Safe Room

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TIME SKIP TO TWO YEARS LATER(Main characters are all now 18, except for Audrey and Ben, who are 19)

Mal came running into Jay's bedroom to find him as quickly as possible. "Cobrey!" She yelled for him, and Jay popped out of his closet. Mal ran over to him, and she jumped up, wrapping her legs around his waist, and kissed him. Jay kissed her back, and she returned her feet to the floor. "Guess what, guess what, guess what?" She cheered excitedly. "I don't know Princess." He said shrugging. "Ben just told me he's proposing to Audrey on Friday night!" "What?" He asked, his eyes bugging out of his head. "I know! I'm so excited!!!!" She said and spun around. Jay smiled at his girlfriend, and she stopped spinning to look at him. "We've been engaged for two years now. When are we going public?" She asked quietly. "After Carlos proposes to Evie." "That'll take forever!" Mal whined. "I know Princess, but that's the rules. I would marry you this second if I could, but the Royalty laws are made, and we have to follow them." Jay said kissing her forehead as he exited his closet. "How come?" She asked. "Come here Princess, I'll show you." He said and Mal followed him across the room to his bookshelf. He pulled a book off the shelf, and he set it down on his desk. 

He flipped it open to the right page, and he sat down on the chair to further examine it. Mal didn't hesitate to climb on his lap, and Jay wrapped one of his arms around her waist, while his other hand found the correct page. "Here." Jay said pointing at the page. Mal read it aloud, "Holy Matrimony may only be performed in age order or no marriage at all." She groaned and Jay laughed before he kissed her behind the ear. "You are going to be the death of me." Mal said and Jay laughed. "Does it help that my Princess is my only weakness." "And spiders." Mal said and they both laughed. 

Later that night, Jay felt someone getting into his bed, and he rolled over, not expecting Mal's soft pink lips to meet his in the dark. Jay sat up, and they kept sharing kisses in the dark. Mal had her arms wrapped around his neck, and he had his hands running up and down her back under her shirt. Mal tangled her hands in his hair, when someone knocked on the door. Jay left to answer it, and all of a sudden Jay told Mal to hurry and come with them. Mal held onto her boyfriend's hand as the two of them followed Jay's family down long dark hallways. Mal couldn't place Carlos's figure, nor Audrey's. "Where is Carlos and Audrey?" She whispered. "Audrey's back with her parents until Wednesday, and I'm not sure where Carlos is." Jay whispered to her and Mal nodded. They got to a door, and a light came on. Everyone passed through, but they stopped Jay. "The girl can't come with." "She's coming, or I'm not going." Jay said to the guard. "Sir, we can't possibly accept-" "She's coming or I'm staying." Jay said again and the guard relented finally. They let Jay pass, and Mal suddenly got the chills. "What is happening?" She asked Jay and he told her he'd explain it once they got to the safe room. 

They got to the safe room, and Mal saw all of Jay's family there. "What about Carlos?" Mal asked. "He isn't aloud to pass through. Neither were you, but I wasn't going to just leave you." Jay said. "What is going on?" Mal asked and Belle looked up. "This is called the safe room. This place was designed to keep us safe from all types of situations. This situation is called a Pandemonium Storm. The storm swirls around and destroys everything in its path, and everyone else that isn't Royalty here, goes to a different safe room, just bigger and not as reinforced." Belle explained. "So, Carlos is going with everyone else?" Mal asked and Evie nodded. "I should've just kept him stashed in my room." Evie said. Ben called Mal over to speak with her, and as Mal went to talk to Ben, Evie pulled Jay aside. "How come Mal keeps sneaking into your room?" "I don't know. She just finds a way in." "You've got to stop here. Audrey and Carlos don't sneak into mine and Ben's rooms." "You want me, to stop a mastermind of all?" Jay asked and Evie nodded. "Why are you so against this?" "Because it isn't aloud Jay." Evie said with a sigh. "Are you just worried because Carlos hasn't been doing the same things as he used to?" Jay asked and he knew he struck the nerve. 

"Okay, you caught me. I feel like we've been growing distant. I feel like he doesn't try as much as he used to." Evie said. "Evie, have you been trying as hard as he has?" Jay asked and Evie's eyebrows scrunched together. "What are you talking about?" "Haven't you seen the way he looks at you, or the way he holds you. Or the way he talks about you, or trys to show you he cares. He asks you on so many dates, but you keep rejecting them, to be with Doug." "So?! When I asked him if he was free, he told me he had plans with Mal!" She exclaimed. "That was to get flowers, for you." Jay said. "All those flowers in your room, was because of Carlos. He knew it was your birthday, and you went out of your way to make him feel bad. Carlos doesn't have a lot of money, and the fact that he spent almost 200 dollars, and you didn't even like his gift, kind of crushed him." "The flowers, those were Carlos?" She asked. Jay nodded, and Evie looked heartbroken. "Evie, I know you want Carlos to be like Mal in your relationship, but everyone is different. Carlos is ready to open up, and explore your relationship, but he knows you're holding back, and he's being patient. Could you just give him a chance, before you expect him to do everything you want him to?" Jay asked and Evie sighed. 

"I guess. I didn't know I was doing that." "Evie, just relax, and be yourself. That's why Carlos loves you. You two are drifting apart, because you're turning into a different person. The person he doesn't love." Evie looked at Jay and said, "How do you know all these things?" "Reality tv. Also, Mal knows a lot of these things, and when we're up at night, she tells me stories to get me to fall asleep. She knows my job as Prince is important, and she tries to obey the laws, even though she gets unhappy with them." "Dang. Could I have her for a night?" Evie teased and Jay shook his head sarcastically. "Not a chance." 

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