3 Proposals

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Mal quickly ran. She ran out of Auradon Prep. She ran off into the forest, and when she found Carlos, he was surprised to see her. "Mal?" He asked. Mal didn't say anything as she just stood there, and then quickly hugged him. Carlos was a little surprised, but he quickly returned her hug. "What happened? I thought-" "You thought wrong. Your little Fiance to be, is turning into a nervous wreck about you. She even accused me of stealing her necklace, the one that you gave me for my 10th birthday, and thinks that you're some crazy kid who stole her necklace and gave it to me, apparently because you liked me better." Mal said. "There's Evie for you." Carlos said. "Did she get the letter?" Carlos asked. "Yeah. I threw it at her before I left." "Mal-" "Carlos, she was coming after me to rip the necklace off of me. What does that tell you?" "She really doesn't like you having the same things she does." Mal laughed and Carlos smiled. 

Mal stayed with Carlos until Friday afternoon, where she suddenly just appeared in Jay's room out of the blue, scaring Jay when he came back into his room. "Jeez Princess." He said after she stopped laughing. "Sorry. But I had to come back to see the show." She said and her boyfriend hugged her before kissing her. Mal kissed him back, and she felt her bottom lip being bitten again. Before they could advance any further, a knock came from the door. "Uhh!" Mal complained and hid under Jay's covers in protest. Jay laughed, and answered the door. "I read the letter from Carlos, and I have instructions to find him. They're kind of wierd though." Evie said. She left again, and then another knock came from the door as soon as Jay shut it. "Is Mal here?" Ben asked and Jay nodded. "How did you know?" "I just figured, since she's in love with you." Jay nodded and called for Mal. She slid off of his bed and Ben said, "It's go time!" "YES!" Mal screamed and she practically pushed Jay out of the way to get to Ben. "Sorry Cobrey." She said. "No problem Princess." He said and he shut the door to his room. Later that night, Mal got back to Jay's room, and kicked off her shoes as fast as she could. Jay was already sitting on his bed under the covers waiting for her. The two of them watched the news, and Jay wrapped his arms around her waist. When the news guys got to the announcement of both engagements, Jay kissed her temple, and Mal pecked his nose. 

"Well Tim, now that both the King and the Princess are getting married, when do you think the last prince will follow through with his girlfriend?" "Time will only tell Bob. Although, I do think he won't hold out for long." "Hear that Prince Jayden? Get a move on and marry her already!" All the news guys yelled at the camera, and Mal started giggling. "You think that's funny?" Jay asked her and she nodded. He startled tickling her, and Mal kept trying to slap his hands away. "It isn't going to work." She told him. "What about this?" Jay asked and he pinned her to his mattress with his hands, and kissed her. Mal tangled her hands in his hair, ready to be interrupted. When that interruption didn't come, she started to kiss him harder. Jay starting running his hands up and down her back, and sure enough, a knock came from the door. "That's it. Next time we're together, we're going to my room." Mal said and Jay grinned before getting off of his bed and answering the door. 

Mal kept her arms crossed, and wore a pout on her face. "Yeah? Okay, I'll talk to Mal about it." Jay said and shut his door, and locked it. He came back over to his bed, and he laughed at seeing her. "Is my Princess mad?" "Yes. Everyone always interrupts us." Mal said and Jay laughed as he picked her up and slid her onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around her waist, and she smiled before pressing her lips to his. The next morning, Jay woke up to Mal still asleep on his chest. When she did wake up, he told her what his mom and dad told him. "I don't care when. Probably as soon as we can." Mal said rubbing her eyes. "Should we do a cover story, so they can provide pictures?" Jay asked. Mal yawned and nodded. "Could we do a picnic to celebrate Evie and Ben's engagements, and then you propose to me there? I hate those big cameras." Mal said and Jay nodded. He kissed the top of her head, before exiting his room. 

When he came back, they had the whole thing set up, and later that night the whole royal family was aware of what was going to happen at the picnic. After Jay proposed to her again, Mal jumped up and hugged him. She kissed him, and he kissed her back. The next morning, the whole royal family was asked to come down for an interview for the public. Of course everyone accepted, and got ready to do the tv interview. 

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