Not Mal Too!

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Everyone split up to get ready for school. Mal stayed on Jay's bed with Carlos as Jay got ready in the bathroom, and as Evie went to Mal's room to borrow her clothes, and her shower. Carlos was having the time of his life as Mal was using one of Jay's tourney balls to play with him. Carlos would giggle, and Mal would continue letting him play with the tourney ball. "You're so good at this." Jay said coming out of the bathroom. He kissed Mal on top of her head and she grinned. "It also helps that Carlos is very...interested in a tourney ball." Mal said. "What are we doing about his clothes?" Jay asked sitting down on the floor next to Mal. "Evie said she's whip him up a shirt and jeans. Fairy Godmother is going to help us age him tonight to get him back in time for school tomorrow." Mal answered interlocking her hand with Jay's. Carlos giggled again as Mal rolled the ball back to him. Carlos yawned, and he came over, and plopped himself down in Mal's lap. He quickly fell asleep, leaning against Mal's chest. "Aww. He's so cute!" Mal whispered to Jay, running her hand threw Carlos's curls gently.

Evie came back 20 minutes later, to see Carlos asleep against Mal's chest, and Mal asleep against Jay's chest. Jay was on his phone, texting Ben about their council meeting. Carlos sensed Evie there, and his head slowly turned to look up at her. "Hey Pup. How you doing?" Evie whispered kneeling down to be level with Carlos. "I tired." He said rubbing his eyes with the back of his hands. "I have a present for you." Evie said showing Carlos the clothes she made him. "bur!" Carlos exclaimed happily clapping his hands together. Evie ruffled his hair, and Carlos reached out for the clothes. Evie handed them to the little boy, and asked Jay to help him. "I would, but I can't." Jay said looking up from his phone. "Why not?" Evie asked. "Mal's asleep, and I wouldn't want to wake her up." "Why is she sleeping so much lately?" Evie asked and Jay shrugged. "I wonder if it's because of stress, but that can't be it, because the kingdom loves her." Jay said. "Jay, is she pregnant?" Evie asked. "Of course not! We're 16 years old Eve! You really think I'd impregnate my girlfriend!?" Jay whisper shouted. "Well, have you two done it recently?" Evie asked putting her hands on her hips. "It's hard to explain." Jay said. "It isn't that hard to answer Jay." Evie said and Jay groaned. "Fine. We were going to, but then you interrupted last night."

"Gross!" "You asked!" "If Mal isn't pregnant, what is happening?" "I haven't the faintest idea." Jay said, and the two of them turned to look at the bathroom door as it opened. "I like burs." Carlos said pronouncing bears wrong. Evie smiled, and got a picture of him. "You look so cute Pup." Evie said ruffling Carlos's hair again. Carlos made the motion to be picked up, and Evie obliged. She kept Carlos on her hip, and told Jay they had to get to school. Jay gently awoke Mal, and she yawned. "Time for school?" She asked and Jay nodded. "Come on Princess, time to go." Jay told her, and Mal slowly got up. They got to class, and Evie handed Carlos off to Mal. She said goodbye to the three of them, and continued down the hallway as Mal and Jay went inside their classroom. Carlos fell asleep on Mal again, and he stayed asleep, all the way until it was time to switch with Evie. After the switch off, Carlos stayed quiet in all of the classes. Later on that night, Fairy Godmother came by, and she gave Carlos the aging spell, and potion. Carlos curled up on Evie's lap, and fell asleep. "I'll see you guys in the morning." Evie said gently cradling Carlos in her arms. "Bye Evie!" Mal and Jay said, as the door shut behind her.

Mal stayed behind in Jay's room, and they decided to watch a movie. The only problem was, as Jay went to put in the movie, he heard Mal make a tiny whimper. He turned his head to look at her, but she smiled at him. When he turned his head back around, Mal made the whimper again, and Jay dropped the movie onto the floor. He went back over to Mal, and kneeled down in front of her. "Princess, what's wrong?" He asked her. "Nothing." Mal answered. "Tell me Princess. If something's bothering you, you can tell me." He softly told her, brushing his hand through her hair. Mal yawned, and Jay ran his fingers over her hand. "Princess, how come you're so tired lately?" "My body hurts all over. It makes me tired." Mal said yawning again, before she shot straight up. She whimpered again, and Jay saw that she was in pain. He climbed into his bed, and sat behind her. He pulled her into his lap, and he quickly lured her to sleep. When Mal was sound asleep, Jay laid her down on his bed, pulled the covers over her, and threw on his shoes. He shut the lights off as he left, and locked the door so no one could go in.

He knocked on his parent's door, and his dad opened the door a few seconds later. "Jayden?" Beast asked his youngest child. "Do you have a minute? I think there's something that needs to be discussed, along with Fairy Godmother." Jay said and Beast nodded. They got to Fairy Godmother's office, and she was there. She agreed to talk with them, and Jay started the conversation. "Something is wrong with Mal. I've noticed it with Carlos, right before he turned little." "What would that be?" Beast asked. "Sleeping too much. A few nights ago, Mal and Carlos were doing homework in Evie's room, and Carlos kept yawning. Mal asked him what was wrong, and he told her his body ached with pain. None of us thought about it, and I'm just starting to come across something. Mal has been doing the same thing, where she's been tired at odd times, and she falls asleep quicker than she normally does. Just tonight, I could see in her eyes that she was in pain, and she told me that when her body hurts, it makes her tired." Fairy Godmother gasped, as she realized what Jay was saying. "She's going to turn into a child!" She breathed and Jay nodded. "Something is going on, and I don't like it. First Carlos, and then Mal. They both are dating two royals. A Princess, and a Prince, both from the Island. This is very shady." Beast said and Jay nodded. "This is just a hunch, but I'm wondering if this situation has anything to do with that old warning Hades used to say." Jay said.

"Not the warning about sending trouble for the Royal Family." Beast said and Jay nodded. "Late at night if I couldn't sleep, Mal would tell me stories from the Isle. One particular story sticks out to me. On the Isle of the Lost, Hades was so angry that you brought Evie and me to Auradon, that he wanted revenge. He wanted revenge so bad, he could taste it, and this is how he planned to do it, by getting the person that each Prince or Princess loves most. If this revenge thing is actually taken serious, Audrey is going to come after Mal. Then we'll have three little royal toddlers running around the castle." Jay concluded.

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