Hide and Seek

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A couple of mornings later, Evie was getting Mal and Carlos ready for the day. Carlos was running around the room in his Dalmation Onsie, while Evie was doing Mal's hair. Jay was sleeping in, as during the night he would take Mal on a walk outside when she woke up from nightmares. Evie knew Mal couldn't help it, as she and Jay still got the nightmares once in a while too. Audrey and Ben went down to Jay's room, and knocked on the door. Belle was a little ways behind them, and she joined them as Evie let them into the room. "Hey guys." Evie said looking up from brushing Mal's hair. "Hi Evie. We wanted to ask you something." "Sure." Evie said. "Could we take Mal and Carlos with us to my family's castle?" Audrey asked. "Audrey, I know you mean well, but I don't know if that's such a good idea to bring Mal, the daughter of Maleficent, to your family, who hates Maleficent." Evie said putting Mal's hair in dutch braids. "I know that Evie. I talked to my mom and she wants to give Mal a chance. She thinks that Mal has had a hard life, harder than hers was, and she wants to give her a chance." Audrey replied. 

"Is Mom going with you? If anything goes wrong, I want someone that your dad won't attack tiny Mal and Carlos." Evie said and Audrey nodded. "Should we ask Jay?" "No. Let him sleep. Just please take care of Carlos and Mal, and don't let them wander off." Evie said and Audrey nodded. Carlos and Mal held hands and followed after Audrey, Ben, and Belle. At Audrey's hometown castle, they were easily let into the castle grounds. Once they entered the castle, Carlos went over to Belle, and Mal went to Audrey. The two women picked up the toddlers, and carried them to the throne room, where Audrey's family was. Belle and Ben's guards were following close behind, but they didn't look like guards. All they looked was men dressed up in fancy suits. They entered the throne room, and everyone was shocked to see Audrey holding a little toddler. "Audrey! Come hug Grammie!" Queen Leah called, and Audrey smiled at her grandmother. She felt a tap on her shoulder, and she slightly turned her head to see Ben. "I can take her." He said and Audrey nodded. She handed Mal off to Ben, and Mal looked at him. "Who are you?" "My name is Ben." "Can I call you Bean?" Mal asked and Ben laughed and said she could. 

"Audrey, is that little girl yours?" Leah asked and Audrey almost burst out laughing. "No! Of course not! Ben and I both know that having a baby at this age isn't a good idea." "Thank god." Aurora said and hugged her daughter. "Who are the little toddlers then if they aren't yours?" Leah asked and Audrey said, "Didn't you guys see the broadcast last night?" Her family shook their heads, and Audrey sighed. "That would explain it. Mal and Carlos were cursed by Hades to deage. Now they are in their toddler forms. Jay and Evie told us that they are acting completly different now from what they acted like on the Isle. On the Isle they were mean toddlers, but these toddlers, are sweet. They do the cutest things too." Audrey said with a big smile. "What do you mean?" Phillip asked. "The Mal and Carlos on the Isle, wouldn't have done things they've done here. For instance, they fall asleep cuddled up with each other every night. They also express their emotions, and they haven't done anything wrong." Aurora smiled, and everyone turned to watch Ben and his mom with the toddlers. 

"That can't be Mal. She doesn't have purple hair." Phillip said. "No Dad. That is Mal. She was born with blonde hair, and over time the purple hair grew in." Audrey explained. "Why are they here?" Phillip asked his daughter. "Evie and Jay needed a break. Every morning when we all get breakfast, Jay wakes up late, and he is so drained of energy. Evie has meetings to attend, and she hasn't been with her any of her other friends since Carlos turned little." Audrey said. "Plus, I love being with them. It isn't everyday that your best friend turns into a little kid." "Can they come up here?" Aurora asked looking at her husband and mother. "As long as they don't try to kill me, I'm fine with it." Leah said and Phillip agreed. Ben and Belle slowly brought Mal and Carlos up to their long family table. "Mal, Carlos, these are my parents, and my grandmother." Audrey said and Carlos nodded. Aurora reached out for Mal, and Mal let her. As soon as Aurora had her grip on Mal to pick her up, Mal screamed. It wasn't a pity scream, it was a scream of pain. Carlos looked over, and he wiggled to get to Mal. Belle let him go, and he ran over to Mal. He hit Aurora's hand, and he grabbed Mal's hand. Mal held her grip, and the two ran off. Before anyone could react, Mal and Carlos were gone into the intricate maze of the castle. 

"What did I do?" Aurora asked and Audrey shrugged. "I don't know. I don't think it was something you did Mom. I think she was scared." Audrey said. "We have to find them, before Jay and Evie find out that we lost them." Ben said before a voice rang out, "Too late." Everyone turned to see Jay and Evie at the doorway. "We sensed something bad was going to happen, and we rushed to get here." Evie explained. "What happened anyways?" Jay asked. "My mom went to pick Mal up, and Mal started screaming. Carlos hit her hand and they took off running." Audrey said. "Aurora, may I please see your hands?" Jay asked and Aurora nodded. "Didn't you warn them about the metal?" Jay asked Evie. "I forgot about it." Evie said blushing. "I'll go find them." Jay said, and Ben followed him out the doorway. 

"What is Jayden talking about?" Aurora asked. "Mal, is part fairy. She has this thing with certain metals that she can't be around without, having some side affects. She started screaming, because you have pure gold jewelry. When Mal gets too close in contact with gold, her body will start self inducing pain to alert her." Evie said. "Alert her?" Leah asked and Evie nodded. "Alert her that danger is in the future if she doesn't get away fast. It also means that Mal's mom will come and attack her." 

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