thirty-five ; the place of shattered dreams

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chapter thirty-fivethe place of shattered dreams

chapter thirty-five ━ the place of shattered dreams

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EVERYTHING AROUND HER was white. Skylar found herself squinting hard at the bright light above her that was shining down like a beacon. She was not stupid, she knew she wasn't dead, even if it felt like she was. Her mind was foggy and her vision was blinded. She couldn't sit up either and once she went to raise her hand to shield her eyes, she figured out why: there were bindings around her wrists and ankles. Her memory failed her when she started to ask herself what had happened and what she was doing there. She was too tired, too weak to do anything, let alone think. Then, slowly, her other senses became aware. Her ears picked up a very quiet beeping sound. Was she in a hospital? Was she hurt? She half expected to see Bruce's face peering down at her, giving her one of his soft smiles. She started to remember.

I think it's best if we part ways, maybe for good

Jerome had been right along. He did break her heart. No. He did worse than that. The billionaire boy grabbed her heart, ripped it out of her chest, and then crushed it in front of her face slowly, laughing at how pathetic she was, laughing at how easily she fell for his lies. She should have never trusted him. She should have never let her guard down. And still, she did despite her brother's warnings and her head telling her not to. She took a risk and it blew up in her face. It was all her fault. But that did not explain how she was now in a hospital, tied up.

Prepare her cell

Strange. Skylar remembered now. He drugged her and that assistant of his helped him do so. So what? They were now considering her an Arkham inmate? That was ridiculous and insane. She doubted this was about Galavan and even if it was, how would any of this benefit him or Strange himself? Even if money was involved, surely they would know someone would come looking for her eventually. Barbara would, so would Damon, so would Selina. . .maybe even. . .no, he wouldn't.

Finally, her eyes started to adjust, her head spinning a little as she tried to blink away nausea that was bubbling to the surface. The light was still bright but she at least managed to see that there were several lights, all of which were one with the ceiling. She turned her head to the left with little energy, looking to see that the walls were white, plain. She turned to the right to see that the wall was completely made out of one-sided mirrors. Her pale reflection stared back at her and the truth shone back at her.

She was strapped to a hospital bed that was slightly raised from her waist up. There were many different tubes attached to her arms and even her neck. Her attire had been changed into a plain white hospital gown. The sight was not a pretty one. Her hair was a mess, sticking to the back of her neck and her forehead. Her cheeks were slightly sunken in as if she were deathly ill. And her eyes looked dim as if all life was gone. She supposed that was fitting at least.

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