He's Baaaaaaaack!!!

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Jay asked Ben to just follow along, and a couple of times he asked Ben to be quiet. "What are you doing?" Ben asked as Jay put his ear up to the wall. "Listening for Mal and Carlos. Mal being part fairy, means that the fluttering of wing noises are very faint. I haven't heard the sound in years, and I haven't listened for it very closely until now." Jay explained and Ben nodded. A couple of minutes later, Jay turned to him. "Where is the kitchen?" "This way." Ben said leading Jay to the kitchen. Jay listened for a moment, before he knocked on on of the countertops. He listened, before turning against the other wall. He went over to the bank of cabinets, and slowly opened the middle door above the countertop. Carlos looked out of it, and he shrieked as he saw Jay. "Relax Pup. It's just me." Jay said and Carlos inspected Jay before nodding at him. "Is Dragon okay?" Jay asked and Carlos nodded. "Can you please come out of the cabinet?" Jay asked and Carlos jumped out, and Jay caught him. He handed him off to Ben, and he said, "Dragon?" Mal didn't answer, so Jay got up onto the countertop, and looked inside the cabinet. Jay saw her a few feet up above him, with her feet keeping her in place between the two walls of the cabinet. 

"Go away." Mal said and Jay could tell she was crying. "Dragon, please. Maleficent isn't coming to get you." Jay said, and Mal turned her head to look at him. "Really?" She asked and Jay nodded. "She's locked up. She won't get you." Mal still didn't come down, and Jay had to keep telling her, until finally she said, "I'm scared." She started whimpering, and Jay finally convinced her to come down. When she got out, she clung to Jay, and kept whimpering. "She won't get you here Dragon. We're in Auradon, and she's on the Isle of the Lost, where we grew up. She can't leave the Isle of the Lost, unless Bean unlocks her. Bean is a nice guy, and he won't let her loose." Mal nodded, but she wrapped her arms around Jay's neck, and rested her head on his shoulder. "Don't weave me." Mal whimpered and Jay said, "I wouldn't dream of it." 

Ben and Jay went back to the Throne Room, and Evie headed them off at the doorway. "We have to leave. This is getting insane." "Alright. Is Mom coming with us?" Jay asked and Evie shrugged. "Get in here all of you!" Phillip shouted. Everyone shuffled into the doorway of the throne room, and Phillip watched all of them. "What is this Fairy Buisness, and why is it affecting that kid?!" He shouted at them. "Where are the guards at?" Jay whispered to Ben. "I don't know." Carlos had a constricted look on his face, and Jay said, "What's wrong little guy?" "My stomach hurts." Carlos whimpered and Jay turned to Audrey and his mom shaking his head. Audrey said, "You guys go on ahead and get food for Carlos and Mal, I'm sure Belle, Evie, and I can explain all of this further." 

As soon as everything was worked out, they were heading off to Auradon City again. That night, Mal stayed cuddled up inbetween Evie and Jay, where as Carlos stayed asleep on Jay's legs again. During the middle of the night, Jay felt a heavier weight on his legs to the point he couldn't even move without hitting Mal and Evie. The next morning when Jay awoke, he shifted every so lightly so he wouldn't wake up Mal, when he tumbled off the bed. Jay didn't expect to roll off his bed, so he looked down at his legs, and he saw a full grown Carlos tangled up in his bedsheets. "Carlos?" Jay asked and Carlos opened his eyes. Evie saw the commotion, and she literally ran over to the two boys and tackled Carlos to the floor. She kissed him as hard as she could, and Carlos smiled as he didn't expect that from Evie. Jay gagged, and Evie punched him. "If Carlos is full grown, is Mal full grown too?" Jay asked and he didn't get an answer. "Never mind me then." Jay said laughing. He pulled his legs out from underneath Carlos and Evie, and threw his bedsheet over them. 

He stood up, and he saw that Mal was still asleep. She was still little though. She was reaching for something, and Jay pushed her stuffed dragon back to her. Mal's arms curled around it, and a smile lit up her face as she woke up. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. "Morning Dragon." Jay said and Mal said, "Where Puppy?" She asked him. Jay put his foot against Carlos's back, and his head popped out from under the bedsheet. "There is a toddler wanting your attention." Jay said and Evie groaned. "Send her to Ben." Evie said and pulled Carlos back to her. "Bean!" Mal said and started jumping on Jay's bed. Jay picked Mal up out of the bed and he took her down to his parent's bedroom so he could get ready. "Where's Carlos?" Belle asked as she took Mal. "He's 17 again. We woke up this morning, and there he was." Jay said and Belle nodded. Jay got ready, and he met up with Audrey and Ben in the hallway. "Where's Evie?" Ben asked. "She's in my room in a heavy makeout session with Carlos." Jay said. "He's old again?" Audrey asked and Jay nodded. Mal came scampering out in front of Belle and Beast. 

She ran over to Ben, and said, "Bean!" Everyone laughed as Mal walked with them and kept hitting Ben in the leg with her dragon. They got down to breakfast, and Mal sat down with them. She mostly had to stand, but she kept making everyone laugh. "Where's Carlos at?" Everyone kept asking. "He's 17 again, but he's upstairs with Evie. The only bad part about that, is that they're in MY room, not one of theirs." Jay told all their friends. Mal gently tugged at Jay's hair, and he turned his head to meet her shiny green eyes. "What is this?" She asked him holding up a big strawberry. "That is a strawberry Mal." "What does it do?" She asked. "Nothing. It's food. You can eat it." Jay said and Mal nodded before taking a bite out of the strawberry. "It good!" She pronounced, and then Carlos and Evie came into the dining area. "They finally decide to stop sucking face!" Aziz cheered and several people clapped. Mal poked Jay in the shoulder and asked, "Who dat?" "That's Carlos, Dragon." Mal hopped down from the table and ran over to Carlos, hugging his leg. 

Carlos saw Mal, and he smiled. He sat down at the table, and Mal climbed back up, with Evie's help of course. She sat down in between Jay and Carlos, and she picked up another strawberry. "Try this." She told Carlos and Carlos ate the strawberry. When breakfast was over, everyone had to split up. Mal wanted to stay with Carlos, and he finally relented. 

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