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"Living on the Isle of the Lost, isn't something you'd want to do. There are scars, abuse, stealing, hitting, fighting, sword fighting, rape, and of course, murder. Dealing with two parents that absolutely don't care about you, it's torture." Carlos said and Mal nodded. "You all think it's so bad that Carlos was violently shaking me to keep me alive, but it's not. Honestly. Everyone here has two parents that love them. Correct?" Mal asked and everyone nodded. "Then there's us. My mom hates me. The only thing she loves about me, is that I'm her test dummy. She gets to beat on me and hit me as much as she wants, because no one will stand up to her. Friday nights, my mom, goes through this Fairy Outburst, and she going insane with bloodlust. She would hunt me down, and then hurt me in any way possible until I was almost dead." Mal said.

"My mom, is the worst thing in the planet that exists. You all are so quick to judge us, and say that we'll do nothing to stop from hurting others, when actually, we-" "Don't." Carlos cut in. "No one here knows what it's actually like to be beaten with a whip. It doesn't feel too good." Carlos said. "You think I wanted to hurt Mal by shaking her, I was trying to save her. You don't understand, that that's the way to save a person from the darkness. That black liquid, was created by Mal's mom, to use as a weapon to kill her daughter with. Mal's mom, absolutely hates her. My mom hates me just as much." Carlos said looking down at Mal to make sure she wasn't going to run off at any given moment.

"I'm not sure we understand." Several people said. "It's called abuse." Mal said. "Abuse with knives, hands, feet, high heels, whips, baseball bats, swords, and-" "Okay, I think we get it now." "No you don't. If you got it, you would've been more concerned. Let's look at this again. Think if your beautiful Aurora was in my place. Who would save her from the nightmares? The scars? The battles to stay happy and not be depressed?" Mal asked Prince Phillip. "Is that what happens to you two?" Roger asked after a minute. Carlos nodded and everyone around them gasped. "You'd be surprised at what happens on that Island. It's a prison, not just for the original villains, but for their children too." Carlos said. Evie went over to her boyfriend and her best friend, and threw her arms around the both of them.

"Are you sure any of this happened? How can we be sure that you aren't lying?" Anita asked. Mal went forward, and Carlos immediately followed her. She yanked up her dress sleeve, and she showed Roger, Anita, and Prince Phillip her arm. The scars were loud and clear that she had been abused. She also showed them her other arm, and the back of her neck. "Is this proof enough?" Mal asked. "What about Carlos? He never mentioned that much of being abused." Roger asked. "What is your deal with Carlos? He hasn't done anything to you." Mal challenged Roger. "Show us." Roger said. Carlos sighed and grabbed the hem of his shirt. Mal put her hand on Carlos's wrist. "Do you really want to?" Mal asked. "You showed the least worst of your scars, I'll show mine." Carlos said, and he pulled up his shirt to reveal the lower part of his chest. A series of crossed white x's shown on his tan skin. "Those, are the least worst?" Roger asked, and Mal and Carlos nodded. "Show them." Roger said and Mal shook her head. "I'm not taking off my dress to show you my worst scars." Roger turned on Carlos, and he shrugged.

He turned around, and pulled his shirt off. His back was revealed to everyone. His back was a mess of scars and deep gashes that hadn't fully healed yet. Roger gasped, and he felt bad for hounding the 16 year old boy. Mal had an expression on her face, that told Jay she wasn't feeling the nicest of thoughts. He went over to her, and squeezed her hand. She looked up at him, and gave him a thankful glance. "What happened?" Phillip asked. Aurora, and Queen Leah had come to stand next to him. "My mother happened." Carlos said putting his shirt back on. "What did she do to you?" Anita said. "Oh, so now you care. Funny, isn't it? That people only start to care when they know I've been hurt. Well guess what? I don't need your pity. I hate my mom, and thanks to you, I hate the world too." Carlos snapped before turning on his heel, and storming back to the building. They all watched him go, and Evie took a step forward, when Jay grabbed her wrist. "We should let him cool off. Maybe Mal can- Mal?" Jay asked before he realized that Mal was gone. He looked around and Evie pointed at Carlos's figure, that had now become two figures.

Jay shrugged. "Carlos is her family. It wouldn't surprise me." Evie nodded and reluctantly agreed. "What I want to know, is why you were freaking out over Mal and Carlos." Jay said to Audrey's family, Roger, and Anita. Roberta and Andrew were by their parents, trying to help them. "Cruella is a terrible person, and Carlos was raised by her. Abuse or not, he's dangerous." Roger said. Andrew put his arms on his dad's shoulders to tell him to back off. "Carlos, dangerous. Hmm. I wonder how that works. Have you known Carlos your entire life?" Jay asked and Roger shook his head. "Carlos, wouldn't hurt anything. Dogs love him, and he loves dogs. He used to be afraid of them when he was younger, because his mom is a complete psychopath. No matter what the case, he was never dangerous to anyone but himself. He's never hurt anyone, or anything. In the 16 years of living, he's never once intentionally done something wrong." Evie said. Jay wrapped his arm around his sister's shoulders to encourage her.

"When Mal and Carlos were kids, they were always so close to each other. My mom wasn't as abusive, so I didn't understand what they were going through. Jay's dad was never at home, and whenever he was, Jay would hide to avoid the danger. Carlos and Mal couldn't. Cruella, an Maleficent, are the worst things in their kids lives. Mal and Carlos always struggled to do normal things, even on the island. Moving was a struggle, and so was hiding the fact that they were in pain. Carlos and Mal are closer than your average brother and sister, they're each others protection, and love. What you don't understand, is that they're scarred for life, and there's nothing we can do to change that."

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