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As Ben escorted his little brother back to his own dorm room, he reminded Jay of all the rules the royal family had to follow, including Jay. "Ben, I hate to interrupt you, but I know all the rules. Rules are meant to be broken." Jay said stopping to look at Ben. "Jay, we aren't on the Isle of the Lost. When our dad plucked you off that dump of an Island, you were expected to follow rules and to be the perfect role model for the country." "You do it your way, and I'll do it mine. Ben, I've been apart from Mal for three very long years. I've missed her, and I still do, being almost 200 feet apart from her. But I must say, some more rules will be broken in the very near future. Mal and Carlos, they're scarred. Not just physically, but emotionally as well. I can guarantee Mal or Carlos, or both of them, will wake up freaking out almost every night." Jay said starting to walk down the hallway again.

"What do you mean?" Ben asked catching up to his brother. "They'll wake up from their nightmares about their parents beating them, screaming their lungs out." "Really?" Ben asked. "No. Not literally. But they will be screaming. I can almost see it now unfortuantally."

The two brothers said their goodnights and parted ways to their own rooms. Jay sat under his bed covers just thinking and worrying about Mal and Carlos, when the storm hit. Jay watched the storm from his bed for a while before falling asleep. Around 10 P.M. was when Jay heard his bedroom door creak open, letting light spill into his room, before being chased out by the door closing. Jay looked up at the door to see a frightened looking Evie standing there. "Evie?" Jay asked slightly sitting up. "What's wrong?" "The storm reminds me of how my mom used to be. Loud and vicious. It scares me." Evie whimpered and shivered. Jay scooted over in his bed, and pulled the covers back so Evie could get in his bed. Evie smiled a little, and went over to his bed as another crack of lightning and thunder came from the window.

Evie stared right at it, and looked like a deer in the headlights. Jay got up and closed the curtains over both his windows so Evie wouldn't see the storm. Jay got back in his bed, and he let Evie snuggle close to him. "Thanks Jay." She whispered and Jay nodded before he thought of a question to ask her. "Evie, don't you miss Carlos at all?" He asked her slowly. Evie pondered the question before answering it. "No." "Tell me the truth." Jay said, and Evie sighed. "Fine. The truth is, yes. I miss him terribly, but I'm afraid to be with him again. I'm good now, and I hardly know Carlos anymore. For one, he seems like he's super close to Mal, and I didn't have a clue that they were so close. They know everything about each other, and Ben asked me to check on them on my way to my room. I did, and they were asleep, cuddling with each other. Jay, it scares me to think about him. He makes me feel different than Chad does. He gives me the feeling that he's trouble, that he doesn't love anything truly except for being evil." "Evie, we're talking about Carlos. Little Carlos. Barely bigger than Mal. How can he scare you, the big bad Evie?" Jay asked teasing her.

"Easily. Have you ever once considered that Mal has changed too much for you to even understand her?" "No. I wrote to her everyday. I went to the Isle every week to make sure her mother hadn't killed her. Carlos and Mal are inseperable, and I don't blame them. We were taken away, and they had no one except for each other." "But Jay, I've seen Carlos on the security cameras, and he's got the leather look, he's got the hair of a biker, and he acts like a biker too. Jay, I'm supposed to be a good girl, not a girl that dates a biker. I'll be labeled as a bad girl then." "So what? Evie, why should you care what anyone thinks?" "Because the Kingdom won't like me as much." "You shouldn't care about what anyone thinks except you. I'm dating Mal, and no one's given me any beef." "But Jay, everyone loves you. Every princess is on your side as well as half the princes. All their kids adore you, and they always want to be around you. Balancing good and bad at the right times comes naturally for you. Everyone loves you more than the love the direct prince for the throne." "That's because I have true passion. I don't care what anyone thinks of me, or that I used to be the son of Jafar. I really don't care what anyone says, because I don't need anyone's opinion. I'm very thankful for everything I've been given, and all the talents I've been blessed with. The secret is to just be yourself. I'm not such a tight, knotted, ball of blue fuzz that Ben is, and I'm not the kind, sort of Isle girl that you are, but I'm a mixture of myself. I like who I am, and I don't want to change. Just be yourself, and if the people of Auradon don't like you, then they'll have to deal with it. Don't be someone you aren't at heart." Jay said.

Evie snuggled into Jay's chest, and fell asleep. Jay was working on sleeping himself, when the screaming sounded. It wasn't the loudest, but Jay could hear it clearly. Jay gently got himself out of Evie's grip and ran out of his room. Jay slept in leather, which no one really did, but Jay was used to wearing leather 24/7, so he didn't mind. Ben, Belle, Beast, Chad, Audrey, and Fairy Godmother were crowding the hallways. Audrey was talking to Ben, and Ben had a fake smile plastered on his face. Jay wanted to laugh, because he knew that Audrey was saying that her parents had lifted her grounding, and she could date Ben again. The three adults were telling everyone to go back to bed, and that it wasn't anything to worry about. "I told you." Jay whispered in Ben's ear. Jay went to the door, and Belle reached out to her son. "Be careful." "I'll be fine Mom. Evie would be here too, but she just fell asleep. This happens all the time on the Isle, it really is nothing to worry about." Jay said before opening the door slowly to Carlos and Mal's room.

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