Toddler Trouble

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The next morning, Jay was awoken to having little tiny feet jumping on him. Jay rolled over onto his back, and opened his eyes to see Mal, a little toddler. Mal's shiny green eyes were as piercing as normal, and she stuck her little tongue out at him, grinning. Jay sat up, and caught Mal as she tried to run away. Not a second later, the door to Jay's room burst open, revealing toddler Carlos. Carlos ran over to Jay's bed, and struggled to climb up. Evie came into the room just as Jay was helping Carlos up on his bed. "Hey little man." Jay greeted as Carlos said hi. "Jay, what is going on? Carlos is still tiny!" Evie exclaimed. "So is Mal." Jay said pointing at the little girl. "Oh my god!" Evie exclaimed and Mal greeted Evie by spitting at her. "Same old toddler Mal I see." Evie said and Mal giggled. Carlos pounced on Mal, and Mal shrieked. Mal wrestled her way out from Carlos, and giggled as she tackled him herself. Carlos and Mal laughed as they kept wrestling. Jay sighed, and pulled Carlos by his shirt collar as he was about to roll off the bed. "Jayden, I see you were correct." Beast said from the doorway, and Jay nodded. "Oh dear. What should we do?" Fairy Godmother said. "Get Audrey a Protection Ring, immediately." Jay said as he pulled Mal back to the center of his bed.  

As Mal and Carlos stopped wrestling, the two settled on Jay's lap. "What does a Protection Ring do?" Evie asked sitting on Jay's bed next to her younger brother. "Protects the bearer from all harm, when provided the safe word. These rings are made from Yttrium and Sapphires, and then banded together in a silver based ring. Yttrium is a rare earth-metal, so these rings are pretty much their only usage, and that means we have several thousand sitting around the castle, that are only used for safety. Once these rings are put on, they can't be taken off. The only way to activate and deactivate the rings are using the safe word that you gave the ring." Jay answered. "Wow. You always depict yourself as stupid." Evie said tugging a strand of her brother's hair. "I'm on it. Why don't the rest of you figure out how to change the two of them back." Beast said and the two teenagers nodded.

Beast delivered a Protection Ring to Audrey, and she quickly activated it. Beast also brought one for his three kids, himself, his wife, Fairy Godmother, and her daughter. Once all the rings were activated, Jay came up with a plan. "What if we talk to Hades, and negotiate?" "That's a good idea Jayden!" Belle said. Jay talked to Hades and he got Hades to meet their terms. "How did you do it Jay?" Evie asked hugging her brother. "It was easy. I've heard Mal talk about it so much, I feel like I was there. Hades always wanted to get his daughter into Auradon, and get adopted by Hercules and Meg, and I already talked to the two of them, and they agreed. They figured they'd given the girl a chance, since she isn't Hades. After getting the plans made, Hades agreed to take the revenge curse away, and reduce it to three months." Jay explained and everyone applauded him. "Shopping time!" Evie shouted and Audrey cheered. Mal and Carlos were too busy playing in the corner to notice. "Carlos, Mal, time to go shopping!" Evie cheered and Mal stuck her tongue out at her. "I no wanna go." Carlos whined and Mal agreed. "We'll get you whatever toys you want." Belle said, and suddenly Mal and Carlos wanted to go.

Belle, Ben, Audrey, Jay, and Evie, toting Mal and Carlos, traveled to the mall. Mal and Carlos stayed together in the middle of all the older people. At one point, Carlos grabbed Mal's hand, and Mal gripped it back. They jumped in the puddles together, and Audrey pointed it out to Evie. She took a picture of the two several times doing the cute things toddlers do, and she informed Jay she was making a scrapbook for the two. "Mal will probably want me to burn it, but it's a good idea. None of us were given a good childhood, but for the past three years, we've been given a good life, and I think we should give Mal and Carlos the chance to have a happy childhood again." "I agree, just don't let Mal put her hands on it, or she will burn it." Evie laughed, and they got into the mall.

Belle wanted to push the two toddlers in a cart, as the two didn't want to be separated. As Mal and Carlos were seated together, they went into the Children's Place to shop. Evie picked out 15 outfits with help from the others, and Jay did the same with Carlos. "Jay, we have to get them these!" Evie squealed holding up two onsies. One was a Dalmatian, and the other was a dragon. "Toss them in." Jay said and Evie happily put them into the cart.

Evie picked out some hair accessories for Mal as well. When Mal was two years old, she had honey blonde hair, with dark purple tips, as the purple hadn't grown in yet, which made it easier for Evie to shop for hair things. They bought all of the clothes, and then went into the Babies/Toys R Us. They let Mal and Carlos pick out the toys they wanted, and Mal and Carlos surprisingly, didn't go crazy and pick out everything in sight. Mal got really attached to a stuffed purple dragon, and Carlos went crazy for a Giant Teddy Bear. In the end, it was nearly all stuffed animals that were bought for Mal and Carlos, and they both got huge teddy bears that were nearly 10 times the size they were. On the ride home, Mal and Carlos sat on the floor of the Royal Limo playing with their toys, and Evie enjoyed taking all the pictures she wanted. They got back to Auradon Prep, and Belle had the time of her life taking care of the two toddlers as the rest of her family went to a meeting.

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