Dinner Disaster

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Jay took Mal on a tour around the school with Ben following close behind. When the tour finished, Mal got a list of her classes, and she flicked a rolled up piece of paper containing her written class list to compare, at Carlos. Carlos flicked her one back from across the hall and Mal almost did a victory dance. Every class was with Carlos. Jay then brought her to Evie, and she helped get Mal decide on a dress to make. They mapped it out, and Evie sewed it together. She looked at the four boys sitting in the room. "Get out, this dress is going on a body." Evie said and Carlos and Chad got out of the room into the hallway. Ben got to the doorway, when he realized that Jay wasn't coming. "Jay, come on." Ben said. "Nope." Jay said sitting on Evie's desk chair. "Jay." Ben said sternly. "Nope. I'm not moving." "Jay, she's going to change!" Ben exclaimed. "So?" Jay said shrugging. Ben's mouth dropped open, and Evie looked at him. "Ben, please. I have to get this dress fitted." Evie pleaded. "You're fine with him in here?" "It's not like he hasn't seen her before with other fittings." She said going over to Mal. "What?" Ben exclaimed. "Ben, please." Evie said softly. "Fine." Ben said before shutting the door.

Ben was so angry now he could spit. He was definitely going to talk to his parents tonight after dinner. Mal and Jay emerge from the room 20 minutes later. "Where's Evie?" Chad asked and Mal giggled as Carlos rolled his eyes and made a gagging motion at her behind Chad's back. "She's getting ready. She told us to get out, so we left." Mal said. Mal was wearing a purple dress that resembled dragon's scales and her hair was in two perfect purple buns with a black lace choker.

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Evie came out 5 minutes later and she took Chad's arm and Carlos caught Mal's eyes and he made the gagging motion again, which made Mal giggled again

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Evie came out 5 minutes later and she took Chad's arm and Carlos caught Mal's eyes and he made the gagging motion again, which made Mal giggled again. Jay smiled seeing his girlfriend happy. Ben on the other hand, wasn't so happy with Jay. They got to dinner, and were seated in the appropriate spots at the table, before the King and Queen came in. Belle and Beast greeted their three children with smiles and pats on the back. Belle and Beast greeted Chad, Carlos, and Mal after they were seated, and then the food was served. Mal took some food, but she didn't eat it. She ended up slipping the food onto Jay's plate when nobody was looking. Near the end of dinner, she pushed her food around her plate to make it seem like she was eating. Ben quickly notices that Mal hasn't eaten a thing, along with his parents.

"Mal, are you feeling okay? You haven't eaten any of your food." Belle says and everyone turns to look at Mal. "I'm fine. I've had my share of food on the Isle." Mal answered lying to them. Carlos, along with Jay and Evie, knew what was going on, but he was afraid to say something. He felt Evie's hand squeeze his under the table, and he blurted out, "Her mother starves her." Mal's face turned bright red as everyone gasped around the table and looked at her. Jay's fists clenched to see everyone looking at Mal with pity, but Mal put her hand over his fist, and gently uncurled his fist. "It's fine. You don't need to make a big deal about it. I've gotten used to it." Mal said before realizing that was the wrong thing to say as Belle gasped again. "How long has your mother starved you?" She asked and Mal turned her head away. "Mal?" Belle asked again. Mal turned an even redder shade and Belle gripped her husband's hand. "What else has Maleficent done to you?" Beast asked Mal. Mal was about to bolt right out of her chair, but Jay captured her attention, and she tried to relax as she watched his soft, chocolate, brown eyes.

Mal intertwined their hands together, and Ben turned his head away upon seeing their joined hands. Belle watched both of her sons, and she suddenly understood why Ben was so upset. "I don't really want to say." Mal said quietly, and the whole conversation wad dropped. After everyone had finished dinner, Chad, Carlos, and Mal were being sent back to the dorms. Before Mal left with Carlos, Jay held Mal to him. He whispered in her ear, "I'll come up to your room after my family's done talking. Will you be fine until then?" Mal nodded and Jay kissed her forehead, before watching her and Carlos walk out into the night following Chad to the dorms. Jay sat back down next to Ben, and Belle spoke up. "It's been brought to my attention that there are some love problems going on here." "Jay stole Mal from me!" Ben shouted.

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