Carlos is....2?

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Jay and Evie stayed with the group until they were all in a room, sound asleep. The two made way back to their rooms, and they both noticed Jay's door was wide open. As they passed by the open door, a pair of hands reached out, and yanked Jay inside. Evie met eyes with Mal, and Mal winked at her, making Evie laugh quietly. Mal shut Jay's door, and attached her lips to Jay's roughly. Jay kissed her back, but harder, when he felt his shirt being tugged on. They paused for a second as Mal said, "I think this will look better on the floor." She tore Jay's shirt off, and threw it on the floor, before they lip-locked again. Jay picked Mal up, and she put more pressure on his lips. Jay kept her pressed against him, as they didn't stop roughly kissing.

A few minutes later, a knock came from the wooden door. Mal groaned as Jay bit her bottom lip. "Go hide in my bed." Jay whispered to her, and she nodded before slipping under the covers. Jay put his shirt back on, and answered the door. "Evie?" Jay asked. "Sorry to bother you, but I'm locked out of my room. Can I bunk in your room tonight?" Evie asked and Jay nodded. "As long as you're good with sleeping on the couch." Jay let Evie in, and he pulled his shirt back off before climbing into his bed. Mal cuddled up to him, and Jay kissed her jaw, and then her lips ever so softly. "Sorry, but I can't leave my sister out in the hallway." Jay whispered. Mal sighed, and kissed his nose. "There's something I want to get off my chest if you don't mind."

"Go ahead." Jay said kissing her temple. "I think, without a doubt, you are the sexiest man alive." "Now that you mention it, there's something I need to get off my chest too." "Want me to move?" Mal asked and Jay laughed. "No." Mal brushed his hair off his forehead, and Jay said, "You are the most beautiful, most loveable, and most perfect, in this entire world." Mal smiled, and kissed him. "Would you two knock it off?" Evie asked. "Party pooper." Mal said. Jay kissed her forehead and she curled up on his chest, and fell asleep.

The next morning, Mal was the first one awake. She snuck back to her room, and she opened the door. She gasped as she went inside. Andrew was asleep on the couch, and Carlos was sitting up on his bed. The only problem was, that he was a toddler! Mal quickly rushed over to him, and told him to stay right where he was, and to just watch whatever YouTube he wanted. Mal handed him her phone with the YouTube screen popped up, and she took a shower. She put on a new dress and quickly braided her hair.

Mal went back to Carlos as he stood up. Mal picked him up, and on the way back to Jay's room, she found out what had happened. Carlos had been spelled to turn 2 years old by a mystery source. They got to Jay's room, and Jay looked over from his dresser as his door opened. "Jay, we have a problem." Mal said peeking her head out from the doorway. "What's the problem?" Jay asked standing straight up. Mal opened the door fully, and Jay dropped his clothes on the floor, and his mouth shot open. "What happened?" Jay asked. Carlos kept his hold on Mal, and buried his head in her shoulder. Mal told Jay what had happened, and Carlos wriggled to get down. Mal set him down on the ground, and Carlos ran over to Evie. He pulled himself up on the couch, and bounced on Evie's legs a bit before settling on her stomach. Evie opened her eyes, saw toddler Carlos, and screamed.

Carlos got scared, and he started to cry. He reached for Mal, and she picked him up. Carlos hugged Mal's neck, and Evie stared up at her toddler boyfriend. "What happened to my boyfriend?" She gasped out, and Jay filled her in. Evie sighed before swinging her legs off the couch, and standing up. "I'll get Mom, Dad, and Fairy Godmother." She came back a few minutes later, and the door opened to reveal Audrey, Ben, Belle, Beast, and Fairy Godmother, with Evie in the lead. Everyone was quickly filled in on what had happened. After Carlos had stopped crying, he sat down in Mal's lap. Mal held out her hands to him, and he took hold of her thumbs with his tiny hands. He shook her hands up and down, and giggled. Evie asked how to fix Carlos, and Fairy Godmother went through the whole process of increasing age. "I want to know who found Carlos like this." Fairy Godmother said, and Mal looked up. "I did. I went back to my room, and found him sitting on the bed like this."

Carlos tugged at Mal's braid, and Mal looked down at the toddler. Carlos pointed at Jay, and raised his shoulders. Mal understood what he was asking, and she nodded. Carlos grinned as he climbed onto Jay's lap from Mal's. Carlos rested his head on Jay's chest, and fell asleep within 5 minutes. When the subject of school came up, Fairy Godmother gave all of the teenagers in the room a note signed from her to explain things. "I can take Carlos first, I have 3 classes with him and Jay in the morning." Mal said and Evie volunteered to take the afternoon classes with Carlos. "I guess it is settled then. Carlos is a toddler, and we're all going insane." Jay joked.

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