Ben Gets Triggered

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Jay had told his family it wasn't a big deal, but it really was something to worry about. Mal and Carlos hadn't survived a night that wasn't involved with nightmares that made them scream. The three adults went in first, then Ben, and then Jay. Chad and Audrey were instructed to go back to their rooms, so they wouldn't interfere. Carlos was huddled up, shuddering so hard, it was like the room was 40 degrees below 0. Carlos had his head pressed against Mal's collarbone, and Mal had her arms wrapped around him to try and calm him. Mal saw Jay, and he looked into her sapphire green eyes. Jay went over to her and sat down on the edge of the bed next to her.

"I don't understand. What is going on?" Fairy Godmother asked. "Nightmares." Jay answered. Carlos was trying his hardest to sleep, but he couldn't stop thinking about his mom. He found Mal's arms comforting, and he found him sleeping again. Mal yawned, and she leaned over on Jay. "What about these nightmares?" Fairy Godmother said. "From the Isle." "Jay, could you knock off that mysterious stuff and just tell us?" Ben snapped. "Ben, please be considerate." Belle told him. "Well, long story short, Mal and Carlos were abused, and it was done quite often. Often enough to leave them emotionally scarred, and now they have nightmares every night about their parents hitting them." Jay said. Mal was on her back and she trying to get back to sleep too. Jay stroked her hair, and she felt herself nodding off to sleep. She yawned once, before her head rested next to Carlos, who was now laying beside her.

A very loud crack of thunder rang out, and Jay thought it shook the entire building. He thought Evie, and how he should get back to his room. Jay kissed Mal's forehead and was out the door, by the time his family caught up. "Jay, we need to talk. About the rules." Ben said. "Ben, I know the rules. Imagine if Evie was gone for three years and how you'd miss her like crazy. If she came back three years later, you'd probably break a rule here and there because you missed her." "Jay-" "Ben, please just stop. We're all tired, and something like this will happen again tomorrow." "If this happens every night, I might just send Carlos and Mal back to the Isle of the Lost." "NO!" Jay exclaimed whipping around from his bedroom doorway. "If you send them back, you'll regret it, because of 5 reasons. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5." Jay said opening his hand, and then on each number curling one finger into his palm, making a fist. "You send them back, you will be very unhappy." Jay said angrily before stomping into his room and shutting the door.

"What's gotten into Jay?" Belle asked. "He's all angry at me because I keep telling him about all the rules." "Could it be, that you accused him of stealing Mal. Ben, Jay is one of the smartest and kindest people I've ever met, and I think he wouldn't stolen a random girl away from you, unless he really hated you. Ben, Jay doesn't hate you. He's telling you the truth. If he really stole Mal away from you, don't you think she would have looked uncomfortable whenever Jay kisses her, or comes near her? Just think about it Ben." Belle said before kissing her son's cheek and walking away. Jay had heard the entire conversation, and he was thankful that his mom was on his side. "Dad, I'm going to be the next King. My two younger siblings both have a relationship, and they aren't even in line for the throne as King or Queen. Shouldn't I deserve a girlfriend to make my Queen?" Ben said looking at his dad.

"Yes Ben, but I thought you were happy with Audrey." "I'm not. She's recently started dating someone else, from Corona." Ben said. "Who would you want your girlfriend?" Beast asked. "Mal." Ben answered. "Ben, how much do you actually know about Mal? She just got here today." "I know plenty. I've gone over her file, I've watched her on the security cameras we installed on the Isle. Dad, I know a lot about her." "You'll have to take it up with Jay then. I can't directly, as King, take a girl from one of my sons, and give her to my other son. Mal isn't just a pawn, she's a human, and if you think you can take care of her better than Jay can, you talk to him. Mal's not property, so I can't just give her away." Beast said before patting his son's shoulder and walking into his room. Ben sighed and he wanted to scream. Everyone was against him with this. Why couldn't anybody just give him what he wanted. He was so angry at everything. Angry that Jay was Auradon's favorite and not him, angry at his mom and dad for not giving him Mal, angry at Jay for dating Mal, angry at Mal for dating Jay, and angry at the Kingdom, because they liked Jay better.

"It's so unfair." Ben glowered out loud. "Is it now? Nice to see that you think of Mal as property that you own, rather than a human being." Jay said from the doorway. "Butt out Jay. I'm tired of seeing you everywhere I go." "Fine with me." Jay said before shutting his bedroom door. The storm still raged outside Jay's window as Jay climbed back into his bed. Just like Ben. Jay thought. Angry and loud.  

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