LIES and BREAKUPS come in pairs

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"Jay, where is my baby girl at?" Belle asked her son hysterically. "What's wrong?" Jay asked standing up with worry in his eyes. "There are pictures all over social media, saying that she's cheating with Chad, and in bed with Carlos." Belle cried. "Would I have permission to go get her along with Mal? I know Carlos won't listen to me, and Evie won't listen to Mal." Jay asked. "Of course. Go." Fairy Godmother and Belle said. Mal stood up next to Jay, and she took his hand, as they walked out of the school building.

"What's going on?" Chad demanded. "I'm sure Chad. We've been trying to figure the same thing out ourselves." Beast said. Belle, Beast, Chad, and Fairy Godmother watched Jay and Mal disappear into the distance on Jay's moped. "Where do you think Jay and Mal are going?" Chad asked and Belle shrugged. "I just want my baby." She said. 20 minutes later, Jay kicked the kickstand of the moped out, and his hand found Mal's as they walked towards the almost hidden cabin. Mal knocked on the door, and Evie came to the door with a white bathrobe on. Once again, Jay covered Mal's eyes. "She's just a child." Jay said to Evie. "I'm the same age as you hotshot." Mal said. "I think I can handle it." "That's what you thought about that picture, and we saw how well that went." Jay said as Evie let them in.

"What happened?" Evie asked. "Chad came storming into class, and demanded that we explain the photo you posted of Carlos, shirtless, with scratches up and down his back." Jay said cocking his head, and Evie blushed so red. "Tomato alert. Tomato alert." Mal exclaimed and the three of them laughed. Mal spotted Carlos, and she took off running to get to him. Jay and Evie watched her as Carlos got knocked over by Mal in a crushing hug. "If you freak me out again, I'll kill you!" Mal threatened before hugging him. Carlos hugged her back, and Jay turned towards Evie. "Anyways, Chad shoved the phone at me, and I saw it. I covered Mal's eyes, since Carlos is her best friend, but she basically flipped out, and almost started crying, I swear." Evie's face turned worried. "Oh no. What if Chad thinks, we um, you know." "He wants to know, but you can make something up to protect you, Carlos, me, and Mal." Jay suggested. "Like what?" Evie asked. "Well, the scratches on Carlos's back, also look like cat or branch scratches. You could say, something like he was climbing a tree, and he fell through all the branches, because Carlos now has bruises all over his stomach, back, and legs for some reason, thanks to you." Jay said. "You make it sound like a bad thing." Evie said and Jay sighed.

"If you don't do something, it will be a bad thing." Jay said as Mal giggled. Jay and Evie looked back at Carlos and Mal, and found that they were messing around with each other's hair and hitting each other. "We have two children amongst us." Evie said smiling, watching Carlos and Mal. Jay laughed and he was suddenly reminded. "I'm going to text mom, and say we're just going to hang out for the day, and come back in time for dinner tonight. She was worried about you, and she almost started freaking out." Jay said pulling out his phone. His mom replied that was fine, since they didn't have any other classes. "We have the rest of the day, what should we do?" Jay asked. "We should show Mal and Carlos the best music, and movies!" Evie suggested and Jay looked at Mal and Carlos to see if they wanted to do that. Mal and Carlos nodded, and Evie got out her laptop and connected her Bluetooth to all 7 of her wireless speakers. She played all the music, and sang along. At some point through out the playlist, Mal had climbed onto Jay's back while he was doing pushups. Evie started filming it to put on her Auragram Story.

"Work it!" Carlos called as Jay continued doing his pushups. "Show off." Carlos muttered as Jay stood up 10 minutes later. Jay shrugged and flashed his signature grin at the camera before Evie stopped filming him and posted it on her Auragram. "Movie time!" Evie cheered and Mal sat down in between Carlos and Jay on the bed. "Coincidently, you did clean this bed, right?" Jay asked and Evie nodded. "Good." Jay said, and Evie put in a movie called Guardians of the Galaxy. They finished it, and Evie put in Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2. Evie shut off all the lights again before sitting down next to Carlos again.

Evie and Jay didn't realize that Mal and Carlos had fallen asleep until after they had watched Deadpool and Deadpool 2. "Aww. They're asleep." Evie said taking a picture of Mal and Carlos as Jay moved on her cue. Carlos was asleep on his back, faced towards Mal, and Mal was on her stomach with her head resting next to Carlos's. Jay checked his phone, and saw it was almost time for dinner. "It's time for dinner, but I hate to wake Mal and Carlos." Jay said and Evie nodded. "You got that right. They get super cranky and a tragedy to the world by letting out all the cuss words, which is bad for them here." Evie said before putting all the movie back on the shelf. "Should we just come back for them in the morning?" Jay asked and Evie nodded. Jay and Evie left after putting blankets over them, and putting food out on the table, as well as Mal's bottle of pills to heal her body. Evie locked the cabin before getting behind Jay on his moped and taking off for Auradon. The wind was blowing as they traveled and Chad literally sprinted to them and Evie would've fallen on the ground, if Jay hadn't caught her and got her standing before speeding off. "Where were you?" Chad asked.

Evie wanted to tell him the truth, but her head was winning her heart over. It kept screaming at her to lie and cover up so nobody gets hurt, and without thinking she said, "The Enchanted Forest." "Why?" "I was with Carlos, making sure he was okay after falling out of a tree."  

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