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Even though Carlos had turned back into a teenager, Mal was still a toddler. Whenever Carlos left a room, Mal would start crying until he came back. Everyone noticed she was so clingy to everyone, Evie said they should bring her to the doctor to get her checked out. So the next day, Evie and Carlos took Mal to the doctors, as Jay was with Ben and Audrey in a council meeting. Mal was checked out, and the doctor told the two that there was nothing wrong with her. "Lately, Mal has been super clingly towards everyone. For instance, whenever this guy leaves a room," Evie said pointing at Carlos, "She'll start crying, and when he comes back she'll stop crying. My brother can't sleep at night, because she'll wake up in the middle of the night crying from nightmares. He'll wake up in the middle of the night and take her on a walk outside in the gardens. She always wants to be held, even if she's having fun, she'll be a drag on herself." "It sounds to me like this little girl, has some fright. Does she have a figure in her life that scares her to death?" The doctor asked and Evie and Carlos nodded. "Her mother, is Maleficent." Carlos said and the doctor nodded. "Seeing that she was turned little again, she's not used to her surrounds, and she's afraid that she will relive her past." Evie and Carlos nodded, and thanked the doctor before leaving. 

When they got back to Auradon Prep, they found Jay immediatly. "What did the doctor say?" Jay asked as Mal climbed onto his lap to see what he was doing. "We told him about how clingly she was, and he told us, its because of the fact that she thinks her past is going to happen again, and she's scared about her mom coming for her." Evie said sitting down next to Jay and ruffling the girl's hair. Mal giggled and everyone smiled. A few weeks later when Jay was sleeping, he heard Mal crying. He looked at the toddler showing her pout and shimmering green eyes to him. Jay sat up, careful not to wake Evie or Carlos, and picked up Mal. He set her on the floor, and she held onto his hand as best as she could as they started outside. Mal took in all the sights she had been seeing for a long time. She stopped at a flower patch and picked a yellow Freesia. "Jay-Jay." She said and he looked back at her. He walked towards her and he knelt down. Mal tucked her yellow flower into his dark hair and she smiled and clapped her hands together. "Pretty!" She exclaimed and Jay smiled. She kissed his forehead and said, "I love you." Jay was taken aback. He didn't say anything as he gazed into Mal's eyes. He could see that her green iris's were a darker shade of green than they had been before. In that moment, he knew that the 16 year old Mal would be back by morning. 

Sure enough, the next morning, a teenage Mal was sitting on the window seat the next morning. Jay swung his legs over his bed and looked around for Mal. He saw finally spotted her across the room at the window seat. He couldn't contain himself as he ran over to her and trapped her against the wall and smashed his lips against her. He felt Mal's lips return the kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and he kept kissing her. He heard Carlos and Evie getting off of his bed, and he stopped kissing her. Mal pouted and crossed her arms. "SHE'S BACK!" Jay yelled to the room, and Carlos rubbed his eyes before saying, "Cheese? Where's the cheese at?" Evie laughed and hugged her boyfriend from behind. A flower fell out of Jay's hair, and Mal picked it up. "It didn't die." She observed and Evie started shrieking, to which Carlos plugged his ears. "It's an immortal flower!!!! Mal must've picked it out of Mom's garden!" Evie screamed and Jay told her to be quieter. "There are still people in this building Eve." He said and Evie smirked. 

Once everyone was updated that Mal was back again, Jay realized Mal didn't have her ring anymore. "Dragon?" He asked as she was crossing into the bathroom. "Yes Cobrey?" She asked. "Where's your ring at?" He asked and Mal immediatly looked at her right hand. "Which one?" She asked. "The fancy one." He said. "Still in the safe. I didn't put it on yet since we didn't announce anything yet." Mal said and Jay breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank god. I'd thought we'd left it somewhere for someone to find it." Mal giggled and kissed his nose. "No need to worry." She said and shut the bathroom door after winking at him. 

Down at breakfast, Mal was tackled to the floor by Audrey. "Mal! Oh my gosh I'm so glad you're back!" Audrey cried and Mal said, "Audrey, Audrey, you know I love you, but you're cutting my air flow off." "Sorry!" Audrey said pulling the girl up. Once Mal was standing up, Audrey hugged the smaller girl until she turned red. "Audrey, please don't kill my girlfriend. I just got her back!" Jay whined and Audrey stuck her tongue out at him. She let Mal go, and they finished eating breakfast. After breakfast, several surprises were revealed, and no one in the royal family could wait.........



I'm SO sorry that I wasn't able to update for 7 days!!!! I was in Michigan for my family's annual vacation, and I was in the Wilderness for most of the trip, so I wasn't able to update!!!! Even though I was sad that I wasn't able to update, I was really happy to go on this trip! I felt like I was getting closer to my late grandparents that traveled to Michigan frequently. I was really close to the border of Canada, and I was so excited!!!!! 

Unfortanually, school for me starts on the 23rd of August. PLEASE BRING BACK SUMMER!!!!!! Where did it go? Why did it go so fast????? It literally feels like school just got out, and we got a three day vacation!!! I'm so sad that school is starting, because that means I won't be able to see one of my favorite people anymore.... =(  

My cousin is leaving for college this fall, and I'm going to miss him so much!! He's like my older brother that I've never had!!!! I hopefully have 10 days left to see him as much as I can.... =(


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