The Plan in Action

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The next day, Mal couldn't stop smiling like The Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland. She was so happy, and she wasn't going to let anything stupid ruin that night for Carlos and Evie. After classes got over, Jay went back to his dorm and got the things he needed to put the plan in action. He went to Mal's dorm, hoping she was there since he hadn't seen her all day. He knocked on the door, and Mal opened it, and Jay swore his Jay dropped. Mal blushed a little, and tilted her head down towards the floor. Jay took his hand, and gently pushed her chin back up to look at him. With his hand still under her chin, he kissed her. Mal kissed him back, and Jay wanted to not go on with this plan and stay in Mal's room and kiss her all night.

Jay heard Evie's voice coming around the corner and he let go of the kiss. Mal whined like a puppy, and she made puppy eyes to go along with it. Jay leaned over and kissed the top of her head and her forehead. "Later. I promise." Jay told her. "You guys ready?" Evie asked Jay and Mal as she came to a stop in the hallway. Jay and Mal both nodded, and Mal grabbed Jay's hand as they followed Evie outside to the Royal Limo. "Where's Carlos?" Jay whispered to Mal once Evie got a good enough distance away from them. "Already there. We'll have Evie go in front of us, so she can't escape." Mal whispered back.

They got to the Enchanted Lake, and the Royal Limo took off back towards Auradon Prep. "Uhh. I shouldn't have worn heels." Evie complained. "I would offer you a ride, but Mal's already taken it." Jay said as Mal wound her arms around Jay's neck, and her legs by his arms. "Am I too heavy for you?" Mal asked sarcastically and flicked Jay's neck, the spot that always got him turned on. Jay looked up at her with a glare and said, "That's for not kissing me longer." "Fair enough." Jay said before hooking his arms under Mal's legs and following Evie across the long footbridge. Once they got across the footbridge, Evie caught sight of Carlos. "What's he doing here?" Evie said. "He's here to help, Evie." Jay said. "Why wasn't I informed he was going to be here?" Evie asked, glaring directly at Mal, "That was Jay's job, not mine." "You were supposed to inform Carlos!" Jay shot back at her. Mal rolled her eyes, and Evie noticed something was wrong between them. They were fighting, and they never fought. But Evie didn't know, it was just for show.

"Evie, please just work with him. He won't kill you, and if he tries to, we'll be right there to stop him." Jay said. "Carlos won't kill her stupid!" Mal said and flicked Jay in the spot again. "Would you quit already?" Jay exclaimed and Mal rolled her eyes again. "Can you two stop fighting? You're here to be learning, not fighting with each other." Evie said and Jay and Mal stopped fighting and sat down on the cement platform. Just as Jay and Mal had thought, Evie and Carlos gave them a review to work on together. "I don't want to work with him! He's stupider than Harry Hook!" Mal complained. "You're not so good yourself." Jay fired back. Mal and Jay kept fighting until Carlos and Evie knew something was very wrong, something that wasn't easily fixed. "What's wrong with you two? You've never fought before." Evie said. "You wouldn't understand it!" Mal fired at Evie. Evie crossed the path to meet with Mal. "What is that implying Mal?" Evie asked raising her eyebrows. Mal stood up, and so did Jay. "It's implying that you don't pick and choose your relationships wisely!" Mal yelled. Carlos came to stand behind Evie, and without warning, Evie shoved Mal into the water.

Everything was going just as planned, and Jay yelled Mal's name. "I thought you guys were fighting." Evie said angrily putting her hands on her hips. "That doesn't mean I want her to die!" He said and Mal surfaced. Jay pulled Mal out of the water, and he cradled her before putting his hands on either side of her face, and kissing her with force. Mal was soaking wet with water from the lake, but she didn't care. She kissed Jay back, but with not so much force. Carlos and Evie watched, and waited for them to stop. After 10 minutes, they decided to walk off. "I'm going to be sick if I keep watching that." Evie said as Mal jumped up and wrapped her legs around Jay's waist.

Carlos agreed and made a gagging noise. Mal smiled in her kiss and Jay said, "Shh. Stay silent." He held her closer to him while keeping an eye on Carlos and Evie. Jay kissed her for longer than they had agreed, and when they were going to find Carlos and Evie, Mal asked, "What was that extra long kiss for?" "For even considering you'd be stupid." Jay said taking her hand. "That was just for show so she'd shove me in the water." Mal said. "I know, but I owed you, remember?" Jay asked, and Mal blushed again. Jay laughed at her blush and Mal smiled. The spotted Evie and Carlos, and they climbed into trees on either side of the forest path.

They waited for 15 minutes, and Carlos and Evie still hadn't made any physical contact, and Mal made a sound of frustration. She looked ahead for Jay, and he made eye contact with her. Mal nodded, and she watched him drop out of the tree with a look of pain on his face. "JAY!" Mal screamed and she dropped out of her tree as well. Carlos turned his head, and not his body, and Evie just watched in horror as Jay fake writhed on the ground. Mal ran up and sneakily pushed Evie into Carlos and she watched her lips knock on Carlos's face. Carlos whipped his head around, and their lips touched. Jay got up off the ground slowly, as Evie and Carlos didn't stop their kiss. Evie wrapped her hands around Carlos's head, and Carlos wrapped his arms around Evie's waist, pulling her closer. Jay stood next to Mal, and he wrapped his arms around her waist. "Mission Accomplished." Mal said grinning.

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