Sister Sister

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During Happy Death Day, Andrew couldn't help but hide his fear. He hadn't watched that many horror movies in his time, except for the one his parents always showed him every weekend of what Cruella did to them. Andrew was quite frankly tired of seeing that one, but he liked the scare of watching Happy Death Day. He looked over at Mal, and saw she was bored. "Isn't is scary for you?" "Not really. I've been trying to find one scary enough, but I haven't been able to find one. I will admit, this one is pretty good though, and Friday the 13th." Mal said and Andrew nodded. Andrew's eyes always kept shifting down to Carlos, keeping an eye on him. Carlos had been silent throughout the whole movie, until he made noise shifting on his side, about to roll off the couch and crack his nose.

Mal rolled Carlos back over, and his sad eyes popped open to look up at Mal. "Nightmare?" Mal asked him quietly, and Carlos nodded. "The usual one about my mother killing my sister." Carlos said, and Andrew heard the entire thing. "You had a sister?" Andrew asked and Carlos nodded. "Her name was Cassie. She was one of my best friends, but my mom didn't see a use for her, so she tied me to a chair, handcuffed me, and gagged me, before slowly killing her in front of me." Carlos said softly. "How old were you?" Andrew asked. "7." Carlos said sitting up. He leaned his head on Mal's shoulder, and she picked up her phone off the coffee table. She scrolled all the way down her phone gallery, and she clicked on a picture. She showed Andrew the picture, and he found himself looking into the eyes, of his sister Roberta. "That's Cassie?" Andrew exclaimed and Mal nodded. "This is the last picture we have of her. This was taken the same day she was killed." Mal explained and Carlos took Mal's wrist, to see the picture. "I remember that. She was only 3 years old, and my mother was so vicious to her." Carlos said. "That can't be your sister, because that's my sister." Andrew said.

"What are you talking about? I saw Cassie being killed with my own two eyes!" Carlos exclaimed. "I'll show you a picture of Roberta at age 3 then!" Andrew said and he pulled out his phone, and showed them a picture, of Roberta, who was wearing the same exact outfit as Cassie in Mal's picture before she was killed. "The only reason I say that Cassie is actually Roberta, is because my mother didn't have Roberta. My parents adopted her from the Isle of the Lost, and Beast told my mom that her name was Cassie. We weren't told who her parents were, and my parents changed her name to Roberta. If my parents found out that Roberta, is actually a child of Cruella, they'll throw her out in the street." Andrew said. "But that doesn't explain how I saw her die. How would that factor in this equation?" Carlos asked. "Beast told us that she was taken away from the Isle, as she was about to be killed. Are you sure whoever Cruella was killing, was actually Cassie? Maybe it was a body double, because when we got Cassie, she didn't have a scratch or a mark on her anywhere." Andrew said. "This is all so weird." Carlos said, and Andrew nodded. Mal put on her high heels, and stood up. "Where are you going?" Carlos asked. "To find Jay. I'm sure he's got to know something about this." Mal said.

She left the room, and Andrew turned back to look at Carlos. "Do you like Harry Potter?" Andrew asked him and Carlos gave Andrew a puzzled look. "What's Harry Potter?" "Just the greatest thing ever! If you want, we can go to my room and watch all 8 movies." Andrew offered, and Carlos nodded. "Come on." Andrew said, and Carlos hesitated, but he didn't let his mother get in the way of things this time. "I can't wait!" Carlos cheered, and the two boys ran down the hallway to Andrew's room, not even noticing Mal hiding in the corner. She smiled at seeing them together, and as the door shut to Andrew's room she whispered to herself, "I've still got it." She went up to Jay's room, and saw Evie exiting Jay's room as she approached his door. She waved hi to Evie, and Evie smiled and waved back, before going into her room across the hall. Mal knocked on Jay's door, and he opened it. When he saw that it was Mal, he pulled her into his room.

