞


SELINA HAD LEFT on a supply run, leaving Skylar alone with Bridgit at their place. The morning had arrived and though she never slept much, she was still very irritated to be awoken to the side of what sounded like tiny pieces of wood and glass being scraped off the floor. A scowl appeared on her face and at first, she ignored it but she quickly was losing her patience and turned around, laying on her back as her eyes narrowed at the firebug who was cleaning the floor for whatever reason.

"What the hell are you doing?" she snapped, her tone not even raising a flinch from the older girl despite the fact that she was being quite rude, though she would never admit to that.

Bridgit looked over at her, blushing slightly at being caught and also the fact that she knew now that she was harboring a crush for the girl who saved her life. "Cleaning, I couldn't sleep and I don't know what to do with myself so I figured I could clean up the place a bit. I thought you would appreciate the gesture." She tucked a piece of hair behind her ears, scooping some last bits before glancing back over at the fellow brunette.

Skylar groaned, throwing her hands up and then flopping them down onto the bed, kicking the fur blankets she stole before sitting up at looking straight at her. "That's nice of you to do but completely unnecessary. You're free now, you can do whatever you want." She ran a hand through her hair, giving her a tired look as she sat with her right knee pointed towards the ceiling, her right arm supporting on top of it.

"What am I gonna do?" Bridgit questioned, looking undeniably scared about being arrested, not so much that she killed someone. Skylar would be lying if she said that it wasn't intriguing that she did not seem to care. "I killed someone last night. I can't go home. I can't go to the police-"

"I'll look after you."

"You can't promise that." She sighed, shaking her head as she stared at the other girl with an exasperated tone, trying to show her that she didn't have any, didn't have any resources to get her out of Gotham and to somewhere safer. "One day, they're going to catch me and arrest you and Selina. I have to leave town but I got no money."

The female Valeska sighed, licking her lips as she tried to think of something and then got one crazy idea. But who cared? It wasn't like anyone was worried about her safety. Little did she know, Barbara was searching for her because she was beginning to realize that there was definitely something up with Theo.

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