TV Interview

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As everyone was geared up, ready for the TV interview, everyone but Belle was seated in specific spots. The table went around in a semi circle, and everyone was seated by their age order. "Are there any specific topics we shouldn't talk, or ask about?" The main interviewer asked Belle. "I would say, anything could be asked about, but if questioned, and the question, or the answer is too personal, they don't have to answer it." "Okay. I understand." Belle was escorted to her seat, and the Interview was getting ready to start. Jay watched as Mal spun her engagement ring around her finger. He took her hand, and she smiled at him. When the interview started, the two continued to hold hands under the table. 

"Good morning, first of all. How are all of you?" The first interviewer, Bill asked. Everyone answered with a cheerful great, and then Bill moved on to the questions. "So, everyone has been wondering, did you three ever want to follow the rules for the engagement laws?" Everyone looked towards Ben, and he smiled and picked up his microphone. "I think I speak for all three of us, but I know I genuinely thought Jay would propose to Mal first." Ben said. "The two are like a married couple, because they're so in love with each other. They know everything about each other, they know everything each other is going to say at every moment." "Is there anything else that makes them seem the most in love?" Bill asked. "Actually, there is." Evie answered as Ben looked to her. "Sometimes late at night, in the dead silence, everyone on our floor, can hear someone singing. It doesn't happen every night, but it's the most beautiful thing everyone's ever heard. The first few times it happened, no one could figure out what had happened. It turns out, when Jay can't sleep, Mal would sing him to sleep." Mal started blushing, and Jay smiled at his girlfriend. 

"Has she sung any of you to sleep?" Bill asked. Carlos raised his hand, as well as Evie and Audrey. "How was that?" Bill asked. "It's actually pretty luring. Her singing is very soothing, and it helps you fall asleep, as well as making you get the picture of what she's singing." Audrey said and Carlos and Evie nodded. "Lady Mal, would you explain why you do that?" Bill asked and Mal nodded. "Growing up, I've always been the smallest one. I've been used to everyone taking care of me, and always watching out for me. Doing this, it makes the roles flipped. I'm like the bigger person, and watching out for everyone else makes me feel this way." Mal says. Bill smiles, and Jay started running his fingers over Mal's fingers, making her feel calm. "So, out of the three couples, which one does the public seem to like most?" Bill asked Belle and Beast. "No offense to any of these couples sitting on my left, but, from what I've read in the news, and from the public's eye of view, I think they love Jayden and Mal the most." "Why would that be?" Bill asked Belle. 

"Most likely because they are the youngest two out of the family here. The majority of Auradon's viewers are around the teenager age, and they can relate to my son and his fiance since they're so open to the public about their relationship." "No to mention the fact that every single time we knock on the door, it's interrupting them from making out." Evie said and Bill's mouth dropped open. He turned to the couple, and he said, "Well, well, well. What do you have to say to that?" Jay picked up his microphone and said, "I'm completly fine with everyone knowing I love Mal. Although, I will say, Mal gets the most annoyed every time someone knocks on my bedroom door." Jay said and Bill laughed. "Speaking of getting interrupted, here's a question I know everyone wants to know. Have you two gotten intiminte?" Bill asked and Mal bit her lip. Jay felt Mal shift uncomfortably, and Jay squeezed her hand before answering. "Well, the short answer would be, no." "And why would that be?" Belle and Beast both wanted to kick this interviewer out into the street for asking that. "Well, when we got together on the Isle, we were 13, and then seperated for 3 years before getting reunited here in Auradon. We were only 16, and neither of us felt as if it was the right time to do so." "So, you two plan on keeping things traditional." Bill asked and Jay nodded. "Another question, we all that Mal isn't a virgin, but what about you?" He asked Jay. Instead of Jay answering, Belle did. "That's not a question that should be asked, or answered." Bill nodded and he turned towards Mal. 

"When Chad assulted you 2 years ago, how did you cope with that?" Mal shifted uncomfortably again. "Well, um-" Mal said before Jay cut in, saving her, "I don't think that's really a topic to be discussed on tv, or anytime at all." Mal wound her foot around his calf, telling him thanks. He squeezed her hand, giving her a no problem in their sign language. Jay slid his arm around her waist very secretly, so Bill wouldn't see it. It was a good thing, that the tables were high. Bill continued to ask questions, and then finally Bill turned to Jay and Mal. "And my last, and final question." He said. "I know you already said that this is a topic that shouldn't be discussed about, but it might be something you want to answer." Jay rolled his eyes when no one was looking, and Bill took a breath before continueing. "What would you do, if Chad escaped prison?" Mal stayed silent and so did Jay. "As I already stated before, this isn't a matter we want to discuss on tv." Jay answered after a moment, and Bill thanked them for their time. 

As everyone split up, Mal and Jay slipped into the shadows. They snuck back to Jay's room, and Jay locked the door before turning around and sliding his hands up Mal's shirt to rest on her waist. "Finally alone." Mal said before locking her lips with her boyfriends. She tangled her hands in his hair, and she undid his man bun. She threw the hair tie across the room, and his hair fell down. Mal smirked against their kiss, and Jay's chapped lips rose up with hers. Mal pulled herself up, and Jay moved his hands down, and kept his hands on her thighs to keep her supported. As they moved to Jay's bed, he set her down first, and kissed her again. 

"" Jay said, with each pause pressing a rough kiss to her. Mal held on to his neck, and latched her lips onto his. "" She said, pressing a kiss to her boyfriend's neck at each pause. Mal and Jay stayed curled up with each other the entire day, sharing kisses, cuddling, and sharing stories about each other. 

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