He wrapped his arms around her waist, and kissed her. Mal expected a soft, gentle kiss, but she got a hard kiss, and she loved the change. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and pulled herself up, so she was wrapped around his waist. Jay moved his arms under her legs, so she'd be supported, and he grinned, as he leaned back, and they fell onto his bed. Mal released her legs from around his waist, and stretched out, while pinning him down to his bed. It took a few times for them to hear the knock on the door, and when they finally heard it, the door handle was opening. Mal scrambled off Jay, and they positioned themselves quickly to look like they had been talking. It was Fairy Godmother, Beast, and Belle. "Jay, we need to, oh. Hi Mal." Beast said and Mal waved hello. "Jay, we are needed downstairs. There is a commotion going on, and we need to stop it before it escalates too quickly." Beast explained and Jay nodded. "I'll be out in a minute." His parents nodded, and stepped out. Jay kissed Mal again, and she groaned as he let go. "I'm sorry, but I have to go. Promise me you'll still be back here when I come back?" He said and Mal nodded. "I'll find something to do in here." She promised and Jay kissed her forehead before leaving his room, and shutting the door behind him.

Mal took off her shoes, and leaned against Jay's pillows, inhaling his scent. She got on her phone, and went through Social Media, and then started watching The Office. She soon fell asleep on Jay's bed, as it became dark. After Mal had fallen asleep, she got several texts from Carlos, but she didn't wake up. When Jay got back to his room, he saw that Mal was asleep, and he smiled. He got down on his bed, and he put the covers over the both of them, and he fell asleep next to his girlfriend.

Throughout the night, Mal's phone started blaring very loudly. Mal slowly woke up, and she rolled over, to answer it. She saw it was Carlos, and it was his emergency number. Mal got out of Jay's bed slowly, so she wouldn't wake him, and she went into the bathroom, and shut the door halfway to answer Carlos. "Carlos?" Mal whispered into the phone. "Mal? Where are you? I need your help!" Carlos yelled through the phone. "Shh, Carlos. You'll wake Jay up. I'm in his room, he's still asleep, and I don't want to wake him up. What's wrong?" "You know how we figured out that Roberta is Cassie, well we were talking to Roberta about it, and her mom heard us, and she started freaking out. Mal, she went to get Roger, and she was mad, so we ran to hide Roberta. Right now, we're in the kitchen, and we're trying to keep her hidden. Can you help us?" "Where would we put her?" Mal asked. "I don't know. We need someone to convince her parents that Cassie isn't dangerous!" Carlos yelled and Mal told him to calm down. Mal didn't know that Jay had been awaked, and he sat on the edge of his bed, waiting for his girlfriend to come back. "Mal, can you help?" "I don't know. It's the middle of the night, and I didn't get a chance to ask Jay about it." Mal said. "Come on!" Carlos yelled again, and Mal sighed. "Okay, okay. I'll figure something out. I'll be there in a minute." Mal said. She hung up, and walking back into the bedroom.

"What was Carlos so uptight about?" Jay asked and Mal met his eyes. "Sorry." Mal said, but Jay shook her off. She sat down on his knee, and wrapped her arms around his neck again. She rested her head on his shoulder, and she said, "You remember Cassie De Vil? She's here in Auradon, she wasn't actually killed." "I know. Cassie was adopted by Roger and Anita." Jay said. "You knew?" Mal asked sitting up and Jay nodded. "I was specifically instructed not to say anything to Roberta, or Carlos, but it looks like it has been uncovered." Mal nodded. "Well, now Roger and Anita found out that Roberta is actually Carlos's sister, they're freaking out, and Carlos and Andrew are hiding her in the kitchen. Carlos called me, and said they needed help, with hiding her, and convincing Roger and Anita that Cassie isn't dangerous." "I can help with the convincing part. If you and Carlos can hide Cassie somewhere in the castle, that would be perfect, and I can get Andrew to talk to his parents with me." Jay said. Jay's door opened, to reveal Evie and Ben. "We heard Carlos screaming, and Evie got worried." Ben said. Mal blushed, and Jay was the only one to see it. He laughed quietly, and Mal pecked his cheek. "Sorry about that." Mal said and explained what was going on. "We can help." Ben said and Evie nodded.

"Let's go." Mal said, and all four of them ran through the dark hallways down to the kitchen. "Mal, where are your shoes?" Evie asked. "I didn't bring them. I couldn't find them on the floor of Jay's room in the dark, and there wasn't time to look either. Mal saw Roger and Anita down the hallway, and before anyone knew it, Mal had jumped off the stairwell railing, and had climbed into the heating grate. "Guys. Go talk to Roger and Anita. I'll get inside the kitchen." Mal said and all three of the Royals nodded. Mal shut the grate, and went through the vents silently, until she reached the kitchen grate. She unscrewed the screws, and she dropped out of the opened grate, and landed in front of Andrew and Carlos. "Hey guys. It's go time." Mal said smiling in the dark.

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